The Collaborator(s)
Cosmic consciousness connects people. Regardless of religious tattletale talking or the typecast types. Those who are destined to meet congregate as collaborators to
usher unity and unitarian universalism through non-creedal Spiritual Standards.

Dev Samudre
Philosopher, Entrepreneur, Educator and Social Reformer
He is the 'Key Campaigner', has 20 years of research in Science, Metaphysics and Religions. His teachings and ideas are scientifically proven, backed by reason and extensive research with eastern wisdom and western knowledge. He is here with a Spiritual Mission 'One Spirit One World' to create peace in this world.
Pune Maharasthra ~ India
Philosopher, Entrepreneur, Educator and Social Reformer
He is the 'Key Campaigner', has 20 years of research in Science, Metaphysics and Religions. His teachings and ideas are scientifically proven, backed by reason and extensive research with eastern wisdom and western knowledge. He is here with a Spiritual Mission 'One Spirit One World' to create peace in this world.
Pune Maharasthra ~ India

Philip Myers
Volunteering to Serve Humanity
He has worked in Government service and in private industry in a variety of management roles. He now runs his own online business. He had a profound paranormal experience very early in life, and was indoctrinated into the Catholic religion, which he has since rejected, preferring to seek his own spiritual path. A central tenet to his beliefs is an underpinning code of non-violent action. Hamilton Victoria ~ Australia
Volunteering to Serve Humanity
He has worked in Government service and in private industry in a variety of management roles. He now runs his own online business. He had a profound paranormal experience very early in life, and was indoctrinated into the Catholic religion, which he has since rejected, preferring to seek his own spiritual path. A central tenet to his beliefs is an underpinning code of non-violent action. Hamilton Victoria ~ Australia

Dr.Bernard Holder, Ph.d.
Education Management Professional, Writer, Troubleshooter
He is a well respected intellectual, internationally known educationist, famous French-English writer, service provider and a businessperson. He is passionate about languages and is multi-talented. He is a psychologist, a creative doer and a mind-changer.
Bangkok ~ Thailand
Education Management Professional, Writer, Troubleshooter
He is a well respected intellectual, internationally known educationist, famous French-English writer, service provider and a businessperson. He is passionate about languages and is multi-talented. He is a psychologist, a creative doer and a mind-changer.
Bangkok ~ Thailand

John J. Hyland
Philosopher, Poet, and Blogger
He has dedicated thirty years to gain a genuine understanding of human nature, consciousness, and different paths of spirituality. After a personal mystical experience, he explored the diverse areas of psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience, in an attempt, to enhance his understanding, in order to come to terms with that experience. He is a truth-seeker and a spiritual adviser.
New Jersey ~ USA
Philosopher, Poet, and Blogger
He has dedicated thirty years to gain a genuine understanding of human nature, consciousness, and different paths of spirituality. After a personal mystical experience, he explored the diverse areas of psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience, in an attempt, to enhance his understanding, in order to come to terms with that experience. He is a truth-seeker and a spiritual adviser.
New Jersey ~ USA

David Dickinson
Catalyst, Challenger, Servant
He has worked in the public, private and third sectors, always in personal development and learning. He is at the heart of an emergent Centre for Wellbeing in a deconsecrated Manchester Monastery. Manchester produced the spark that fired the industrial revolution, so is symbolically placed to birth its spiritual successor. His mission is to help others to find and make meaning, as they each create their own cosmos. Manchester ~ UK
Catalyst, Challenger, Servant
He has worked in the public, private and third sectors, always in personal development and learning. He is at the heart of an emergent Centre for Wellbeing in a deconsecrated Manchester Monastery. Manchester produced the spark that fired the industrial revolution, so is symbolically placed to birth its spiritual successor. His mission is to help others to find and make meaning, as they each create their own cosmos. Manchester ~ UK

Miro Avramoff
Commercial Innovator, Spiritual Convertor
He is an Internet Entrepreneur and a volunteer Googler, he has worked as a digital marketer for five years. He is vocal against social evils and religious atrocities, and believes in freewill that leads to action. As a social alchemist, he wants to architect a temple of humanity, to end the current global spiritual crisis. He sees religions and spiritual values without preconceived notions, quite differently from the hardwood heads. Sofia ~ Bulgaria
Commercial Innovator, Spiritual Convertor
He is an Internet Entrepreneur and a volunteer Googler, he has worked as a digital marketer for five years. He is vocal against social evils and religious atrocities, and believes in freewill that leads to action. As a social alchemist, he wants to architect a temple of humanity, to end the current global spiritual crisis. He sees religions and spiritual values without preconceived notions, quite differently from the hardwood heads. Sofia ~ Bulgaria