Thoughts Throng,
Comprehend and Contemplate,
Discern, Discover, Determine and Deliberate
In ancient India, an amazing tradition prevailed, which enabled people to experience the fullness of life, from birth to death, known as the ‘Four Ashrams of life’. Incidentally, ‘Third’ ashram is the source of inspiration of this proposal. The third ashram ‘Vanprastha’ starts when a person retires and devotes his time to spiritual matters. Later, in the last watch of life the 'Fourth' ashram ‘Sanyas’ he renounces his material possessions, becomes homeless and wanders from one place to another, to dispel false religious beliefs, prevailing in his time, if any, with spiritual wisdom, aiming to prevent, distortion of religion. This was a voluntary service rendered by ‘Elders’ of the society, to ensure errors of evil, which quite often creep into faith with the passage of time, was corrected and updated as a social responsibility, like a gem is polished by rubbing, and a man perfected by trials. This was the hallmark of Vedic society,
The presenter was not aware of this old Vedic culture earlier. Just after his retirement, during a visit to a bookstore, while turning the pages of a book, by chance he read about this unique tradition. What he read left an indelible mark on him. Sometimes, things happen for a reason, even random ideas inspire and trigger a response, to fit some part of a big puzzle. But his bohemian habits as a drunken reveler of Bacchus, and his hedonistic unbridled, licentious and libidinous behavior, engaged in satiating carnal desires, even on his journey to the charnel house, left little time for him, to study religions, but the idea that sinners too have a future, stirred his curiosity, to know something more, about religions than he knew. Therefore, he bought the holy books of all major religions, and read them with intense interest.
It was hard for him to judge, the Holy books by its cover, so he read each ‘Holy Book’ from cover to cover, and was highly disappointed to discover, Holy Books are a pack of lies. He stacked all the Holy books, back on the bookshelf, promising never to read them again. Holy books are not historical depiction, but theological reflections. They are more like a book of fiction, rather than the revelation of truth. Taken aback by this appalling disclosure, the idea of religious reforms seized him. This proposal is the result of that resolution. However, the event that led to the idea of religious reforms was purely incidental, but the idea of a ‘Religionless World’ must stand on its own right and merit. The first step and last step to accomplish a constructive task is necessary. Author has initiated the process so now the question, who created the idea is no more relevant. The question 'How' to implement the idea, has assumed more importance now.
Sadly, this great tradition had disappeared thousand years ago from India, when ruthless invaders brought Islam, and shrewd traders Christianity to India, no one could then and now, dare to change their Holy Books. The Koran and Bible took center-stage, with self-seeking and self-serving agendas, mustered by muscle, cruelty and conversions, tearing to pieces shamelessly, the highest order of mysticism that ever existed in world. This mystic order was not a religion but ‘Dharma’ a charter of righteous duties, which started from basic life to ethereal truth, and grew into a philosophy of life and Vedic civilization, on banks of river Indus, revered even today, by the people of India. Dharma is not a core creed, truth manifests spontaneously and needs no Holy Book, Dharma is scripture-less, cataloging it, as a Hindu religion is a misnomer. Hinduism is not an organized religion like Islam or Christianity is, it is an ever evolving philosophy of life.
The world had never witnessed Holy Wars before the advent of organized religions. Even today, there is no respite, on this misadventure, fanatics continue to sprinkle fresh salt on old wounds, by terrorizing the world, with the same old stratagem of ‘Fear’, which was used by religions in medieval age, to conquer and convert, people to their religion. The world is still a victim of a horrifying horrendous heritage. When will terror in the name of religions stop? If this basic ethical virtue is absent from so-called religions, one wonders, why should anyone follow such religions, at all. People think it is impossible to imagine a world without religions. Certainly not, there is a way out. It is time, people come out, from all old religious regulations, and emerge as a new spiritual species. It is time, for a new world order, to succeed, steering sustainable, peace and harmony, by spreading fragrance of love, in a world burdened, with too much hate.
Initially, ‘Vanprastha’ had inspired the presenter. But, how to put across the idea of ‘Religious Reforms’ among people, was getting tough on his mind. He could not gallop it, globally unsaddled. What was stopping him opened up, what he wanted happened, when he heard the wonderful lyrics of a great song ‘Imagine'. This song was a very unconventional way of looking at the world. Its musical and magical words mesmerized, motivated and moved him deeply, and opened up the possibilities, he was looking for. The presenter salutes, the legendary ‘John Lennon’ as a mark of respect, from the bottom of his heart, for giving to the world, a great inspiring idea to work upon. This proposal is an outcome, of the great musician’s preference, and its prospect. His splendid, striking and superb lyrics, churned the minds of his fans, all over the world, now future will tell, which way it will lead them, whether it will stop here, or take them beyond the scope of religions, to usher a new world order, he cherished so profoundly to establish.
Today, people are engaged in a fierce competition for financial gains, making their lifestyle spiritually empty. To restore a balance, one must devote time to spiritual pursuits, if not early then after retirement, a ripe age and right time to shift the focus of life, from material to spiritual with least effort, and discover the joy of a newborn freedom, as a spiritual being. With age one mellows down. He is at ease with himself and his surroundings. He is not old as long he seeks to be self-righteous. Life after retirement is a new endeavor, a new challenge, a new path to fulfill, a long dream, hasten it to happen. Life is too short, even while living, death follows like a shadow. If living is dying, then waste no time, act fast, before we fall dead, on ground as a useless log, even as nature renews, what it sheds. Trouble is we take life seriously. Treat life as comedy not as tragedy, accept as it comes, as nothing will go with the dead. Wisdom reveals our perennial ignorance of persistent mystery that surrounds us. Then why should man kill man or die for a religion. Frivolous beliefs created by authors of religions, has a touch of madness, why it attracts attention of people, baffles the mind.
Retirees too often with age and experience, turn into think tanks, and as front stall spectators, see the world as it is, and not as others would like them to see it. With age they gain knowledge, maturity and use it, as a time-tested wisdom, to tell others, what is right and what is wrong. Sadly, this large and growing segment of aged people is a neglected part of society. Being old is comfortable. Then why old age is despised and coveted? The presenter appeals, all retired senior citizens of the world, to take up this proposal voluntarily, at personal or collective level, with zest and zeal, to uplift the ethical, and spiritual standards, of our future generation, by creating a society, which is free from false religious beliefs. Even as proposal favors an all-inclusive participation, but discussing about it, in a split-level society, is like carrying an umbrella in rain with leaking shoes. Humanity grows from righteousness, so rush in, doing what is right.
Indian sages compartmentalized life in four stages. (1) Brahmacharya (bachelorhood) from birth to 25 years, meant for learning. (2) Grihasthasan (family life) from 26 to 65 years, meant to rear up future generation. (3) Vanprastha (senior citizen) from 66 to 80 years, meant for spiritual seeking. (4) Sanyas (renunciation) from 81 years, meant to prepare, for the final pack up call. Few years have been added, to the biblical three score and ten, to make it compatible with the current scale of human longevity. However, the idea of four ashrams, was to advise people, to experience both worldly and spiritual existence, spanned at appropriate stages of human life. Hindus believe Dharma (right conduct), Artha (money), Kama (physical enjoyment) and Moksha (salvation) are the main components of life, wealth earned by wrong means, leading an adulterous life, following false creeds, are burden on the soul, as they vitiate the karmic balance and regret follows. It was not the length of life, but depth of life, spent in four stages of life, that really mattered. If someone failed to live, all four stages of life scrupulously, he was supposed to watch two, if not, three stages truthfully.
Today, too many elders encroach and occupy space and occupation of young people. Even though the number of aged people is increasing so fast, yet a large number of elders, refuse to pull out, from the lure of lucre, carnal cravings and fleeting fame. The mediocre do not know when to quit. They swim against the current, and suck youthful energy, from the social system, and create a crisis of ‘Spiritual Stagnancy’. In a world glued with greed, laden with lust, and sunk with selfishness, sages warned, as people grow older, their desires become more stronger than before, to check this insatiable hunger, they suggested, elders to follow, the spiritual path, and in the last watch of their life, renounce all material possessions. There is no other place in world, except the Himalayas that has witnessed a large presence of so many mystics, due to this ancient tradition. The 'Himalayas' was called the abode of Gods. Mystics who had risen from this order, were seasoned and competent, to show the right path, to the people, unlike present day charlatans, who in garb of self-proclaimed Babas, Gurus and Swamis, shamelessly mislead and rob, trusting innocent people, with their smooth talk, holy robes, hairdos, matted locks, shaven heads, and by coloring their whiskers and beards. All these are deceptions to deceive the world. What more proof do people need to know, how charlatans look and behave?
Let's all accept religions are a philosophy. Philosophy is a branch of knowledge, taught in educational institutions, as any other subject, listed in a syllabus. Teachers in schools or professors in universities, do not stick, to a peculiar dress code, nor to a particular hairdo, to teach physics or philosophy. Gurus and Swami's are unqualified teachers of religion. Why do they need a typical paraphernalia to teach religion? Isn't it true that only professionals are allowed to wear a distinctive dress, for people to easily spot them, as a doctor in a hospital, or a lawyer in the court. Similarly, people identify wearer of ‘Holy Robes’ as a religious person mistakenly, even if, he is a rogue. This is how, phony pretenders trade faith deceitfully, under the cover of holy robes, and rob the gullible, and lead a luxurious life, as parasites on the earnings of faith followers. Religion is a lucrative business for the liars and shameless cheats, even people with mental disorders do well, without any risk, and make a fortune. A trait clearly visible in most God-men. Then why government allows these scoundrels to live on tax free benefits? They are the black sheep's who are contaminating the ethics of Vedic heritage, with their turncoat theatrics, memorized and mechanical, repetitive and routine oratory. This is a social evil. Law must take strict action against God men, so that no one dares to befool innocent people, anymore in future.
The author of this website is neither a mystic nor a philosopher, nor a wise man or a foolish person, nor a theoretician or a theologian, nor a scholar or a illiterate, nor inferior or superior than an average person in the street is. He is not a god-man or a con-man, he is a 'Common-man', who respects social norms, and the rule of law. He is sensual and spiritual, introspective and adventurous, candid and curious. He has faced the vicissitudes of life, on a roller coaster ride, experiencing happiness and sorrow, not with the masculinity of a man, nor with the equanimity, and equipoise of a sage, but with fear and frailty of a fretful man, who finds himself helpless in handling, the worsening conditions, in his life. As leaves grow on trees, and water flows in rivers naturally, his voice echoes spontaneously, the voice of the common-man, not in a whisper, but amplified so that those who refuse to listen may hear. His voice is lonely and feeble now, but will soon become the voice of many. Will someone hear a voice that struggles to speak what is right? Is the world so deaf and blind that it cannot hear the voice of a common-man or read the writing on the wall?
The most coveted reward in a man’s life is to take on a task that can benefit his fellow beings, society and the world. If that task is worth doing, then it is worth doing it well. Life, after all, is a ‘Do-It-Yourself’ project. If we want something right, we have to make that right, by rising above all obstacles, oppositions and procrastination. Only, right attitude and right choices made today, can build a better tomorrow, so why not built it wisely. People must rise above religious hatred and re-establish peace and goodwill. United efforts coming from all sections of society is essential to end religious conflicts. So, why should the presenter waver to propose religious reforms, which is based on ground realities and not on lies? Religious reforms imply level-headedness, weaning people to move away, from fabricated facts, and set them free from false religious beliefs, they uphold so zealously from countless centuries unabated. Can any religion say they have ever lived in peace with one another? Is killing with guns, bombs and flaming fellowmen a religious act?
Miracles will not happen nor will any God descend from heavens to save humanity from its stupidity. The more myths and supernatural stories religions invent, more and more people, would like to believe in them, because human mind suffers from fantasizing facts, and not by heeding to right counsel. We need to eliminate the element of marvel, miracle, myth and magic created by religions, thus allowing people, to judge the level of truth enshrined in their Holy books, and shun the stagnation of thoughts by rejecting rigidity. Change is inevitable. Change brings practical and positive things with it. Change improves the scenario. Sensible people willingly change with changing time, but fools resist change. As a small key can open a big door, so is the presenter putting forth, his proposal single-handedly, before the whole world, to test its tolerability and feasibility. His proposal may not appear viable right now, maybe people are not ready for it, besides achievement of its objective is a tall order too. When nothing is certain, uncertainty hangs on, so the presenter wants people to see, what they think impossible is possible indeed. Life after all is a plethora of possibilities.
Religions are in news for all the wrong reasons. Religions divide and create conflicts. This is happening, all over the world, yet people and Governments ignore heinous crimes, perpetuated in the name of religions. No criminal act can be justified. Religious militants frighten people, by their terror campaigns. Law is supposed to criminalize religions, for their unlawful acts. If a crime goes unpunished, it is a mockery of justice. Religions are responsible for destabilizing the social order of the world. Are we so naive? Can we not consider humanity as one family and world a global village? Diversity integrates the world. It is a part of the whole. We need to respect and nurture diversity, at any cost. The center of the world rests on oneness with diversity as its circumference. One has to go on edge to see things what one cannot see from the center. Harmony resides everywhere. There is nothing wrong in the laws of nature. Wrong is the mental constructs created by human mind. Can a ship made of rocks on stones sail? 'Many-ness' after all is 'Oneness'.
One feels helpless, when it comes to question religious rectitude. If one cannot do, what he will, he must will, what he can. This maxim has motivated the presenter to raise a valid demand for religious reforms, so that all blood spattering conflicts created by religions come to an end. There is hope, world can become religionless, because in the graveyard of Holy wars, countless innocent people killed, are buried without justice. Irrigated by their blood, on the heap of their crushed bones, a flower of friendship is struggling to grow, to seek posthumous justice for the dead, by spreading its fragrance of love, in the terrified air of murder and mayhem. Can one flower make a garland for ruthless killers, who have killed innumerable innocent people in the name of religions? Can more flowers ever grow on the skeletons sunk in the rivers of blood? Can a single flower of love beleaguered by the rage of furious fanatics, scatter the fragrance of its lonely love, to waft against the winds of hate, and touch the hearts of the heartless haters? Trample not this flower of love. Nurture it with care. After all, the same human blood flows in the veins of the tormentor and the tormented.
Tears trickle down in memory of innocent people killed by 'Holy crusaders', 'Jihadists' and under the 'Saffron~Terror' of Hindu extremists. My heart bleeds, I appeal hardliners with folded hands to stop all atrocities, its against human nature. This is time, for all of us to remember, the forgotten unsung heroes, who gave their life, to save the world from false beliefs, superstitions, rituals and dogmatism. World cannot let their sacrifice go in vain. Will the idea of religion ever end? Will the wisdom of the wise wither away? Will people live in ignorance forever? Will civilizations clash in the name of religion? Will a world wounded by fanatics bleed to death? Will people ever heed to the voice of reason? Alas, all religions still continue, to trouble the world in the same way, it did in past, and world’s spiritual pain is becoming more and more intense and unbearable. If a person is sick, will he not seek a physician, medicate and get himself cured?
People’s preponderance on the wonder and wisdom of religions is resolute, which makes the task of religious reforms tricky. Nevertheless, someone has to take the call, demand a change of the existing format of religions, and insist upon transforming the religious mindset of the people. Someone has to crack the code of silence, so that those who refuse to hear, may lend their ears to heed. Someone has to amplify the voice to oppose the heinous crimes being committed in the name of religion. Someone has to remind the ‘State’ to halt the technique of terror, unleashed by the zealots, and make it dysfunctional. Is there someone who dares to demand religious reforms without the fear of retaliation? History testifies those who opposed false religious beliefs were hanged, guillotined or sent to gallows by the fanatics.
Conspiracy of silence surrounds religions, its a petrified ploy to prevent people from protesting against religions. As skill silence is golden, but silence under oppression is unethical. The world suffers from silence. The curb to dissent against religions, has prompted the presenter to air his views, in support of religious reforms, openly in public domain. To do something right, he does not need to consult anyone. Good things happen, when the right time comes. A tree was once a seed, gardener may irrigate it, with hundred buckets of water, but fruits grow in it's season only. The harvest we reap in season, depends on seeds we plant. Likewise, goodness starts and spreads with sporadic speed all around. When we talk about goodness, goodness happens, and when we spare the 'Bad' goodness suffers. As goodness is the cause of our concern right now, so make haste in doing what is good for people, society, nations and the world. Separation from religions may scare and shock some, yet at the same time, it can quench their thirst for spiritual knowledge.
In past, Kings promoted religions to protect them, otherwise no religion could have thrived on its own merit. State sovereigns backed the church, pope and crusaders, who forced people to accept their faith or die. It is a travesty of truth, killing a person makes one a murderer, killing millions a historical holy figure. We have given sufficient time to religions to do whatever they wanted to do, worth of religions had its time, it's over now. Change is the law of nature, and religious reforms are a part of that process. Why Governments in the world are stuck and stranded, when asked to tackle problems created by religions? Its a deadlock that must end soon. The strategy of fanatics is to degrade gains of religious reforms, if exposed they fear to fall, from the crumbling edifice, of their own religion. Who will ring the bell to wake the 'State' from its slumber, and ask the State to do something about it? If the presenter cannot do, what he wants to do right now, someone else will do it later. Anyway, this is not going to stop. Even if truth irritates, truth will find its way to reveal itself unexpectedly. Time waits for none, so welcome an ending, that can bring a new beginning.
This task is monumental and dreadfully distant. When the idea will fructify no one knows. The presenter is testing the possibility to redefine religions. His idea has the backing of few supporters now. Therefore, the challenges are huge to confront single-handedly. Standing alone he fears to slip back. Can one man rally and lead a movement? Can one man be a catalyst of change? Surely, one man is not an army. So, the presenter appeals all like-minded people, to join the bandwagon, and assist him in mobilizing public opinion, in favor of a religionless world. It is foolish to think that he can free the world from all religions just by floating an untried idea. He sees his idea as a right thing to do, what is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right. All that he wants is, to start the process of change, and not bother about the results. Result is not in his hands, with time things fall in place. Religious reforms will take place, only when people think to deliberate and decide, and turn the idea into a reality, backed by the State and its law machinery. Otherwise, the whole exercise will end up as a poor joke, cracked by the presenter to amuse himself and not others.
Truth annoys people who propagate lies. Reforms can become a reality, if intellectuals, lawmakers and democratic countries in the world, collaborate and cooperate to work on different consensual methodologies and decide a common action plan to introduce religious reforms world over. Stairs are climbed step-by-step. So, should change take place gradually as a part of a single reformist movement, in which one finds whole meaning, in the unifying will to build a new structure of reality, free from all false religious beliefs. Reality is a perception, so let us become the receptacle of noble thoughts coming from all sides. Even upholding thoughts that come beyond the realm of our mind, no one knows from where. He, who is receptive knows, how to connect with cosmic thoughts. Then the cause of the event, becomes more interesting, than the event itself. Then changing the world becomes easier than people think. Then those who believe, ideology drives them to do what they do, value the power of cosmic consciousness, to do what it will is necessary.
Perception of a religionless world is a thought. Thoughts are choice-less awareness, which come from one source, the 'cosmic consciousness'. Everything in the whole universe is interdependent, nothing is independent, we all are a part of a huge interconnected cosmic master plan, where eternal universal laws govern, where in the chain of thoughts, each thought has its own hope, its own desire of a separate existential reality, yet not free from its source. It is hard to realize noble thoughts are the expression of the laws of consciousness, unfolding mysteriously to manifest on earth. Nothing is more disgusting to notice, that a fool like the presenter, who as a self-proclaimed philosopher, thinks he is the thinker of thoughts. Un-manifested thoughts swing like a pendulum between two extremes, either too complicated or too simple. Those who are in alignment grasp, those who resist do not. If, the idea of a religionless world is unacceptable now, there is hope it will turn into reality later. So, where is the need to sort out all objections first, before we start the debate, on this issue, let us do it the way, we are doing it right now, isn't it better to light a candle, then to curse darkness.
A long journey starts with a single step. Launching this website is the first step in that direction. People assume, if the core message, of the proposal lacks clarity, at the opening stage, then it can be stained, spoiled, manipulated and misused later. Some believe a good beginning makes a good ending. Some feel, the starting sprint is the pivotal point to win. Each person has his own view to articulate. New beginning comes by ending something old and useless, and transition creates confrontation, so a good beginning or a bad beginning hardly matters. As long wisdom takes the lead, things will fall in place. Otherwise, in 'Eternity’ there is no beginning no end, and there is nothing to gain, and nothing to lose. He who knows this, drops his ignorance, and glows with the light of truth, like water shimmering in sunlight.
The presenter is working all alone on this project. He has initiated the process to introduce religious reforms with this website. Alone he came, alone will go. However, can he reach the destination alone, for a social cause he supports so dearly? Can he find his destination on a pathless path? Is there a destination on the path he has chosen to walk under the cosmic canopy? Hard it is to realize the essential. He who knows does not talk. He who talks does not know. It hardly matter how fast or slow he walks, as long he does not stop walking. Let him walk alone, rather going up and down the path, let him go where the path leads him to. Or let him take the path, he wants to tread, untraveled or unexplored, by taking right footsteps, even if, walking lonely unaided. In eternity he must move and keep moving, that's what he can do, as there is no destination or a place to rest in nothingness. As, fruits have season, so there is a time, for an idea to fructify. Simply by launching a website, nobody can set off, an idea to go viral on internet, without awakening the idea in the minds of the people, which is not so easy, it's as hard as wrapping the wind in sky.
Is there a path in sky? Is there a place to start or end the journey in the vast firmament? Is there a cosmic master plan working in interstellar space? Is there a possibility to grasp the ultimate cosmic truth? Knowing which, human curiosity comes to an end, and each person, become a ‘know-all’. Will human quest to know the ultimate wisdom come to an endless end? Will the journey of life find its final destination? If mystery goes beyond wisdom then ‘Nothing’ lies beyond mystery. Can mind look beyond nothing? Is pushing beyond the borders of perception to know something insane? Will he who ask receive and find what he seeks? Will he reach that mystic stage, where he knows, he knows nothing, and still craves to know something? Chop the forest of fictitious thoughts, follow the voice of conscience, the inner truth, that tells no lie. Mind is double-edged, it works to know, and not to know. Allow intuition to grow, and know what cannot be known, and hear what cannot be heard, and see what cannot be seen, from the kaleidoscope of a multidimensional viewfinder, where mystery, magic, madness coalesces with empty space, in the domain of nothingness and eternity.
We live simultaneously, in a 'natural' and a 'manmade' world. Natural life is too simple, manmade life complex. Ideology and technology drive people towards made-made life. Ironically, we have complicated, even natural death, by inventing ideas on life after death. The vacillating human mind swings, from natural to the artificial, from rational to the irrational. Cycle of life depends on cosmic energies that create, preserve, and destroy, as a rotational routine, like seasons spin in patterns, with no specific purpose. Without a purpose human life is boring, so human mind creates purpose, to make life interesting, persuading people to pursue imaginary objectives. Even our whole educational system train and teach students a package of ideologies, marked as disciplines of knowledge. All mental constructs end, from where they start as everything is orbital, rotational and cyclic in nature. Nature moves in spherical patterns, it is difficult to know from where a circle starts, and where the circle ends. A circle starts and ends from nowhere, signifying renewal, continuity and eternity. Invention of ‘Zero’ by India, enhanced the growth of mathematics, and scientific studies, in the world.
The laws of nature govern us, we are not the maker of events, events just happen, we rush into them, or happen to be there by chance. Our life is uncharted, where we are born, when we die, no one knows. Life’s journey from birth to death is random and unpredictable. We lead life by holding on to 'One' thought at a time, the moment that thought is over, we switch over to another thought. When the ‘thought’ we have lived ceases, the ‘I’ of the thought also ceases with it, when the ‘I’ is no more in that thought, the ‘I’ is literally dead, what is leftover is consciousness. Holding on to consciousness for long is very difficult, due to intrusive, inquisitive and interfering mind. Soon the ‘I’ reappears with another thought, created by the mind. In this manner the 'I' relives again. This is how the ‘I’ is reborn, and ‘I’ takes rebirth constantly, in the stream of thoughts, created by mind. The ‘I’ not only lives once, but several times, in the span of one human life. The golden moment comes when ‘I’ drops and 'mind' dissolves and disappears. Then, suddenly we experience the presence of 'Consciousness' the highest state of 'Being' beyond which there is nothing more to know.
Religionless world is a newborn, unlived, untested idea. As ideologies preside over people, all religions are statements of ideas, influencing people from the day, religions were established, many millenniums ago. Time has come to give, a reasonable chance, to the idea of a ‘Religionless World’ to succeed. Ideas invent, impel and find ways, to manage the minds of the people. Personally speaking, presenter is against, promoting any ideology, because ideologies condition the mind, only consciousness is natural and open like the sky. Since world is driven by ideas, so only an idea, can change the world. That's why, it was a tough decision for him to take, to float the idea of a religionless world. When we cannot get what we like, can we like what we can get? People never know what they like. They are concerned with what they do not like. Their rational minds can make mistakes, conscience seldom does. So, let us explore new paths, rather than travel on worn out paths. Religious ideas change, but spiritual values last forever. Can we end the reign of religions? Are facts negated when ignored? People see what they want to see. It is easy for them to see, but difficult to foresee. Religions will go, when people are prepared to admit, religious inconveniences and not otherwise.
The priest, mullah and the pundit push people on the path of religions. Their fake ideas contaminate the mind of the faithful, who follow them with blind faith, and trust religious beliefs and superstitions as real, without investigating them. The gullible uphold as true, what preachers sermonize, and try to achieve an imagined goal in their life, invented by the authors of religions. Consequently, knowledge gained by them, from religions is not good enough, to lead a practical life. But, those who walk on the path of spirituality, gain practical knowledge by self-exploration and experience, which enhances the quality of their life in practical terms. Human beings, as spiritual beings, have nothing to live for, a life without spiritual values. Humanity has reached a evolutionary stage, where educated speak, what they see, fools what they hear. Those who feel intuition is non-verbal, and silence the brain of the fools, know that the most useful thing is the wisdom of intuition or the sixth sense, and not knowledge of religion, which is impractical and so unrealistic.
Readers are requested to join 'Presenter' on his walk and talk to him. Even if, obstacles are laid, on the way to religious reforms, not easily removed, making the passage impassable. Its true, when we walk together, we can gather collective strength, and when we talk to each other, we can devise ways and means to overcome obstacles on the way, and fine-tune the plan. Combined power produced by trying, and trusting each other, can move mountains. Then what we seek we find. So why be scared and silent. See the motive behind the idea. Where there is reason there is hope. Wait not, let us start, from where we are, and welcome a world without religions, and become a part of a decisive moment. What is willed to happen is happening right now, whether we oppose or accept, whether we weep or laugh. If, its worthy, why shouldn't we allow it to happen, or else, even while dying the swan sings, and even while dancing the peacock weeps.
Work of theologians is boring and brainless. Intellectuals have already debunked and demystified theories, invented by religions, as a pack of lies. Yet, custodians of religions are unwilling to admit this reality, and run down such ideas as blasphemous, by arguing the world can never become a religionless place, as long it is under the reign of religions and religious beliefs. People forget that religions did not exist 5000 years ago. The world was without organised religion. People, merely evinced interest in supernatural phenomena and moral values. A span of five thousand years, showing supremacy of religions, may appear too long in terms of human existence, but is too short a time in the history of the world. Then, why should faith followers defend religions as eternal truth? This is difficult to digest. Lies in the age of science and technology is not liked, as lies contaminate reality. Can an opinion which is widely held be an evidence of truth? The reality is that, the widespread religious beliefs, are too often, and more likely, to be foolish than factual.
Path of spirituality is subtle, it starts from self-exploration, and surges to connect, human consciousness with cosmic consciousness. Brain creates thought, senses emotion. Thoughts and emotions fused together make the 'mind'. Mind does not produce consciousness, nor brain or senses. Brain and senses are under the monopoly of mind, while mind hides somewhere in consciousness hard to locate. Mind fails to go where mind is, but consciousness goes where consciousness is. Mind creates 'Ego' a sense of false self. Beyond mind is consciousness, beyond consciousness is mystery, and beyond mystery nobody knows, it is simply called 'That' symbolically. Ultimate cosmic reality does not end in being nothing, but is a flight in the endless eternity, of the unknowable, uncreated and unborn state of ‘Being’, where nobody can comprehend it, except hear echo of his own voice and see his own thoughts bounce back to him, its a pure mystic state. Religions blunder when they try to define the indefinable by myths and Gods, which is factually incorrect. But by knowing time-tested spiritual values, one comes to know what can be known, if not more nothing less, indeed.
Nature prevents stagnation. In cosmos everything is recycled by laws of nature, from a tiny atom to a gigantic galaxy, in renewed or renewable forms, including the formless and the unformed. In the cycle of life and death ‘Life Force’ gets refurbished in its numerous physical forms. None can defy the laws of nature. ‘Change’ is a timeless law. Everything changes, only change does not change. Than why religions resist change? Than why religions are so rigid? Change brings flexibility or else all religionists will become hardened, hard-nosed and hardwood heads. If people want to live a natural life, they must be ready to change, as and when the occasion to change arises. Nothing is permanent except change. Change alone is constant. Yet, change brings a little inconvenience as well. Now, it is a matter of time, before some drastic changes in religions take place. This project is a step in that direction. Glorious future waits for those who can change. Let us restructure religions to make world a place of loving kindness, free from hatred of raging religions.
The acts of religious militants is a proxy war on humanity, a clash of civilizations in the making. How long world will shut its eyes like a pigeon, when the cat of religious terrorism is ready to pounce on it? A collective effort to ensure peace and unity among people, belonging to all religions is necessary. People should not sit silent and see the world bleed to death and burnt to ashes. Nor should they blame fanatics or terrorists, instead take corrective measures, to prevent the State and religions, from promoting fanaticism and terrorism. Many times, seeing this 'Hate-Kill' scenario, tears well up presenter's eyes, to run down, making him sad to see his work will not be over, so he laments seeing not the end of his labor in his lifetime, as he will become a pile of dust soon. Optimistically, in the age of science and technology, he sees scope of religions being redefined, this gives him hope that religious reforms will come to pass, if not now, sometime later. Now that 'Truth' is out. Can a ocean sent its water back to rivers? Hard it is to roll back a road once its laid.
Presenter urges readers to give suggestions, if found suitable, he will incorporate them in his proposal, to make it more meaningful and viable. It is too early for readers, and people to probe the project, till its objective is not achieved. If we think this proposal is not workable, then we can expect nothing in return. All we need is to pursue the proposal with perseverance. People who keep trying, even if, there is no hope can achieve. At the outset, fanatics will pull down the proposal, as quickly as possible, because the proposal threatens, to dismantle the structure of their existing religions. Moreover, it is too difficult for a common man to confront contemporary religious issues directly. Educated expect this proposal to work. Everything may look difficult before it becomes easy, and seems that big results need big plans, big problems big achievements, which is a fallacy. Can we ever achieve if we never try? Do try to reach out right now.
Everything comes from eternity, where no fixed plans survive, or any purpose is served to achieve. Even objective of this proposal is not to accomplish any preset plan or any purpose, but to remove false religious beliefs, and animosity created by religions. Even, presenter’s point of view is not faultless, foolproof or the final word. Readers are at liberty to express their own views freely 'For' or 'Against' the proposal or add something more to enhance its value. The ground reality is to lead religious reforms through public consensus, with utmost consideration to social justice and fair play, without departing from rational justification. The proposal avoids debasing others, except it craves, to rationalize the usefulness of a religionless world, knowing well, the issue is social-centric, and can touch the subtle sensibilities of the people. However, life is often lived by taking tough decisions, which are not at all times wrong or for all time right.
The world’s biggest challenge is how to deal with the problems created by religions, and tackle the global menace of terrorism tactfully, which is spreading fast, and fueling the fire of hatred to dangerous levels, in many parts of the world. Presenter appeals the readers, the common-man, the intellectuals, the social activists, the scholars, the academicians, the lawmakers, and all those who are concerned, about human dignity and social values, to ponder over this serious issue, and contribute their mite, by giving workable suggestions for the hope that they have, as solution to this problem. Their opinion ‘For’ or ‘Against’ religious reforms is very important to the presenter, because it can help him decide, the future course of his action, whether he should drop the idea or go ahead with his proposal.
All those who are concerned to solve this persisting problem need to decide (1) Whether humanity stands to benefit through spiritual values or by their allegiance to redundant religions? (2) Whether people should subordinate reason to religion and stifle the voice of dissent with bullets not with the weapon of wisdom? (3) Whether a world without religions is better to promote ‘Right Understanding’ destined for higher evolution of human race and development of a futuristic ‘Global Society’? (4) Whether spiritual norms can replace religions? (5) Whether a compendium that contains universal spiritual values named as ‘Satyadharma’ is required? (6) Whether there are any other suitable alternatives to replace religions or any workable method to switch-over from medieval age religious mindset to a digital age spiritual mindset, in the evolution of mankind to space age? Let the 'past' what once was go, and pursue that which is good for future.
The virtues of openness, saneness and trueness are irritants to the position of intolerance religions take. Presenter is here not to create a new religion, but to make the world ‘Religionless’. He is using knowledge fostered by his parents, elders and teachers, who taught him, and partly from his own understanding, to shape the idea of a ‘Religionless world’ as a catalyst for social change, to facilitate mankind to leap to a higher level of spiritual evolution. Many people have said, what he says now. He has nothing new to add. Except that, he is self driven, by the force of his failure, to diffuse the horrifying impact of 9/11 (New York) and 26/11 (Mumbai) that has left an indelible mark of grief deeply etched, on his mind difficult to erase. Reminiscing those frightening moments he saw live on TV with tears, leave him shocked and speechless. Those events still haunt him, as if, dead are collectively pleading to the world, to make all religions people friendly, as a posthumous justice, in memory of all innocent people, killed by religions. Can we tolerate being stifled? When will religions stop killing people? After all, liberty and freedom is more important to people than religions are.
Presenter is not a revolutionary nor a visionary, what he says is repetitive, recycled and repackaged views in one way or the other. The mystery is that 'Truth' is neither new nor old, it is a big brainteaser. That's why, the 'Wise' never wrote books as they had nothing 'New' to write or tell. The wise spoke and did not write books. They enlivened the world with direct dialogues with the people, and not through stage managed shows. Only fools like the presenter, indulge in the craft of writing, knowing well, written words outlive spoken words, overlooking the fact, that written words are merely a monologue a soliloquy that isolates the author from the people, thus creating a morphed reality. Written words are dead but writing keeps them alive, that's why authors write, thinking foolishly, they are the ones who know, what is good and bad for the world, as if, others don't know. In this way, many old ideas, are sucked back as new ideas, in public domain. This is what the presenter is doing. Is there a better way other than this? Then do tell him, and tell him true, as world suffers from the silence of good people. So, share the good you know with others, as good is never finished.
All man-made languages and all diverse man-made disciplines of knowledge, we acquire pre-exist, nothing is being said for the first time, countless people have expressed similar views, earlier too. The presenter is simply replicating them, assuming what he feels is right he writes, and does not judge what he writes. It is for the people to judge, what they will not he. He wants to write because he thinks, he has an important message to deliver, a vital work to do, to make the world a better place to live. He believes, what he thinks is beneficial, for the spiritual evolution, of human beings, and real consequence of his life is, in what he believes, and what he does. What he believes is not a routine matter, but a revelation of reality, of an untested idea, spiritual to its core. Is his idea workable? Can it withstand the test of reason? Should he miss the wood for trees? If, it hurts people to let their religions go than it hurts them more, to hold on to their religions. Do they know this or they don't ? Maybe their God knows, maybe he too doesn't know.
Words captivate, its usage creates style that differs from the writings of others. When a language grows larger it varies, by the intrusion of demanding dialects. Indian English differs from American English, and American English differs from Englishman’s English. Despite these deviations, one wonders, why some people think, if writing is simple and plain, it is unprocessed and incomplete. Perhaps 'Laureates of Languages' like writing to be 'complex' so that something 'abstract' can be picked up, and proclaimed as original, groundbreaking, pioneering piece of work. Most award-winning authors fall in this category. The presenter thinks in his mother tongue Punjabi, speaks in his national language Hindi, writes in an international language English. Being linguistically complex his writing is not innovative. It is ridiculous to think in such stupid terms, writing must be simple, simplicity succeeds in conveying a communication clearly. Even in mass movements, only simple and single issues draw public attention of the people, and not complex or loaded issues. When words are right, words have the power to 'Change' the minds of people. Presenter may miss out right words to write, but will end up conveying a message. When languages make noise, then silence speaks and words depart.
Charm of deception, intellectualism, fantasy, falsehood, and the power of communication, and punch lines, are good for writing. But truth written in simple words, without any exaggerations, is far better than making it, difficult to comprehend. Doubt is the key to knowledge, and by learning knowledge is acquired. Knowledge is not the whole truth, it is error as well. Those who seek truth and not knowledge, wisdom alone leads them to truth. Wisdom is short and simple, rest all is superimposed, indoctrinated and conditioned. Those who complicate truth by words lose their way, and know not 'That'. Those who trail truth with fake talk, knock the door, wag and enter not, to know 'That'. Truth irritates, truth makes enemies, truth is ridiculed, truth is opposed, even half truths are seen as whole lies, by mediocre minds, conditioned by religions, and inherent human limitations of the body and mind. Mediocrity dismisses truth and knows nothing higher than what it knows. Liberate 'yourself' from falsehood by 'Truth', like a noble steed is freed from its chains.
World is full of contrary ways, precariously arranged in the 'Pairs of Opposites'. If there is hate, there is love. If there is conflict, there is harmony. If there is sorrow, there is happiness. If there is pleasure, there is pain. If there is rigidity, there is flexibility. If there is truth, there is falsehood. There is no rose without a thorn. There is no song without a melody. Still, a rose finds a thorn-less place to bloom, and a singer a song to sing. If the real is boring, the unreal is so entertaining. Is there danger in the false beliefs fostered by religions? Why do people want to live in an unreal world created by religions? Why do people waver to live in a real world full of ground realities? Why each person claims his point of view is right? Why those who live in falsehood, dread truth and disbelieve others, except themselves, as the torchbearers of truth? Why truth needs to clad in fantasy to appeal people? Even if, wise see the world as a madhouse, it is true as daylight, that right views can only correct wrong views, there is no other way, but to follow the contrary way, to correct the existing wrongs now, which may go wrong later, and be corrected, by a correction relevant in future.
Presenter is trying his best to spread, the idea of ‘Religionless World’ by reaching out, to the people of the world, any which way he can, to draw attention of intellectuals, common man, and the Governments of democratic countries, who he believes can help create a common consensus, to introduce religious reforms as proposed by way of improvisation, based on public consent, counsel and conciliation. Religious people are addicted to exaggeration and fixed views, they cannot see truth as it is. The very thought of a religionless world can create fear in religious institutions world over. They may scorn the idea as subversive. But wrong views should not deter right work. If proposal is good and beneficial for the people and the society, it must be a matter of relief, to introduce it, to the world. Presenter is stating only hard facts, as they are. Now, its for the 'Intellectuals', the 'Public' and the 'Democratic Governments' to decide, whether they would like to support his idea or not, to improve the life of the people, and make the world a peaceful place to live.
It is very likely, presenter can go to any extreme, to make a sense out of a difficult proposal, and push his point of view, by giving compelling reasons, even if his write-up becomes lengthy and boring. He may not hesitate to give meaning to what is meaningless. He knows logic is a double-edged sword, and can convince some readers that, what he says is sense, and dissuade other readers that, what he says is nonsense. Readers must reject both interpretations, even the face value of the proposal, as well. Keeping in mind that 'longer the explanation bigger is the lie', and investigate the facts, ponder over the content, question its merit, consider its ramifications, and take time to decide, what is right and what is wrong. Can a new wrong expiate old wrongs? Can a small leak sink a big ship? Is all this thinking good for us? If science could replace alchemist, can we replace religious beliefs with spiritual values? Due diligence and objective investigation, without any prejudice is necessary, to formulate a right opinion. The world needs good ideas to put them into practice, for the good of all. So, let us not be indecisive, let us decide to move in the right direction, right now.
Some people want a new theme, a new idea and a new expression. The presenter cannot deliver them anything that is groundbreaking, nor can he match the class of words of a wordsmith, who can capture and captivate the minds of the people, nor is he prepared to give up his idea, just for this silly reason. He wants to put across his views, and does not mind, what critics may judge and pronounce. Criticism, after all, brings improvement, as failures bring success with it. When intellectuals falter to discuss religious reforms, then people must welcome a commoner, who dares to talk about it openly. There is no creativity involved to support social issues. It is a plain talk by a plain man. The biggest drawback is that, people are creatures of habit, who prefer to live in their own cocoon. Old habits die-hard, so 'change' can disturb them. Habitually, people are likely to revert back to their old habits, when they are put under the pressure to change. This proposal strives to transform people, by creating 'social awareness' and not by forcing an abrupt change on them.
Thoughts are a powerful energy, even if, they are absurd and abstract, foolish or frivolous. Thoughts can influence and control the actions of people, who pay attention to them. Each thought has its own hope, own desire, own reality, and its own destiny, and weaves a world of its own making. Therefore, readers must read carefully, what the presenter writes, so that false notions are not established or accepted, that may lower the lofty ideals of humanity. The intention of the presenter is not to insist on what he says. He wants truth and righteousness to triumph over falsehood, that's all, so he wants the opinion of readers, to tell him, whether the idea to promote, a world without religions is acceptable to them or not. Even though religions had its season with fruits. Now, infested religions are contaminating humanity. The world does not want, the virus of religions to spread, sicken and cripple the health of human progress, anymore.
Time to change has come. The foundation of religions is crumbling, giving way to new structures. Fearing threats from fanatics, world pays no heed to ground realty, anger and criticism clouds reason and truth. People have waited far too long for religions to change, in vain. Pushing this proposal is not a revolutionary act, but a basic social necessity. The world must discard redundant religions followed by fanatics, who want to destabilize world peace. The problem with fanatics is that they are so certain about their religions, that they refuse to discuss, and treat truth as blasphemy. Fanatics will never change their minds, they will ridicule reforms and oppose it violently, even if, people want to reconstruct religions with a new philosophy. Success of new philosophy will depend on people, who are in doubt. Doubt is the key to know more about truth. If we begin in doubt, we may end up in faith, believing all out-dated things will pass and all up-to-date things will prop up, as nothing is static in the world. Follow this timeless truth, remove the mask of religion worn to hide hypocrisy, and become tolerant, open-minded and welcome a dynamic change, in the offing.
There is conflict, there is hatred, divided stands the world on problems, created by the clash of ideologies, of ‘organized religions’ and by the idea of 'nations’. Both divisive mental constructs are troublemakers, invented by man against man. World is paralyzed by problems created by religions and nations. Can we cure this disease? We must seriously ponder on the idea of a ‘Religionless World’ and a ‘Nationless World’, the wise have given us adequate advice, let us put good advise into action, and pursue a deeper meaning that goes beyond the two big ideological failures, which has resulted, in human bloodbath and battles. Oneness of humanity and oneness of world is a natural arrangement made by the law of nature. Therefore, humanity must erect, the edifice of human civilization on the foundation of natural laws, and not on stupid human ideologies. Nature does nothing in vain, people do, and give pain to others, by their useless ideas. Ideologies must focus, on working methodologies of nature, for the benefit of people, the society and the world, and do not disturb the natural order of things, by counterproductive ideas that go against natural dispensation and disposition.
There is an inkling of inconsistency, contradiction and deficiency with all untested ideas. Even tested ideas are not free from disagreement. Knowledge is vast, knowing everything is far-fetched. Knowledge is acquired not wisdom. Wisdom brings awareness of knowing nothing, and to know that we know nothing, we must know enough, to know that, we do not know. The rule to learn involves, first to unlearn, what is learnt, and then learn, how to learn that, which must be learnt. It is strange, yet true that, from eternity ideas, have unfolded mysteriously, coming from the realm of cosmic consciousness, hard it is to know the unspoken and unwritten power of the supernatural, the greater the knowledge, greater is the ignorance. Reason can never know, how mystical thoughts manifest, but we do know, that many fools have became wise, without learning. The mystery of materialization of supernatural phenomena is hidden and hard to grasp. Therefore, it is sufficient to know, what is right, and what is wrong, that's all, nothing more and nothing less.
From trails and travails of religion, to rapture of reason, next evolutionary step is the development of a spiritual mindset, which will completely change the whole outlook of humanity. Spiritually awakened minds will go beyond all baser instincts, emotions, reason, intellect, and shift their focus from gross to subtle consciousness, spreading compassion and peace in the world. In future, human presence in far-flung environs of the cosmos too, will become a reality soon. Great is the potential of human life in interstellar space. Allow this to happen and appreciate that birth as a human being is a blessing, to materialize this extraterrestrial possibility. So, let us not waste our precious human life. Let us not kill, hate and divide people. Let us bury all differences, about race, color, creed and nationality. Let us come closer. Let us restore peace, harmony, and eliminate terrorism completely, from a conflict-ridden world, divided by rigid religions.
Presenter is against the gruesome terrorist acts carried out by extremists in the name of religions, intended to weaken and tatter to pieces, the social order, and peace of the world, which is happening in a recurring manner, affecting the economic and social progress of the whole world. Therefore, he is trying to find solutions to this problem, and assumes his proposal is worth considering, to bailout people, from a tight spot, depending on public approval, or public rejection, on suggestions made by him. The idea of religion was a product of medieval age, and the resurrected idea of spiritual values is an idea, which is contemporary, and matches the aspirations of people, living in a scientific, and a technology driven digital age, which appears relevant, even for future 'space age'. So let's throw all rotten eggs from the house.
If brain is hardware, the mind is software. Mind is invisible energy. Where mind goes, we too go, what mind creates is our destiny. Past is strong in our memory, as mind cannot rid its past. Past is everything to mind, present never exists, past alone lives in mind, so past can become, the future of the mind, in that future, mind may relive its past. So erase past and live in present, to be in a future, that is free from pranks of past. If, self-realization is the purpose of life, than renunciation is a path to spiritual wisdom, this understanding gives birth to unconditional love and service to humanity, that helps to restore peace and harmony, through reason and rectitude. Once we taste the higher dimensions, we seek more of it. In the laws of nature, we see truth, rest all is error, like mountains surmounted by winding paths.
Ideas are easily transferred from a writer to a reader. Therefore, the presenter wants his ideas to forge connection, with the people, all over the world. Hoping his thoughts would manifest in the mind of the readers by the script, without any director or any producer, thus eliminating the ills and evils of a 'Writer’s Cult'. Readers must go after right ideas, not behind people who write them. In the stream of thoughts, we cannot stop the waves of thoughts, but can choose which wave to surf, even as waves in ocean swell under the full moon, producing high tides of thoughts that can sweep and drown the mind. When we cannot rearrange our circumstances, we must create new conditions, without regretting what is already past, and hope that, which is to come is best. When what's done cannot be undone then welcome 'Change'.
While sharing his thoughts with readers, if by chance, any piece of his writing, or his ideas or his reasoning has erred or offended anyone or has transgressed the parameter of civility and courtesy, the writer humbly apologizes for the lapse. Please condone and forgive him. His intention is not to demean or ridicule religions, hurt or harm peoples religious sentiments. As a peace-loving, law abiding citizen of the world, he is seeking solutions to the problems, created by religions, and has aired his views, with an open mind, pouring out his heart, without any prejudice. After all, he is one among you, who is struggling to light a lamp to dispel darkness. He is also trying hard to light the neurons in the brain of those, who have stopped thinking, to make them think. When light is more, obviously the shadow is deep too. So watch out the standards of religions, and decide to live on your own spiritual terms, your life will never go wrong. We know, we cannot be certain, yet the uncertain hurts us, so let us talk to each other, to know what we need to know.
In ancient India, an amazing tradition prevailed, which enabled people to experience the fullness of life, from birth to death, known as the ‘Four Ashrams of life’. Incidentally, ‘Third’ ashram is the source of inspiration of this proposal. The third ashram ‘Vanprastha’ starts when a person retires and devotes his time to spiritual matters. Later, in the last watch of life the 'Fourth' ashram ‘Sanyas’ he renounces his material possessions, becomes homeless and wanders from one place to another, to dispel false religious beliefs, prevailing in his time, if any, with spiritual wisdom, aiming to prevent, distortion of religion. This was a voluntary service rendered by ‘Elders’ of the society, to ensure errors of evil, which quite often creep into faith with the passage of time, was corrected and updated as a social responsibility, like a gem is polished by rubbing, and a man perfected by trials. This was the hallmark of Vedic society,
The presenter was not aware of this old Vedic culture earlier. Just after his retirement, during a visit to a bookstore, while turning the pages of a book, by chance he read about this unique tradition. What he read left an indelible mark on him. Sometimes, things happen for a reason, even random ideas inspire and trigger a response, to fit some part of a big puzzle. But his bohemian habits as a drunken reveler of Bacchus, and his hedonistic unbridled, licentious and libidinous behavior, engaged in satiating carnal desires, even on his journey to the charnel house, left little time for him, to study religions, but the idea that sinners too have a future, stirred his curiosity, to know something more, about religions than he knew. Therefore, he bought the holy books of all major religions, and read them with intense interest.
It was hard for him to judge, the Holy books by its cover, so he read each ‘Holy Book’ from cover to cover, and was highly disappointed to discover, Holy Books are a pack of lies. He stacked all the Holy books, back on the bookshelf, promising never to read them again. Holy books are not historical depiction, but theological reflections. They are more like a book of fiction, rather than the revelation of truth. Taken aback by this appalling disclosure, the idea of religious reforms seized him. This proposal is the result of that resolution. However, the event that led to the idea of religious reforms was purely incidental, but the idea of a ‘Religionless World’ must stand on its own right and merit. The first step and last step to accomplish a constructive task is necessary. Author has initiated the process so now the question, who created the idea is no more relevant. The question 'How' to implement the idea, has assumed more importance now.
Sadly, this great tradition had disappeared thousand years ago from India, when ruthless invaders brought Islam, and shrewd traders Christianity to India, no one could then and now, dare to change their Holy Books. The Koran and Bible took center-stage, with self-seeking and self-serving agendas, mustered by muscle, cruelty and conversions, tearing to pieces shamelessly, the highest order of mysticism that ever existed in world. This mystic order was not a religion but ‘Dharma’ a charter of righteous duties, which started from basic life to ethereal truth, and grew into a philosophy of life and Vedic civilization, on banks of river Indus, revered even today, by the people of India. Dharma is not a core creed, truth manifests spontaneously and needs no Holy Book, Dharma is scripture-less, cataloging it, as a Hindu religion is a misnomer. Hinduism is not an organized religion like Islam or Christianity is, it is an ever evolving philosophy of life.
The world had never witnessed Holy Wars before the advent of organized religions. Even today, there is no respite, on this misadventure, fanatics continue to sprinkle fresh salt on old wounds, by terrorizing the world, with the same old stratagem of ‘Fear’, which was used by religions in medieval age, to conquer and convert, people to their religion. The world is still a victim of a horrifying horrendous heritage. When will terror in the name of religions stop? If this basic ethical virtue is absent from so-called religions, one wonders, why should anyone follow such religions, at all. People think it is impossible to imagine a world without religions. Certainly not, there is a way out. It is time, people come out, from all old religious regulations, and emerge as a new spiritual species. It is time, for a new world order, to succeed, steering sustainable, peace and harmony, by spreading fragrance of love, in a world burdened, with too much hate.
Initially, ‘Vanprastha’ had inspired the presenter. But, how to put across the idea of ‘Religious Reforms’ among people, was getting tough on his mind. He could not gallop it, globally unsaddled. What was stopping him opened up, what he wanted happened, when he heard the wonderful lyrics of a great song ‘Imagine'. This song was a very unconventional way of looking at the world. Its musical and magical words mesmerized, motivated and moved him deeply, and opened up the possibilities, he was looking for. The presenter salutes, the legendary ‘John Lennon’ as a mark of respect, from the bottom of his heart, for giving to the world, a great inspiring idea to work upon. This proposal is an outcome, of the great musician’s preference, and its prospect. His splendid, striking and superb lyrics, churned the minds of his fans, all over the world, now future will tell, which way it will lead them, whether it will stop here, or take them beyond the scope of religions, to usher a new world order, he cherished so profoundly to establish.
Today, people are engaged in a fierce competition for financial gains, making their lifestyle spiritually empty. To restore a balance, one must devote time to spiritual pursuits, if not early then after retirement, a ripe age and right time to shift the focus of life, from material to spiritual with least effort, and discover the joy of a newborn freedom, as a spiritual being. With age one mellows down. He is at ease with himself and his surroundings. He is not old as long he seeks to be self-righteous. Life after retirement is a new endeavor, a new challenge, a new path to fulfill, a long dream, hasten it to happen. Life is too short, even while living, death follows like a shadow. If living is dying, then waste no time, act fast, before we fall dead, on ground as a useless log, even as nature renews, what it sheds. Trouble is we take life seriously. Treat life as comedy not as tragedy, accept as it comes, as nothing will go with the dead. Wisdom reveals our perennial ignorance of persistent mystery that surrounds us. Then why should man kill man or die for a religion. Frivolous beliefs created by authors of religions, has a touch of madness, why it attracts attention of people, baffles the mind.
Retirees too often with age and experience, turn into think tanks, and as front stall spectators, see the world as it is, and not as others would like them to see it. With age they gain knowledge, maturity and use it, as a time-tested wisdom, to tell others, what is right and what is wrong. Sadly, this large and growing segment of aged people is a neglected part of society. Being old is comfortable. Then why old age is despised and coveted? The presenter appeals, all retired senior citizens of the world, to take up this proposal voluntarily, at personal or collective level, with zest and zeal, to uplift the ethical, and spiritual standards, of our future generation, by creating a society, which is free from false religious beliefs. Even as proposal favors an all-inclusive participation, but discussing about it, in a split-level society, is like carrying an umbrella in rain with leaking shoes. Humanity grows from righteousness, so rush in, doing what is right.
Indian sages compartmentalized life in four stages. (1) Brahmacharya (bachelorhood) from birth to 25 years, meant for learning. (2) Grihasthasan (family life) from 26 to 65 years, meant to rear up future generation. (3) Vanprastha (senior citizen) from 66 to 80 years, meant for spiritual seeking. (4) Sanyas (renunciation) from 81 years, meant to prepare, for the final pack up call. Few years have been added, to the biblical three score and ten, to make it compatible with the current scale of human longevity. However, the idea of four ashrams, was to advise people, to experience both worldly and spiritual existence, spanned at appropriate stages of human life. Hindus believe Dharma (right conduct), Artha (money), Kama (physical enjoyment) and Moksha (salvation) are the main components of life, wealth earned by wrong means, leading an adulterous life, following false creeds, are burden on the soul, as they vitiate the karmic balance and regret follows. It was not the length of life, but depth of life, spent in four stages of life, that really mattered. If someone failed to live, all four stages of life scrupulously, he was supposed to watch two, if not, three stages truthfully.
Today, too many elders encroach and occupy space and occupation of young people. Even though the number of aged people is increasing so fast, yet a large number of elders, refuse to pull out, from the lure of lucre, carnal cravings and fleeting fame. The mediocre do not know when to quit. They swim against the current, and suck youthful energy, from the social system, and create a crisis of ‘Spiritual Stagnancy’. In a world glued with greed, laden with lust, and sunk with selfishness, sages warned, as people grow older, their desires become more stronger than before, to check this insatiable hunger, they suggested, elders to follow, the spiritual path, and in the last watch of their life, renounce all material possessions. There is no other place in world, except the Himalayas that has witnessed a large presence of so many mystics, due to this ancient tradition. The 'Himalayas' was called the abode of Gods. Mystics who had risen from this order, were seasoned and competent, to show the right path, to the people, unlike present day charlatans, who in garb of self-proclaimed Babas, Gurus and Swamis, shamelessly mislead and rob, trusting innocent people, with their smooth talk, holy robes, hairdos, matted locks, shaven heads, and by coloring their whiskers and beards. All these are deceptions to deceive the world. What more proof do people need to know, how charlatans look and behave?
Let's all accept religions are a philosophy. Philosophy is a branch of knowledge, taught in educational institutions, as any other subject, listed in a syllabus. Teachers in schools or professors in universities, do not stick, to a peculiar dress code, nor to a particular hairdo, to teach physics or philosophy. Gurus and Swami's are unqualified teachers of religion. Why do they need a typical paraphernalia to teach religion? Isn't it true that only professionals are allowed to wear a distinctive dress, for people to easily spot them, as a doctor in a hospital, or a lawyer in the court. Similarly, people identify wearer of ‘Holy Robes’ as a religious person mistakenly, even if, he is a rogue. This is how, phony pretenders trade faith deceitfully, under the cover of holy robes, and rob the gullible, and lead a luxurious life, as parasites on the earnings of faith followers. Religion is a lucrative business for the liars and shameless cheats, even people with mental disorders do well, without any risk, and make a fortune. A trait clearly visible in most God-men. Then why government allows these scoundrels to live on tax free benefits? They are the black sheep's who are contaminating the ethics of Vedic heritage, with their turncoat theatrics, memorized and mechanical, repetitive and routine oratory. This is a social evil. Law must take strict action against God men, so that no one dares to befool innocent people, anymore in future.
The author of this website is neither a mystic nor a philosopher, nor a wise man or a foolish person, nor a theoretician or a theologian, nor a scholar or a illiterate, nor inferior or superior than an average person in the street is. He is not a god-man or a con-man, he is a 'Common-man', who respects social norms, and the rule of law. He is sensual and spiritual, introspective and adventurous, candid and curious. He has faced the vicissitudes of life, on a roller coaster ride, experiencing happiness and sorrow, not with the masculinity of a man, nor with the equanimity, and equipoise of a sage, but with fear and frailty of a fretful man, who finds himself helpless in handling, the worsening conditions, in his life. As leaves grow on trees, and water flows in rivers naturally, his voice echoes spontaneously, the voice of the common-man, not in a whisper, but amplified so that those who refuse to listen may hear. His voice is lonely and feeble now, but will soon become the voice of many. Will someone hear a voice that struggles to speak what is right? Is the world so deaf and blind that it cannot hear the voice of a common-man or read the writing on the wall?
The most coveted reward in a man’s life is to take on a task that can benefit his fellow beings, society and the world. If that task is worth doing, then it is worth doing it well. Life, after all, is a ‘Do-It-Yourself’ project. If we want something right, we have to make that right, by rising above all obstacles, oppositions and procrastination. Only, right attitude and right choices made today, can build a better tomorrow, so why not built it wisely. People must rise above religious hatred and re-establish peace and goodwill. United efforts coming from all sections of society is essential to end religious conflicts. So, why should the presenter waver to propose religious reforms, which is based on ground realities and not on lies? Religious reforms imply level-headedness, weaning people to move away, from fabricated facts, and set them free from false religious beliefs, they uphold so zealously from countless centuries unabated. Can any religion say they have ever lived in peace with one another? Is killing with guns, bombs and flaming fellowmen a religious act?
Miracles will not happen nor will any God descend from heavens to save humanity from its stupidity. The more myths and supernatural stories religions invent, more and more people, would like to believe in them, because human mind suffers from fantasizing facts, and not by heeding to right counsel. We need to eliminate the element of marvel, miracle, myth and magic created by religions, thus allowing people, to judge the level of truth enshrined in their Holy books, and shun the stagnation of thoughts by rejecting rigidity. Change is inevitable. Change brings practical and positive things with it. Change improves the scenario. Sensible people willingly change with changing time, but fools resist change. As a small key can open a big door, so is the presenter putting forth, his proposal single-handedly, before the whole world, to test its tolerability and feasibility. His proposal may not appear viable right now, maybe people are not ready for it, besides achievement of its objective is a tall order too. When nothing is certain, uncertainty hangs on, so the presenter wants people to see, what they think impossible is possible indeed. Life after all is a plethora of possibilities.
Religions are in news for all the wrong reasons. Religions divide and create conflicts. This is happening, all over the world, yet people and Governments ignore heinous crimes, perpetuated in the name of religions. No criminal act can be justified. Religious militants frighten people, by their terror campaigns. Law is supposed to criminalize religions, for their unlawful acts. If a crime goes unpunished, it is a mockery of justice. Religions are responsible for destabilizing the social order of the world. Are we so naive? Can we not consider humanity as one family and world a global village? Diversity integrates the world. It is a part of the whole. We need to respect and nurture diversity, at any cost. The center of the world rests on oneness with diversity as its circumference. One has to go on edge to see things what one cannot see from the center. Harmony resides everywhere. There is nothing wrong in the laws of nature. Wrong is the mental constructs created by human mind. Can a ship made of rocks on stones sail? 'Many-ness' after all is 'Oneness'.
One feels helpless, when it comes to question religious rectitude. If one cannot do, what he will, he must will, what he can. This maxim has motivated the presenter to raise a valid demand for religious reforms, so that all blood spattering conflicts created by religions come to an end. There is hope, world can become religionless, because in the graveyard of Holy wars, countless innocent people killed, are buried without justice. Irrigated by their blood, on the heap of their crushed bones, a flower of friendship is struggling to grow, to seek posthumous justice for the dead, by spreading its fragrance of love, in the terrified air of murder and mayhem. Can one flower make a garland for ruthless killers, who have killed innumerable innocent people in the name of religions? Can more flowers ever grow on the skeletons sunk in the rivers of blood? Can a single flower of love beleaguered by the rage of furious fanatics, scatter the fragrance of its lonely love, to waft against the winds of hate, and touch the hearts of the heartless haters? Trample not this flower of love. Nurture it with care. After all, the same human blood flows in the veins of the tormentor and the tormented.
Tears trickle down in memory of innocent people killed by 'Holy crusaders', 'Jihadists' and under the 'Saffron~Terror' of Hindu extremists. My heart bleeds, I appeal hardliners with folded hands to stop all atrocities, its against human nature. This is time, for all of us to remember, the forgotten unsung heroes, who gave their life, to save the world from false beliefs, superstitions, rituals and dogmatism. World cannot let their sacrifice go in vain. Will the idea of religion ever end? Will the wisdom of the wise wither away? Will people live in ignorance forever? Will civilizations clash in the name of religion? Will a world wounded by fanatics bleed to death? Will people ever heed to the voice of reason? Alas, all religions still continue, to trouble the world in the same way, it did in past, and world’s spiritual pain is becoming more and more intense and unbearable. If a person is sick, will he not seek a physician, medicate and get himself cured?
People’s preponderance on the wonder and wisdom of religions is resolute, which makes the task of religious reforms tricky. Nevertheless, someone has to take the call, demand a change of the existing format of religions, and insist upon transforming the religious mindset of the people. Someone has to crack the code of silence, so that those who refuse to hear, may lend their ears to heed. Someone has to amplify the voice to oppose the heinous crimes being committed in the name of religion. Someone has to remind the ‘State’ to halt the technique of terror, unleashed by the zealots, and make it dysfunctional. Is there someone who dares to demand religious reforms without the fear of retaliation? History testifies those who opposed false religious beliefs were hanged, guillotined or sent to gallows by the fanatics.
Conspiracy of silence surrounds religions, its a petrified ploy to prevent people from protesting against religions. As skill silence is golden, but silence under oppression is unethical. The world suffers from silence. The curb to dissent against religions, has prompted the presenter to air his views, in support of religious reforms, openly in public domain. To do something right, he does not need to consult anyone. Good things happen, when the right time comes. A tree was once a seed, gardener may irrigate it, with hundred buckets of water, but fruits grow in it's season only. The harvest we reap in season, depends on seeds we plant. Likewise, goodness starts and spreads with sporadic speed all around. When we talk about goodness, goodness happens, and when we spare the 'Bad' goodness suffers. As goodness is the cause of our concern right now, so make haste in doing what is good for people, society, nations and the world. Separation from religions may scare and shock some, yet at the same time, it can quench their thirst for spiritual knowledge.
In past, Kings promoted religions to protect them, otherwise no religion could have thrived on its own merit. State sovereigns backed the church, pope and crusaders, who forced people to accept their faith or die. It is a travesty of truth, killing a person makes one a murderer, killing millions a historical holy figure. We have given sufficient time to religions to do whatever they wanted to do, worth of religions had its time, it's over now. Change is the law of nature, and religious reforms are a part of that process. Why Governments in the world are stuck and stranded, when asked to tackle problems created by religions? Its a deadlock that must end soon. The strategy of fanatics is to degrade gains of religious reforms, if exposed they fear to fall, from the crumbling edifice, of their own religion. Who will ring the bell to wake the 'State' from its slumber, and ask the State to do something about it? If the presenter cannot do, what he wants to do right now, someone else will do it later. Anyway, this is not going to stop. Even if truth irritates, truth will find its way to reveal itself unexpectedly. Time waits for none, so welcome an ending, that can bring a new beginning.
This task is monumental and dreadfully distant. When the idea will fructify no one knows. The presenter is testing the possibility to redefine religions. His idea has the backing of few supporters now. Therefore, the challenges are huge to confront single-handedly. Standing alone he fears to slip back. Can one man rally and lead a movement? Can one man be a catalyst of change? Surely, one man is not an army. So, the presenter appeals all like-minded people, to join the bandwagon, and assist him in mobilizing public opinion, in favor of a religionless world. It is foolish to think that he can free the world from all religions just by floating an untried idea. He sees his idea as a right thing to do, what is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right. All that he wants is, to start the process of change, and not bother about the results. Result is not in his hands, with time things fall in place. Religious reforms will take place, only when people think to deliberate and decide, and turn the idea into a reality, backed by the State and its law machinery. Otherwise, the whole exercise will end up as a poor joke, cracked by the presenter to amuse himself and not others.
Truth annoys people who propagate lies. Reforms can become a reality, if intellectuals, lawmakers and democratic countries in the world, collaborate and cooperate to work on different consensual methodologies and decide a common action plan to introduce religious reforms world over. Stairs are climbed step-by-step. So, should change take place gradually as a part of a single reformist movement, in which one finds whole meaning, in the unifying will to build a new structure of reality, free from all false religious beliefs. Reality is a perception, so let us become the receptacle of noble thoughts coming from all sides. Even upholding thoughts that come beyond the realm of our mind, no one knows from where. He, who is receptive knows, how to connect with cosmic thoughts. Then the cause of the event, becomes more interesting, than the event itself. Then changing the world becomes easier than people think. Then those who believe, ideology drives them to do what they do, value the power of cosmic consciousness, to do what it will is necessary.
Perception of a religionless world is a thought. Thoughts are choice-less awareness, which come from one source, the 'cosmic consciousness'. Everything in the whole universe is interdependent, nothing is independent, we all are a part of a huge interconnected cosmic master plan, where eternal universal laws govern, where in the chain of thoughts, each thought has its own hope, its own desire of a separate existential reality, yet not free from its source. It is hard to realize noble thoughts are the expression of the laws of consciousness, unfolding mysteriously to manifest on earth. Nothing is more disgusting to notice, that a fool like the presenter, who as a self-proclaimed philosopher, thinks he is the thinker of thoughts. Un-manifested thoughts swing like a pendulum between two extremes, either too complicated or too simple. Those who are in alignment grasp, those who resist do not. If, the idea of a religionless world is unacceptable now, there is hope it will turn into reality later. So, where is the need to sort out all objections first, before we start the debate, on this issue, let us do it the way, we are doing it right now, isn't it better to light a candle, then to curse darkness.
A long journey starts with a single step. Launching this website is the first step in that direction. People assume, if the core message, of the proposal lacks clarity, at the opening stage, then it can be stained, spoiled, manipulated and misused later. Some believe a good beginning makes a good ending. Some feel, the starting sprint is the pivotal point to win. Each person has his own view to articulate. New beginning comes by ending something old and useless, and transition creates confrontation, so a good beginning or a bad beginning hardly matters. As long wisdom takes the lead, things will fall in place. Otherwise, in 'Eternity’ there is no beginning no end, and there is nothing to gain, and nothing to lose. He who knows this, drops his ignorance, and glows with the light of truth, like water shimmering in sunlight.
The presenter is working all alone on this project. He has initiated the process to introduce religious reforms with this website. Alone he came, alone will go. However, can he reach the destination alone, for a social cause he supports so dearly? Can he find his destination on a pathless path? Is there a destination on the path he has chosen to walk under the cosmic canopy? Hard it is to realize the essential. He who knows does not talk. He who talks does not know. It hardly matter how fast or slow he walks, as long he does not stop walking. Let him walk alone, rather going up and down the path, let him go where the path leads him to. Or let him take the path, he wants to tread, untraveled or unexplored, by taking right footsteps, even if, walking lonely unaided. In eternity he must move and keep moving, that's what he can do, as there is no destination or a place to rest in nothingness. As, fruits have season, so there is a time, for an idea to fructify. Simply by launching a website, nobody can set off, an idea to go viral on internet, without awakening the idea in the minds of the people, which is not so easy, it's as hard as wrapping the wind in sky.
Is there a path in sky? Is there a place to start or end the journey in the vast firmament? Is there a cosmic master plan working in interstellar space? Is there a possibility to grasp the ultimate cosmic truth? Knowing which, human curiosity comes to an end, and each person, become a ‘know-all’. Will human quest to know the ultimate wisdom come to an endless end? Will the journey of life find its final destination? If mystery goes beyond wisdom then ‘Nothing’ lies beyond mystery. Can mind look beyond nothing? Is pushing beyond the borders of perception to know something insane? Will he who ask receive and find what he seeks? Will he reach that mystic stage, where he knows, he knows nothing, and still craves to know something? Chop the forest of fictitious thoughts, follow the voice of conscience, the inner truth, that tells no lie. Mind is double-edged, it works to know, and not to know. Allow intuition to grow, and know what cannot be known, and hear what cannot be heard, and see what cannot be seen, from the kaleidoscope of a multidimensional viewfinder, where mystery, magic, madness coalesces with empty space, in the domain of nothingness and eternity.
We live simultaneously, in a 'natural' and a 'manmade' world. Natural life is too simple, manmade life complex. Ideology and technology drive people towards made-made life. Ironically, we have complicated, even natural death, by inventing ideas on life after death. The vacillating human mind swings, from natural to the artificial, from rational to the irrational. Cycle of life depends on cosmic energies that create, preserve, and destroy, as a rotational routine, like seasons spin in patterns, with no specific purpose. Without a purpose human life is boring, so human mind creates purpose, to make life interesting, persuading people to pursue imaginary objectives. Even our whole educational system train and teach students a package of ideologies, marked as disciplines of knowledge. All mental constructs end, from where they start as everything is orbital, rotational and cyclic in nature. Nature moves in spherical patterns, it is difficult to know from where a circle starts, and where the circle ends. A circle starts and ends from nowhere, signifying renewal, continuity and eternity. Invention of ‘Zero’ by India, enhanced the growth of mathematics, and scientific studies, in the world.
The laws of nature govern us, we are not the maker of events, events just happen, we rush into them, or happen to be there by chance. Our life is uncharted, where we are born, when we die, no one knows. Life’s journey from birth to death is random and unpredictable. We lead life by holding on to 'One' thought at a time, the moment that thought is over, we switch over to another thought. When the ‘thought’ we have lived ceases, the ‘I’ of the thought also ceases with it, when the ‘I’ is no more in that thought, the ‘I’ is literally dead, what is leftover is consciousness. Holding on to consciousness for long is very difficult, due to intrusive, inquisitive and interfering mind. Soon the ‘I’ reappears with another thought, created by the mind. In this manner the 'I' relives again. This is how the ‘I’ is reborn, and ‘I’ takes rebirth constantly, in the stream of thoughts, created by mind. The ‘I’ not only lives once, but several times, in the span of one human life. The golden moment comes when ‘I’ drops and 'mind' dissolves and disappears. Then, suddenly we experience the presence of 'Consciousness' the highest state of 'Being' beyond which there is nothing more to know.
Religionless world is a newborn, unlived, untested idea. As ideologies preside over people, all religions are statements of ideas, influencing people from the day, religions were established, many millenniums ago. Time has come to give, a reasonable chance, to the idea of a ‘Religionless World’ to succeed. Ideas invent, impel and find ways, to manage the minds of the people. Personally speaking, presenter is against, promoting any ideology, because ideologies condition the mind, only consciousness is natural and open like the sky. Since world is driven by ideas, so only an idea, can change the world. That's why, it was a tough decision for him to take, to float the idea of a religionless world. When we cannot get what we like, can we like what we can get? People never know what they like. They are concerned with what they do not like. Their rational minds can make mistakes, conscience seldom does. So, let us explore new paths, rather than travel on worn out paths. Religious ideas change, but spiritual values last forever. Can we end the reign of religions? Are facts negated when ignored? People see what they want to see. It is easy for them to see, but difficult to foresee. Religions will go, when people are prepared to admit, religious inconveniences and not otherwise.
The priest, mullah and the pundit push people on the path of religions. Their fake ideas contaminate the mind of the faithful, who follow them with blind faith, and trust religious beliefs and superstitions as real, without investigating them. The gullible uphold as true, what preachers sermonize, and try to achieve an imagined goal in their life, invented by the authors of religions. Consequently, knowledge gained by them, from religions is not good enough, to lead a practical life. But, those who walk on the path of spirituality, gain practical knowledge by self-exploration and experience, which enhances the quality of their life in practical terms. Human beings, as spiritual beings, have nothing to live for, a life without spiritual values. Humanity has reached a evolutionary stage, where educated speak, what they see, fools what they hear. Those who feel intuition is non-verbal, and silence the brain of the fools, know that the most useful thing is the wisdom of intuition or the sixth sense, and not knowledge of religion, which is impractical and so unrealistic.
Readers are requested to join 'Presenter' on his walk and talk to him. Even if, obstacles are laid, on the way to religious reforms, not easily removed, making the passage impassable. Its true, when we walk together, we can gather collective strength, and when we talk to each other, we can devise ways and means to overcome obstacles on the way, and fine-tune the plan. Combined power produced by trying, and trusting each other, can move mountains. Then what we seek we find. So why be scared and silent. See the motive behind the idea. Where there is reason there is hope. Wait not, let us start, from where we are, and welcome a world without religions, and become a part of a decisive moment. What is willed to happen is happening right now, whether we oppose or accept, whether we weep or laugh. If, its worthy, why shouldn't we allow it to happen, or else, even while dying the swan sings, and even while dancing the peacock weeps.
Work of theologians is boring and brainless. Intellectuals have already debunked and demystified theories, invented by religions, as a pack of lies. Yet, custodians of religions are unwilling to admit this reality, and run down such ideas as blasphemous, by arguing the world can never become a religionless place, as long it is under the reign of religions and religious beliefs. People forget that religions did not exist 5000 years ago. The world was without organised religion. People, merely evinced interest in supernatural phenomena and moral values. A span of five thousand years, showing supremacy of religions, may appear too long in terms of human existence, but is too short a time in the history of the world. Then, why should faith followers defend religions as eternal truth? This is difficult to digest. Lies in the age of science and technology is not liked, as lies contaminate reality. Can an opinion which is widely held be an evidence of truth? The reality is that, the widespread religious beliefs, are too often, and more likely, to be foolish than factual.
Path of spirituality is subtle, it starts from self-exploration, and surges to connect, human consciousness with cosmic consciousness. Brain creates thought, senses emotion. Thoughts and emotions fused together make the 'mind'. Mind does not produce consciousness, nor brain or senses. Brain and senses are under the monopoly of mind, while mind hides somewhere in consciousness hard to locate. Mind fails to go where mind is, but consciousness goes where consciousness is. Mind creates 'Ego' a sense of false self. Beyond mind is consciousness, beyond consciousness is mystery, and beyond mystery nobody knows, it is simply called 'That' symbolically. Ultimate cosmic reality does not end in being nothing, but is a flight in the endless eternity, of the unknowable, uncreated and unborn state of ‘Being’, where nobody can comprehend it, except hear echo of his own voice and see his own thoughts bounce back to him, its a pure mystic state. Religions blunder when they try to define the indefinable by myths and Gods, which is factually incorrect. But by knowing time-tested spiritual values, one comes to know what can be known, if not more nothing less, indeed.
Nature prevents stagnation. In cosmos everything is recycled by laws of nature, from a tiny atom to a gigantic galaxy, in renewed or renewable forms, including the formless and the unformed. In the cycle of life and death ‘Life Force’ gets refurbished in its numerous physical forms. None can defy the laws of nature. ‘Change’ is a timeless law. Everything changes, only change does not change. Than why religions resist change? Than why religions are so rigid? Change brings flexibility or else all religionists will become hardened, hard-nosed and hardwood heads. If people want to live a natural life, they must be ready to change, as and when the occasion to change arises. Nothing is permanent except change. Change alone is constant. Yet, change brings a little inconvenience as well. Now, it is a matter of time, before some drastic changes in religions take place. This project is a step in that direction. Glorious future waits for those who can change. Let us restructure religions to make world a place of loving kindness, free from hatred of raging religions.
The acts of religious militants is a proxy war on humanity, a clash of civilizations in the making. How long world will shut its eyes like a pigeon, when the cat of religious terrorism is ready to pounce on it? A collective effort to ensure peace and unity among people, belonging to all religions is necessary. People should not sit silent and see the world bleed to death and burnt to ashes. Nor should they blame fanatics or terrorists, instead take corrective measures, to prevent the State and religions, from promoting fanaticism and terrorism. Many times, seeing this 'Hate-Kill' scenario, tears well up presenter's eyes, to run down, making him sad to see his work will not be over, so he laments seeing not the end of his labor in his lifetime, as he will become a pile of dust soon. Optimistically, in the age of science and technology, he sees scope of religions being redefined, this gives him hope that religious reforms will come to pass, if not now, sometime later. Now that 'Truth' is out. Can a ocean sent its water back to rivers? Hard it is to roll back a road once its laid.
Presenter urges readers to give suggestions, if found suitable, he will incorporate them in his proposal, to make it more meaningful and viable. It is too early for readers, and people to probe the project, till its objective is not achieved. If we think this proposal is not workable, then we can expect nothing in return. All we need is to pursue the proposal with perseverance. People who keep trying, even if, there is no hope can achieve. At the outset, fanatics will pull down the proposal, as quickly as possible, because the proposal threatens, to dismantle the structure of their existing religions. Moreover, it is too difficult for a common man to confront contemporary religious issues directly. Educated expect this proposal to work. Everything may look difficult before it becomes easy, and seems that big results need big plans, big problems big achievements, which is a fallacy. Can we ever achieve if we never try? Do try to reach out right now.
Everything comes from eternity, where no fixed plans survive, or any purpose is served to achieve. Even objective of this proposal is not to accomplish any preset plan or any purpose, but to remove false religious beliefs, and animosity created by religions. Even, presenter’s point of view is not faultless, foolproof or the final word. Readers are at liberty to express their own views freely 'For' or 'Against' the proposal or add something more to enhance its value. The ground reality is to lead religious reforms through public consensus, with utmost consideration to social justice and fair play, without departing from rational justification. The proposal avoids debasing others, except it craves, to rationalize the usefulness of a religionless world, knowing well, the issue is social-centric, and can touch the subtle sensibilities of the people. However, life is often lived by taking tough decisions, which are not at all times wrong or for all time right.
The world’s biggest challenge is how to deal with the problems created by religions, and tackle the global menace of terrorism tactfully, which is spreading fast, and fueling the fire of hatred to dangerous levels, in many parts of the world. Presenter appeals the readers, the common-man, the intellectuals, the social activists, the scholars, the academicians, the lawmakers, and all those who are concerned, about human dignity and social values, to ponder over this serious issue, and contribute their mite, by giving workable suggestions for the hope that they have, as solution to this problem. Their opinion ‘For’ or ‘Against’ religious reforms is very important to the presenter, because it can help him decide, the future course of his action, whether he should drop the idea or go ahead with his proposal.
All those who are concerned to solve this persisting problem need to decide (1) Whether humanity stands to benefit through spiritual values or by their allegiance to redundant religions? (2) Whether people should subordinate reason to religion and stifle the voice of dissent with bullets not with the weapon of wisdom? (3) Whether a world without religions is better to promote ‘Right Understanding’ destined for higher evolution of human race and development of a futuristic ‘Global Society’? (4) Whether spiritual norms can replace religions? (5) Whether a compendium that contains universal spiritual values named as ‘Satyadharma’ is required? (6) Whether there are any other suitable alternatives to replace religions or any workable method to switch-over from medieval age religious mindset to a digital age spiritual mindset, in the evolution of mankind to space age? Let the 'past' what once was go, and pursue that which is good for future.
The virtues of openness, saneness and trueness are irritants to the position of intolerance religions take. Presenter is here not to create a new religion, but to make the world ‘Religionless’. He is using knowledge fostered by his parents, elders and teachers, who taught him, and partly from his own understanding, to shape the idea of a ‘Religionless world’ as a catalyst for social change, to facilitate mankind to leap to a higher level of spiritual evolution. Many people have said, what he says now. He has nothing new to add. Except that, he is self driven, by the force of his failure, to diffuse the horrifying impact of 9/11 (New York) and 26/11 (Mumbai) that has left an indelible mark of grief deeply etched, on his mind difficult to erase. Reminiscing those frightening moments he saw live on TV with tears, leave him shocked and speechless. Those events still haunt him, as if, dead are collectively pleading to the world, to make all religions people friendly, as a posthumous justice, in memory of all innocent people, killed by religions. Can we tolerate being stifled? When will religions stop killing people? After all, liberty and freedom is more important to people than religions are.
Presenter is not a revolutionary nor a visionary, what he says is repetitive, recycled and repackaged views in one way or the other. The mystery is that 'Truth' is neither new nor old, it is a big brainteaser. That's why, the 'Wise' never wrote books as they had nothing 'New' to write or tell. The wise spoke and did not write books. They enlivened the world with direct dialogues with the people, and not through stage managed shows. Only fools like the presenter, indulge in the craft of writing, knowing well, written words outlive spoken words, overlooking the fact, that written words are merely a monologue a soliloquy that isolates the author from the people, thus creating a morphed reality. Written words are dead but writing keeps them alive, that's why authors write, thinking foolishly, they are the ones who know, what is good and bad for the world, as if, others don't know. In this way, many old ideas, are sucked back as new ideas, in public domain. This is what the presenter is doing. Is there a better way other than this? Then do tell him, and tell him true, as world suffers from the silence of good people. So, share the good you know with others, as good is never finished.
All man-made languages and all diverse man-made disciplines of knowledge, we acquire pre-exist, nothing is being said for the first time, countless people have expressed similar views, earlier too. The presenter is simply replicating them, assuming what he feels is right he writes, and does not judge what he writes. It is for the people to judge, what they will not he. He wants to write because he thinks, he has an important message to deliver, a vital work to do, to make the world a better place to live. He believes, what he thinks is beneficial, for the spiritual evolution, of human beings, and real consequence of his life is, in what he believes, and what he does. What he believes is not a routine matter, but a revelation of reality, of an untested idea, spiritual to its core. Is his idea workable? Can it withstand the test of reason? Should he miss the wood for trees? If, it hurts people to let their religions go than it hurts them more, to hold on to their religions. Do they know this or they don't ? Maybe their God knows, maybe he too doesn't know.
Words captivate, its usage creates style that differs from the writings of others. When a language grows larger it varies, by the intrusion of demanding dialects. Indian English differs from American English, and American English differs from Englishman’s English. Despite these deviations, one wonders, why some people think, if writing is simple and plain, it is unprocessed and incomplete. Perhaps 'Laureates of Languages' like writing to be 'complex' so that something 'abstract' can be picked up, and proclaimed as original, groundbreaking, pioneering piece of work. Most award-winning authors fall in this category. The presenter thinks in his mother tongue Punjabi, speaks in his national language Hindi, writes in an international language English. Being linguistically complex his writing is not innovative. It is ridiculous to think in such stupid terms, writing must be simple, simplicity succeeds in conveying a communication clearly. Even in mass movements, only simple and single issues draw public attention of the people, and not complex or loaded issues. When words are right, words have the power to 'Change' the minds of people. Presenter may miss out right words to write, but will end up conveying a message. When languages make noise, then silence speaks and words depart.
Charm of deception, intellectualism, fantasy, falsehood, and the power of communication, and punch lines, are good for writing. But truth written in simple words, without any exaggerations, is far better than making it, difficult to comprehend. Doubt is the key to knowledge, and by learning knowledge is acquired. Knowledge is not the whole truth, it is error as well. Those who seek truth and not knowledge, wisdom alone leads them to truth. Wisdom is short and simple, rest all is superimposed, indoctrinated and conditioned. Those who complicate truth by words lose their way, and know not 'That'. Those who trail truth with fake talk, knock the door, wag and enter not, to know 'That'. Truth irritates, truth makes enemies, truth is ridiculed, truth is opposed, even half truths are seen as whole lies, by mediocre minds, conditioned by religions, and inherent human limitations of the body and mind. Mediocrity dismisses truth and knows nothing higher than what it knows. Liberate 'yourself' from falsehood by 'Truth', like a noble steed is freed from its chains.
World is full of contrary ways, precariously arranged in the 'Pairs of Opposites'. If there is hate, there is love. If there is conflict, there is harmony. If there is sorrow, there is happiness. If there is pleasure, there is pain. If there is rigidity, there is flexibility. If there is truth, there is falsehood. There is no rose without a thorn. There is no song without a melody. Still, a rose finds a thorn-less place to bloom, and a singer a song to sing. If the real is boring, the unreal is so entertaining. Is there danger in the false beliefs fostered by religions? Why do people want to live in an unreal world created by religions? Why do people waver to live in a real world full of ground realities? Why each person claims his point of view is right? Why those who live in falsehood, dread truth and disbelieve others, except themselves, as the torchbearers of truth? Why truth needs to clad in fantasy to appeal people? Even if, wise see the world as a madhouse, it is true as daylight, that right views can only correct wrong views, there is no other way, but to follow the contrary way, to correct the existing wrongs now, which may go wrong later, and be corrected, by a correction relevant in future.
Presenter is trying his best to spread, the idea of ‘Religionless World’ by reaching out, to the people of the world, any which way he can, to draw attention of intellectuals, common man, and the Governments of democratic countries, who he believes can help create a common consensus, to introduce religious reforms as proposed by way of improvisation, based on public consent, counsel and conciliation. Religious people are addicted to exaggeration and fixed views, they cannot see truth as it is. The very thought of a religionless world can create fear in religious institutions world over. They may scorn the idea as subversive. But wrong views should not deter right work. If proposal is good and beneficial for the people and the society, it must be a matter of relief, to introduce it, to the world. Presenter is stating only hard facts, as they are. Now, its for the 'Intellectuals', the 'Public' and the 'Democratic Governments' to decide, whether they would like to support his idea or not, to improve the life of the people, and make the world a peaceful place to live.
It is very likely, presenter can go to any extreme, to make a sense out of a difficult proposal, and push his point of view, by giving compelling reasons, even if his write-up becomes lengthy and boring. He may not hesitate to give meaning to what is meaningless. He knows logic is a double-edged sword, and can convince some readers that, what he says is sense, and dissuade other readers that, what he says is nonsense. Readers must reject both interpretations, even the face value of the proposal, as well. Keeping in mind that 'longer the explanation bigger is the lie', and investigate the facts, ponder over the content, question its merit, consider its ramifications, and take time to decide, what is right and what is wrong. Can a new wrong expiate old wrongs? Can a small leak sink a big ship? Is all this thinking good for us? If science could replace alchemist, can we replace religious beliefs with spiritual values? Due diligence and objective investigation, without any prejudice is necessary, to formulate a right opinion. The world needs good ideas to put them into practice, for the good of all. So, let us not be indecisive, let us decide to move in the right direction, right now.
Some people want a new theme, a new idea and a new expression. The presenter cannot deliver them anything that is groundbreaking, nor can he match the class of words of a wordsmith, who can capture and captivate the minds of the people, nor is he prepared to give up his idea, just for this silly reason. He wants to put across his views, and does not mind, what critics may judge and pronounce. Criticism, after all, brings improvement, as failures bring success with it. When intellectuals falter to discuss religious reforms, then people must welcome a commoner, who dares to talk about it openly. There is no creativity involved to support social issues. It is a plain talk by a plain man. The biggest drawback is that, people are creatures of habit, who prefer to live in their own cocoon. Old habits die-hard, so 'change' can disturb them. Habitually, people are likely to revert back to their old habits, when they are put under the pressure to change. This proposal strives to transform people, by creating 'social awareness' and not by forcing an abrupt change on them.
Thoughts are a powerful energy, even if, they are absurd and abstract, foolish or frivolous. Thoughts can influence and control the actions of people, who pay attention to them. Each thought has its own hope, own desire, own reality, and its own destiny, and weaves a world of its own making. Therefore, readers must read carefully, what the presenter writes, so that false notions are not established or accepted, that may lower the lofty ideals of humanity. The intention of the presenter is not to insist on what he says. He wants truth and righteousness to triumph over falsehood, that's all, so he wants the opinion of readers, to tell him, whether the idea to promote, a world without religions is acceptable to them or not. Even though religions had its season with fruits. Now, infested religions are contaminating humanity. The world does not want, the virus of religions to spread, sicken and cripple the health of human progress, anymore.
Time to change has come. The foundation of religions is crumbling, giving way to new structures. Fearing threats from fanatics, world pays no heed to ground realty, anger and criticism clouds reason and truth. People have waited far too long for religions to change, in vain. Pushing this proposal is not a revolutionary act, but a basic social necessity. The world must discard redundant religions followed by fanatics, who want to destabilize world peace. The problem with fanatics is that they are so certain about their religions, that they refuse to discuss, and treat truth as blasphemy. Fanatics will never change their minds, they will ridicule reforms and oppose it violently, even if, people want to reconstruct religions with a new philosophy. Success of new philosophy will depend on people, who are in doubt. Doubt is the key to know more about truth. If we begin in doubt, we may end up in faith, believing all out-dated things will pass and all up-to-date things will prop up, as nothing is static in the world. Follow this timeless truth, remove the mask of religion worn to hide hypocrisy, and become tolerant, open-minded and welcome a dynamic change, in the offing.
There is conflict, there is hatred, divided stands the world on problems, created by the clash of ideologies, of ‘organized religions’ and by the idea of 'nations’. Both divisive mental constructs are troublemakers, invented by man against man. World is paralyzed by problems created by religions and nations. Can we cure this disease? We must seriously ponder on the idea of a ‘Religionless World’ and a ‘Nationless World’, the wise have given us adequate advice, let us put good advise into action, and pursue a deeper meaning that goes beyond the two big ideological failures, which has resulted, in human bloodbath and battles. Oneness of humanity and oneness of world is a natural arrangement made by the law of nature. Therefore, humanity must erect, the edifice of human civilization on the foundation of natural laws, and not on stupid human ideologies. Nature does nothing in vain, people do, and give pain to others, by their useless ideas. Ideologies must focus, on working methodologies of nature, for the benefit of people, the society and the world, and do not disturb the natural order of things, by counterproductive ideas that go against natural dispensation and disposition.
There is an inkling of inconsistency, contradiction and deficiency with all untested ideas. Even tested ideas are not free from disagreement. Knowledge is vast, knowing everything is far-fetched. Knowledge is acquired not wisdom. Wisdom brings awareness of knowing nothing, and to know that we know nothing, we must know enough, to know that, we do not know. The rule to learn involves, first to unlearn, what is learnt, and then learn, how to learn that, which must be learnt. It is strange, yet true that, from eternity ideas, have unfolded mysteriously, coming from the realm of cosmic consciousness, hard it is to know the unspoken and unwritten power of the supernatural, the greater the knowledge, greater is the ignorance. Reason can never know, how mystical thoughts manifest, but we do know, that many fools have became wise, without learning. The mystery of materialization of supernatural phenomena is hidden and hard to grasp. Therefore, it is sufficient to know, what is right, and what is wrong, that's all, nothing more and nothing less.
From trails and travails of religion, to rapture of reason, next evolutionary step is the development of a spiritual mindset, which will completely change the whole outlook of humanity. Spiritually awakened minds will go beyond all baser instincts, emotions, reason, intellect, and shift their focus from gross to subtle consciousness, spreading compassion and peace in the world. In future, human presence in far-flung environs of the cosmos too, will become a reality soon. Great is the potential of human life in interstellar space. Allow this to happen and appreciate that birth as a human being is a blessing, to materialize this extraterrestrial possibility. So, let us not waste our precious human life. Let us not kill, hate and divide people. Let us bury all differences, about race, color, creed and nationality. Let us come closer. Let us restore peace, harmony, and eliminate terrorism completely, from a conflict-ridden world, divided by rigid religions.
Presenter is against the gruesome terrorist acts carried out by extremists in the name of religions, intended to weaken and tatter to pieces, the social order, and peace of the world, which is happening in a recurring manner, affecting the economic and social progress of the whole world. Therefore, he is trying to find solutions to this problem, and assumes his proposal is worth considering, to bailout people, from a tight spot, depending on public approval, or public rejection, on suggestions made by him. The idea of religion was a product of medieval age, and the resurrected idea of spiritual values is an idea, which is contemporary, and matches the aspirations of people, living in a scientific, and a technology driven digital age, which appears relevant, even for future 'space age'. So let's throw all rotten eggs from the house.
If brain is hardware, the mind is software. Mind is invisible energy. Where mind goes, we too go, what mind creates is our destiny. Past is strong in our memory, as mind cannot rid its past. Past is everything to mind, present never exists, past alone lives in mind, so past can become, the future of the mind, in that future, mind may relive its past. So erase past and live in present, to be in a future, that is free from pranks of past. If, self-realization is the purpose of life, than renunciation is a path to spiritual wisdom, this understanding gives birth to unconditional love and service to humanity, that helps to restore peace and harmony, through reason and rectitude. Once we taste the higher dimensions, we seek more of it. In the laws of nature, we see truth, rest all is error, like mountains surmounted by winding paths.
Ideas are easily transferred from a writer to a reader. Therefore, the presenter wants his ideas to forge connection, with the people, all over the world. Hoping his thoughts would manifest in the mind of the readers by the script, without any director or any producer, thus eliminating the ills and evils of a 'Writer’s Cult'. Readers must go after right ideas, not behind people who write them. In the stream of thoughts, we cannot stop the waves of thoughts, but can choose which wave to surf, even as waves in ocean swell under the full moon, producing high tides of thoughts that can sweep and drown the mind. When we cannot rearrange our circumstances, we must create new conditions, without regretting what is already past, and hope that, which is to come is best. When what's done cannot be undone then welcome 'Change'.
While sharing his thoughts with readers, if by chance, any piece of his writing, or his ideas or his reasoning has erred or offended anyone or has transgressed the parameter of civility and courtesy, the writer humbly apologizes for the lapse. Please condone and forgive him. His intention is not to demean or ridicule religions, hurt or harm peoples religious sentiments. As a peace-loving, law abiding citizen of the world, he is seeking solutions to the problems, created by religions, and has aired his views, with an open mind, pouring out his heart, without any prejudice. After all, he is one among you, who is struggling to light a lamp to dispel darkness. He is also trying hard to light the neurons in the brain of those, who have stopped thinking, to make them think. When light is more, obviously the shadow is deep too. So watch out the standards of religions, and decide to live on your own spiritual terms, your life will never go wrong. We know, we cannot be certain, yet the uncertain hurts us, so let us talk to each other, to know what we need to know.