Heed How, the Host of Happening, Harps to Harmonize Humanity
Heed How, the Host of Happening, Harps to Harmonize Humanity
Western astronomical calculations, and eastern metaphysical systems, affirm that the DARK AGE on planet earth has ended. The axis of present solar time cycle is orbiting a galactic center, from where creative forces, from the cosmos emanate, influencing people, living on planet earth. The present ‘Solar Time Cycle’ unfolds the ‘AGE OF AWAKENING’ advantageous for higher consciousness, wisdom and spiritual growth, humanity is heading towards spiritual awakening which will eventually bring, a complete ‘Global Enlightenment’ soon, through participatory 'Collective Consciousness'.
Humanity is now living in the AQUARIAN AGE. The time when Human values and spirituality, will receive the biggest ever boost. The mighty quest for spirituality and God, will bring science and spirituality to a point, from where ‘A GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN SOCIETY’ will emerge, rendering maximum happiness, for the greatest number of people, and allowing humanism, to manifest in its full glory, for a greater and a better future for mankind.
Transit of Venus the morning star, the bringer of light, love, beauty and oneness, has crossed the disc of the Sun. This is a 130-year cycle. Every time this transit happens, it brings a new level of harmonization in the world. Old structures of human consciousness collapse. Bringing to an end, certain cycles of history, based on divisions, ushering the birth, of the Golden age of ‘Oneness’. This is the time of hope and evolutionary renewal, purification, and end of a period of human consciousness, which is conditioned by mental concepts of duality and divisions. Soon a mass enlightenment of humanity will take place, opening the door to a 'Golden Age' of peace and prosperity.
Even, holy scriptures have recorded the coming of ‘Kalki’ avatar the Hindus await. The ‘Shah Bahram Varjarand’ the Zoroastrians await, ‘Maitreya Buddha’ the Buddhists await. The ‘Lord of Hosts’ the Jews await. Return of ‘Christ’ the Christians await, and the universal ‘Tirthankara’ alluded in Jain Tradition, and the proclamation promised in the Quran. The writing on the wall is clear, therefore, a drastic change is evident. The aforesaid forecast predicts that a ‘New Era’ in human history has begun, the promise of a GOLDEN AGE, where all old systems, wrong beliefs and precepts will fail, followed by another, more appropriate and advantageous, for the growth and higher evolution of humanity.
By now human consciousness has passed through the age of obscurity, ending the age of ‘Kali Yuga’. Humanity is on the threshold, ready to enter the New Era of spiritual awakening. Gradual improvement is taking place in the thoughts, feelings, and acts of human beings, all over the world. This is the result of massive thought waves, coming from cosmic space to materialize, and transform the mindset of humanity, and to uplift human race to higher level of consciousness. This grand transformation is directly affecting people living on Earth, beside invading the whole Cosmos, as well.
A new way of life will see the light of the day, and rest on the principal foundation of oneness of humanity and oneness of world. All believers will unite, and put themselves, in agreement with the principals of righteousness, compassion and love, as base of all beliefs. Await something extraordinary is preparing itself on earth. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable is going to manifest soon. Cosmic forces have decided to redress earth. End of a bygone age has come. A new spiritual order will substitute, the old religious order in which, love will reign, on planet earth.
New conditions will rejuvenate, purify and reconstruct the old religious structures of the world, where religions will redefine itself, by universal spiritual values, where conditioned minds and hearts, will liberate themselves, from the darkness of lies and become luminous with the revelation of truth. Everything will be improved and elevated, and spiritual realities will finally consume and destroy all false religious beliefs.
Before the inauguration of a new age of spiritual awakening, the idea for religious reforms is already circulating in the world, from the source of cosmic consciousness. In which form it will manifest through whom, and from which part of the world, and how, this no one knows. Those who are able to connect with the cause, are conveying the urgency to the world, as its happening simultaneously from various parts of the world. Presenter of this proposal too is doing exactly the same, as others are doing elsewhere in the world, telling people, the time has come, to reform religions.
Religions divide people and create conflicts. Religions are making news for all wrong reasons in the world, yet we tend to ignore sinful acts, and heinous crimes, perpetuated by fanatics in garb of religions, and regard these unlawful acts as holy. In fact, religions have frightened the world, by terror campaigns, threatening world peace, destabilizing the social order, and the progress of mankind. Are we so naïve that we cannot see humanity as one family, and all nations as one global village and follow spiritual values, and not medieval age religions, time has come to make the world Religionless.
Consciousness is everlasting that pervades the whole cosmos, and ‘Spiritual Laws of Nature’ govern this cosmic force, discernible by spiritual knowledge not by religions. Since all human beings are spiritual beings, so they are governed by spiritual values, not by man-made redundant rigid religions. Therefore, time has come, to 'Change' the false ‘Religious Mindset’ of the people, to a real ‘Spiritual Mindset’ for higher growth and progress of the human race.
We live in a world assembled in the jungle of thoughts. Noble thoughts come from cosmic consciousness, the evolution of human mind and cosmic thoughts is endless. Thoughts never die out. We all are thought-centric. The world is but of thoughts, awaiting to enter in the mind of enthusiastic people, to manifest into ground reality. Thoughts are beyond race, nationality and time, which thought will take what shape, depends on unseen forces, difficult to comprehend.
Thoughts fuse freely. There is no end, from which direction, or dimension of space thoughts come, we do not know. But we do know that 2500 years ago in India, China, Greece and other civilized countries, great thinkers were born, namely the Buddha, Socrates and Confucius. There was a striking similarity in their line of thought, which changed the way, the whole world thought, contemplated and deliberated, a great transformation had occurred, quite hard to explain, How?
Now a similar 'line of thought' is seen emerging, from the cycle of current time, triggered by cosmic consciousness, not yet identified by people and the world. Difference between past and now is that, in the turn of present time, collective voice of 'Commoners' like 'you' and 'me' will be heard, backed by a visionary Global Leader(s), who will surprise the world by supporting the forces of 'Oneness', and establish a grand change, never seen before. In past when organized religions mushroomed, truth was revealed by assumptions, by authors of Holy Books, creating beliefs. Now reason and spiritual realities will define truth, fostering 'Oneness' and 'Brotherhood'. The whole world will never be the same again.
Coming events cast their shadows before, cosmic forces are poised to herald a great future for humanity. Spadework has begun, this website is a step in that direction. World will not be the same as it was in past, anymore. A complete new understanding has arrived, present world order will collapse. Far-reaching changes are in offing. Universal spiritual values will emerge, as the global philosophy, that will replace all fragmented faiths of the world. All separate nations will cease to exist. World will become 'One' with no army, no weapons, and no wars. World will have one government, one global leader, one global currency, one global citizenship, with the foundation of a 'War-less Welfare World'.