Imagine a world without religions
There comes a time
When the world has to choose
Between 'Religious Beliefs' and 'Spiritual Realities'
There comes a time
When the world has to choose
Between 'Religious Beliefs' and 'Spiritual Realities'

AND, now that time has come, to liberate the world from all rigid and redundant religions, and promote a universal non-creedal wisdom, based on time-tested spiritual values, laws of nature and ethics, which separate 'Spiritual Reality' from 'Religious Beliefs' to transform human life completely, for the greater good of people, society, nations and the world.
And, now that time has come, to know, human mind cannot perceive the indescribable ‘Absolute’, which is intuitively grasped, even though 'Relativity' implies the possibility that the 'Absolute' exists as 'Cosmic Consciousness' or God. Yet, relative reality is quite different from absolute reality. After all, there is no mystery here nor any reasoning there.
AND, now that time has come, to reveal the power of innate 'spiritual nature', present yet hidden, in each human being, as 'Consciousness', the eternal essence of our cosmic connection, with ultimate universal reality, a vivid sense, of a all-pervading 'Presence', set in the trio, and tryst of, truth, awareness and bliss, a state of total harmony and happiness.
AND, now that time has come, to promote wisdom of rectitude, ethical values and fine human qualities, human beings are born to live for, as 'Spiritual Beings' and trigger a transition, to higher stages of human evolution, from 'Reason' to 'Spirituality', and from personal consciousness to impersonal consciousness, nurtured naturally by the laws of nature.
And, now that time has come, to discern, there is 'something' in us, that can 'be' without us, and will 'be' after us, exists as 'consciousness', a mystical dimension, which is not mind or body but a 'See-er-ship' that stays silent like sky and still like lake, witnessing mysteries of unknowable eternity, to lift human awareness to higher level of cosmic experiences.
And, now that time has come, to know, when 'Mind' drops, consciousness alone prevails. Body, mind, ego are mortal and die. Consciousness is immortal, it never dies. Outwardly all humans look different but inwardly all humans are one, united by the integration of cosmic consciousness, which unites whole humanity, with a natural bond of human-hood.
AND, now that time has come, to create awareness, of one's ‘Self Referral Value' with universal reality, that is cosmic consciousness, source of all existence, the ultimate insight of all human knowledge, a mystical dimension, which goes beyond all human understanding, a reality that exists, yet disconnected from all human senses ~ the 'God' of all Gods.
AND, now that time has come, to accept, when material and physical needs are pacified, people will think of spirituality, 'Pecuniary Possessions' are as important as 'Spiritual Satisfaction' a freedom people long for. Knowing that life ends in death living lies, takes away the zest of life, so celebrate life, as a 'festival of truth', and let lies bury, its own death.
AND, now that time has come, to recognize that each person views 'Truth' differently, the way he thinks, thus living a 'Lie'. Only when ‘Laws of Nature’ are seen, the 'Truth' of 'Immortality' and 'Eternity' is perceived. Trust this whole truth, and rise above, all false beliefs and errors of ephemeral. There is no divine revelation other than this simple truth.
And, now that time has come, to know, truth lies in subtle not in gross, a little seed becomes a big tree, a tiny sperm a human being. All small and super structures hung in space, come into existence, by invisible building blocks of cosmic consciousness. Cosmic consciousness is not a creator but a 'cause', and the single source of continuum, from where all things emerge, stay for a while, disintegrate, scatter and reassembled again by nature, in clockwork precision.
AND, now that time has come, to uplift ‘Homo-sapiens’, the special spatial species, ordained by nature, to evolve in the outer space of cosmic eternity, as an intelligent species of the universe, destined to migrate and multiply, not on planet earth alone, but on other celestial bodies too, orbiting interstellar space of cosmos, penetrating far and wide, in range and reach, like eternity attracts consciousness, magnets iron ores, cosmic thoughts a receptive mind.
AND, now that time has come, to recognize that 'Man' is the measure of all things, and universe an amalgamation of fact and fiction, built on human observations and thoughts. Man is as essential to the creation of the universe, as the universe is to the creation of man. Man is what he sees, what he sees is what he thinks, with a objective or a subjective mind that creates, delusion of duality, otherwise universe is 'One', when 'observer' becomes the 'observed'.
AND, now that time has come, to accept that everything is ephemeral and 'Law of Impermanence' governs the cosmos. 'Non-existence' is reality. In beginning there was 'Nothing' and nothing will survive in end, what now exists, will cease to exist and become nothing. If, one universe perishes, another reappears, reborn by recycling the properties of elements. The 'Phantom of Matter' has no separate existence in the 'Space of Spirit', like scenery is non-existent without a see-er.
AND, now that time has come, to know that 'He' who lives now, did not live in past, as 'Same' person, when he ceases to exist, he is not stored in a place in sky, as 'Same' entity. He was non-existent, he came into existence, and will die by the ravage of time. Biological reproduction is 'Rebirth' of physical form. Reliving thoughts, temperaments and targets of people cast as a 'Die', stamped and transferred on the 'Mind', by parents, religions, educational system, culture, society is 'Rebirth' of deeds, re-emerging repetitively as 'Karma', appearing and disappearing in a play of light and shadows.
AND, now that time has come, to start a 'Public Debate', involving the people of the world, and the governments of all democratic countries, to review, rethink and revamp the idea of 'Religion', the root cause of intolerance, divisions and fanaticism in the world. Global terrorism can lead to nuclear war, which can annihilate the human race. 'Public money' is demonetized by nations engaged in wars. Public money spent on the welfare of people adds value. So, let us build a 'Warless Welfare World'. Where peace will reign, poverty is buried in history, and life is lived in joy and laughter.
AND, now that time has come, when a spiritual seeker in 'The Religionless World’ will start a psychological revolution, by delving deep within him, to transform his own frame of mind, from a conditioned and captive ‘Religious Mindset' to a free and liberal ‘Spiritual Mindset’, by replacing false religious beliefs with spiritual realities, like truth travels with time.
AND, now that time has come, when a spiritual seeker in 'The Religionless World’ will walk 'Alone' on his self-chosen, individual spiritual path, without seeking help of Gods, priests, mullahs, pundits or gurus, prayers or chanting, places of worship, holy books or scriptures, rituals or sacrifices, religious beliefs or dogmas, superstitions or blind faith.
AND, now that time has come, when a spiritual seeker in 'The Religionless World’ will start his journey treading his own spiritual path that leads to unknown, pathless blind alleys, hung in 'Nothingness' of cosmic 'Eternity', where the reversal of time is real, as a spatial 'Now', spaced out from all finite motions of time, finite universes, and finite galaxies in space.
AND, now that time has come, when a spiritual seeker in 'The Religionless World’ will be his own deity, his own Guru, and script his own spiritual scripture. Nature will be his church, mosque and temple, unconditional surrender of 'Ego' his prayers, 'Cosmic Consciousness' his God, Allah or Ishwar, ever present like a vigilant, 'Vigil of Vision', overseeing all.
AND, now that time has come, when a spiritual seeker in 'The Religionless World’ will find, what sages found, a state of 'Being' experienced inwardly as presence of a immortal 'See-er', and sees his 'Becoming' is the making, of an outward personality, superimposed by human regulated society, caged and conditioned, from his birth till death, in a self-exiled human-centric mind marshaled world. Propelling people to live, a predetermined life, scripted by man-made ideas, trained and tamed to live, a false and fabricated life, full of lies, world dies with them, but ideas live on.
AND, now that time has come, for the people of the world to wake up, from the slumber of false faiths, into the freedom of spiritual awareness. All holy words, and all holy books, are useless and misleading. Nothing right can be achieved by focusing on what's wrong. Unlearn what is learnt, to relearn that, what is right, to learn. Develop subtle silence, regain lost innocence, be empty and hollow to experience 'That' which is totally detached from human senses, and cannot be explained, the undecipherable, the unscripted, the unspeakable, and the unheard realities of the world.
AND, now that time has come, to recognize present-day life is slavery, suffering, sorrow and sloth, spent in the cage of contaminated culture, which produce humans as 'Money Making Machines'. Not knowing that humans, without spiritual freedom are like birds without wings. Wisdom is the treasure trove, consciousness the ultimate truth. Discover what lies beneath the bark, the wicked and wise struggle to strive, where both ignorance and right understanding succeeds. So, let truth triumph, and perversity of perception, that percolates from sheer ignorance, fade without a trace.
AND, now that time has come, to know that 'Eternal Truth' never originates or pass away. People rave rant and forget it, with the passage of time, yet there is someone, who stands up, to remind them, in the fear of telling the truth. Life is ephemeral, death will soon snatch away, he who reminds, and those being reminded. Life is too short, it is spent before one knows, what life is. So, do not wait, act fast, share what is good for all, as work on goodness is never finished.
AND, now that time has come, to rejoice in the joy of being free, from the clutches of religious conditioning. To rejoice in the joy of being free, from the fear of gods and demons. To rejoice in the joy of being free, from the fear of sin and salvation. To rejoice in the joy of being free, from the fear of hell and heaven. To rejoice in the joy of being free, from delusion and deliverance, and to rejoice in the joy of being free, from false faiths and bogus beliefs.
AND, now that time as come, for the presenter, to convert the clarion call, into an action plan, as a bounden duty, to the world. Therefore, he seeks, the permission of the readers, to allow him, to make a presentation, on 'Religious Reforms', without any bias or malafide intentions, whatsoever. This presentation represents his personal views. Readers may or may not, share his views, and they are free to air their own views, and share it, with others, through this website.
AND, now that time as come, for the world to find solutions, to the problems created by religions, and create a platform for the people of the world, from all walks of life, to gather and discuss, this burning issue, in public domain, for the good of all, before its too late, to douse the fire, simmering and raging to burn, the civilized world to ashes, on the grounds of religious belief(s). Religions may not have ended, but the religions we know have ended, indeed.
This website was registered and created on Feb 21, 2013
Views expressed on this site are personal views of the author and not intended to hurt feelings of any one on the ground of religion, caste and creed.
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Views expressed on this site are personal views of the author and not intended to hurt feelings of any one on the ground of religion, caste and creed.
Website subject to review, objectionable content, if any, found or brought to notice, will be removed, to uphold the 'Rule of Law', governing internet / digital freedom in India.