Random comments* may interest some readers
Thanks for bringing the spirit to the forefront. I'll keep watching your campaign ~ JP Nicolais I am glad and happy that actually someone does favor a Religionsless World. I suggest you to go more on social media like facebook, twitter and google plus. It will really affect your Idealism & pacifism ~ Shyamsundar Waghmare I resonate with your vision of a "religionless world". I believe in one world, and spiritual values. I think religions separate us, and many get tied up in religious dogma.I agree with your vision!!
~ Nicole Hemmer I appreciate your ardent work in positively affecting the world, but I don’t need to comb through it in order to see people are going to fight you tooth and nail, thus, promoting the opposite of your desired effect. I see the value in a global village, but one where religion is secondary to communal ethics, rather than shunned entirely ~ Damian Niolet Religious beliefs, I see separate and divide people, instead of uniting. I do however; wish you the best in your endeavors. I know you have a good heart, and come from the point of giving ~ MicheleElys Allah The Most Kind Most Merciful says in the Quran “Let be no compulsion in Religion”. Thus according to him we are all free to belief in Him or not. Yet He has sent Prophets and Messengers to carry "His message to Mankind". That "there is no God except Allah and to worship Him alone" ~ Said Jama Favorite ~ Dr. Saud Al-Muraished Interested in finding out more info. I'll do research on your site. Thank you for sharing your ideas ~ Kristian Collier The Real Buddha ~ Chandrakanth Natekar I reviewed your website. I understand what you are trying to do. However, given that many people of the world do live by way of their religious beliefs, it may be difficult to convert others to this train of thought. What you might want to consider is focusing on greater tolerance and mutual respect of others so that you don't alienate those who are very strong believers within their respective religions. In my opinion, I think some of the greatest work lies there. I welcome your thoughts ~ Dr. Sandy G. Nunn Very interesting stuff, I wish you well! ~ Christopher Lawson I really like your observation on a Religionless World ~ Brain Jones Spiritual soul ~ Claudia Garcia I am really impressed by people who try to make the world a better place for living. However I think you run the risk of a big abstraction, and eliminating religion in some way will become violent? Your proposal is certainly remarkable, but has the same weaknesses of Socratic Intellectualism. It is not enough to know the good to implement it ~ Yordanis Enriquez Canto Visited your web page. It was excellent feeling after reading some lines. You have interesting personality ~ Imran Nazir I love what you're doing. I'd like to help if I can. Let me know ~ Josh Campbell "Claims to have read the ‘Holy Books’ of all religions." Have you read "The Book of Mormon" ~ Claron Twitchell Keep up the good work making the world better ~ Jaymes Baker That's a beautiful piece of writing. I would love to collaborate with you on such a worthy project ~ Tim Wakefield i–de–ol–o-gy ( I dig the way you think…) ~ Vampire Lily Work on your agenda, I think it's great and many people in the world today have been disillusioned by religion. I tend to think you have something very smart to offer. Carry on ~ Lucy Albert You have made your choice and I respect you for that ~ Eyla I am inspired by the path that brought you to where you are today ~ Charmaine Woohzal I have visited your site with keen interest in the past, and agree with much of your direction ~ John Meharg Saving the world ~ Rob Mackenzie I am very happy to read what you think because it is true 150% if not even more. I always meet revolutionary people; it began in France in 1968 and continues now in 2014 in Bangkok. You remind me the years of 1935 /1940 when Romain Rolland wanted to unite all the men of good will. Romain Roland did not succeed. Maybe, there was a guy named Rabbi Chouchani who taught Zohar and Kabala after the ww2 and disappeared suddenly. There was also the 'mouvance', the momentum if you want to call it that way of Krishnamurti and also a guy named Gurdjieff and Rene Daumal. I want to say is that people like you, myself, and other true seekers need to unite. ~ Dr Bernard Holder Very interesting perspective ~ Ian McNay I am a fan of yours ~ Abdul Qadir Fetouri I agree with you that religious belief systems are one of the most daunting challenges that face humanity. I find it hard to articulate. Like the poet Rumi said “how can you explain the scent of a rose to someone that has never smelled one”. People get scared when they have their religious beliefs challenged. Thanks for stepping out to create public discussion on this topic. ~ Brian Federal Penseur ~ Philippe Sigwalt Your wordpress blog is quite impressive in its intensity and forthright approach on the subject. I'm curious why you chose this particular theme to present your ideas. You are confident and straightforward in your premise, but there are many different views in the realm of spirituality, and not everyone feels as you do. Can we really say that our own view must be the only one that has it right? I think your views have great merit and agree with many of your positions, so for me, it is agreeable and interesting to read, but this may not be so for others ~ John Hyland I feel religion has brought so much misery and suffering to the world that I have given up on all of them ~ Chris I do believe in the Divine presence. I do not believe in organized religion. It is another type of government that is only interested in its own selfish pursuits ~ Connie Owens What about if you tune your mission a bit simple - ONE SPIRIT ONE WORLD - with a question "Imagine the world could be one" if we can reach the same spirit... Obviously that is the same issue than religioness, but said a bit differently. The all time greatest speaker Cicero said: "The people love the speaker whose words and ideas can be thought as own, but they hate the self standing, and its teller." ~ Markku Taurianen Our Holiness the Dalai Lama discourages us about organized religion. Just think how many factions of Christianity there are ~ Jade Forest What are you currently working on, seems you are on a spiritual mission to reform religion, a profoundly challenging area of work! ~ Rich Lancaster It's my belief that you are a very good, pure, noble man, and I respect you in your goal ~ Banfalvi Klara I was attracted by the statement on your page. I am balancing between the logic of science and the fact that science doesn't answer spiritual questions on the one hand, and on the other hand the observation that spiritual feelings cannot really be expressed with language or logic, and I am looking for something that could connect those two contrasts. I am interested in philosophy and the phenomenon of language ~ Kees Woestenenk I find your philosophy about religions very refreshing. I share your sentiments about religion being man made and often aim to divide and conquer and not to spread love, peace, hope and optimism. In most religions God is made out to be some spiteful being with temper tantrums like a two year old. When you're naughty and you do things he doesn't like - he punishes you. As if it is some entity outside of yourself that you have no control over and have to be very careful of not to upset. One of my favorite quotes is "We're not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey" And as such we all belong to the same higher Force, Universe, Source, God or whatever other names we call Spirit ~ Marja Botha Van Doorn I wish you well in your endeavours towards a religionless world. I believe I share some of your views. Having read some of the holy books I find that far from being written by divinity many contain unspeakable directives of such repulsive viciousness that I find it impossible to believe that any sane person could accept such as in any way holy. Your mention of cosmic consciousness seems to me to point in the right direction and has strength in being founded in quantum science. I would like to see Buddhism and Daoism and Hinduism stripped of nonsensical annotations and redefined as philosophies. I tire sometimes of trying to explain to others that these are not religions ~ William Your statement has not only captivated me, but has engendered some questions in my mind as any presentation with promise should ~ Dustin Hoon I support anything that reduces dogma in this world. It’s such a worthy goal that you’re pursuing... the world is in an awful mess and so much of it is due to the ignorance flowing from religious slavery. Its individuals following their own dream with total dedication who are the ones people should look up to and follow ~ Peter Kielland You sound like a very interesting individual ~ Corey Austin Are we awakening? It seems so. ~ Sean O Grady I have to say that I agree with your thoughts around virtues and values. I believe your communication skills in English are of a very high standard and the thoughts you have expressed are both clear and insightful ~ Loreyse Agnew Green I understand you because I have traveled in India and I tried to understand the people living in that part of the world. As a multicultural country and with so many castes what you are trying to do have a possibility, in a few millenniums. All things start somewhere in time with a nudge from another source which you find and accept as something better than what you have now. This is not something that is welcome, because people don’t want to change, even if they live miserably they are afraid of the unknown. When Socrates said and Plato wrote what has survived for us today, The Athenians gave Socrates the death penalty and Socrates accepted the law instead of escaping his captivity. When Socrates drank the conium the Athenians realized they made a big mistake, too late to undo an act which is final. It’s difficult to comprehend some thing in life. Keep well and creative ~ Nikolas Kouvakas I wanted to find out more about the idea. Expect Great Things. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. — 1 Corinthians 2:9 ~ Yolanda Berry A very important and great idea, especially when you think about India / Pakistan in Kashmir ~ Nikolai Schulz I completely agree with you and I follow your approach is noble, the problem is not religion, but it is the stupidity of the human thirst and power and money because the good and evil everyone knows without recourse to religion. I agree your idea ~ Ahmed Ryad Abtout I must admit I find your idea of a world without religion is quite interesting and I always had thoughts that if there is this place in the world that a group of kids will be there and they will not be provided any religious teachings, most definitely they tend to have more humanistic and instinctive approach towards life, which is free of prejudice and pretext. Although human characteristics such as jealousy, humility, lack of self-respect, etc. will still have a role to play, but there is no pretext for justification of any humanly wrong behavior ~ Masoud Marandi I am with you on several points you have mentioned. This is what my opinions about that are: (1) Consciousness is *the* key issue when dealing with spirituality. (2) Religions have always been a source of violence, wars, and all the Bad Things caused by ignorance and blind faith, without distinction: Muslim, Christian, Jews, Hindus are equally responsible for violence. (3) Today we have the opportunity to approach the path to the spirituality, along new paths too, beyond self knowledge: science is offering to us a new and magnificent landscape where human being place in the universe could be explored and discussed in new terms. (4) Something deeply spiritual has nothing to do with the vision and the approach typical of traditional religions ~ Daniele Radogna Every word you said made meaning to me ~ Neeraj Jhunjhunwala I accept your theory. It seems like you are bringing scientific theory to create order out of chaos and conflict. It’s kind of tough ~ Piras Very interesting ideas on your wordpress blog, Many people consider they are spiritual and do not follow any particular religion. Now I am trying to find my place in a society where freedom is a myth and religion is destroying civilization. We are entering an era where our universe seems to be teeming with life, where governments are trying to re-assert their control over their respective populations and persecution is rampant. We as a whole face an uncertain time in this turning point for modern civilization, it will either blossom into something we have only dreamed of, or (more than likely) end miserably in a pile of dust ~ John Drescher It is a privilege to have an amazing ancestry of one of the great thinker of our time. Although my roots with Urdu are not well planted, I have heard of Sir Mehr Lal Soni Zia Fatehabadi for his notable contribution. Unfortunately, I have no religion and I am almost atheist ~ Mehul Pithadia I admire your philosophy ~ Sandra Dempsey I've been on your blog and read about your experience. A wonderful gift from above that you were later able to share with others. Regarding your Religionless World movement I agree with your sayings a 1000% ~ Dan Low John 8:32. And ye shall know THE truth and THE truth shall make you free. (Authorized Version KJV) ~ Todd Abraham I was drawn in by your quest for a religion-less world. ~ Peyton Dracco You have an interesting life-philosophy, one which I appreciate. I like the message you are giving, and the way that you express it. ~ A.H. Richards My ideas are similar to yours, but not exactly same, of course. So in a way I'm with you in your movement ~ Roy Niles I applaud your search for spirituality and a connection with the Creator. I understand your disillusionment with religions, but religions themselves are not bad, but the people who abuse them. Unfortunately religions throughout history have been used to further the agenda of people. ~ Saskia Foualila Although I haven't read all religious texts from cover to cover, I do resonate with your statement of overcoming religion. I just don't really know about the timeline. ~ Stefan Hager Thank you very much for your perception about Religion, Spirituality and Dharma. You have a nice persona. As I know there is no book available to know about Dharma and you are brilliant. With due Indian Love. ~ Nihar Dash I love your site and the mission you have set for yourself. As a fellow metaphysician I wish you well and if I can support you in your mission I would be only too happy. I think! ~ Phillip Myers Seeking a Religionless World - that says it all - Blessed Be ~ Martha Bowman No Religion? No, of course not, but Faith? Yes, of course. May you be given a "spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the Almighty" ~ PastorEd Leonard I agree totally with you ideas. I have always said that we should be wary of flag wavers as they can kill you. Along with religion it is about time the world got away from nationalism also and viewed ourselves as one people who have originated from one source. ~ Gerrad I'd read your web page. Its very well written and full of optimism. I think I will get some optimism reading more of your writings ~ Nikhil Kundu We think in the same manner, we support you’re ‘Satya Dharma' and ‘Sarvey Bhavantu Sukhinah’ too…all the best for your mission... ~ Narayan Seva Sansthan I find your Bio section interesting. We think in terms of time while the spiritual dimension is not bound by time or space. I agree with you. As Gandhi said, he loved Jesus, yet did not like his followers. It is because his ‘followers’ are not true. They are perverse and they merely perform their evils from under a false cloak of righteousness. ~ Jonathan Holden What a powerful, powerful website. Thought-provoking. It is hard to take a stand and keep it when one is talking about faith, religion and spirituality. My hat is off to you!!! ~ Dr. Niama L.J. Williams Your pursuit is impressive, religions are both redundant and archaic. They were result of philosophical discourse and later became dogmas - GOD sent, Un-questionable & Un-debatable. However impressive your 'Satya Dharma' maybe it’s not what you want to propose or practice in true sense. There cannot be a root philosophy, only progressive philosophy. If 'Satya Dharma' gains patronage, you will be hailed a prophet and that 'Satya Dharma' is god's words through your tongue. The elixir to dogmatic beliefs is not a new philosophy but encouraging philosophical discourse and embracing progressive philosophy. We should teach basic philosophy in schools and encourage people to think for themselves. In the end, separation of GOD from philosophy is the ultimate task. God may have created this universe but all religions and philosophies are manmade. ~ Dr. Praveen Baratam You are that clear and certain reminder that an earthling felt it necessary to establish religions ~ Fred Moore Humanity has been, in the last few thousand years, in an era of religion. That era is coming to close. Halleluia! In the future man will not feel the need for some individual or institution to intercede in his personal conversion / communion with divinity. Thanks for being part of the transition, however long it takes! ~ Dexter Payne Indeed, you really have a great insight about religion reform ~ Aaron Brook I wasn't sure at first what you meant by a ‘Religionless World’. I now understand that it does not mean a Godless world to you. There is but one God and I am not going to pretend I know everything about him. Like you I am a truth seeker. I find myself in a world that needs serious help and I look to God to help and heal. I would love to communicate with you more in the future. ~ Jack SoRelle I've been looking over your writings online. I am impressed and aligned with much of your philosophy. ~ Jenna Kraus ‘IRRELIGION’ opposes ‘RELIGION’. Thus ‘RELIGIONLESS’ is that centre-point between religion and irreligion; a balancing point. As such, it represents the ‘STRAIGHT’ and sure pathway to ‘LIGHT’, which is energized substance. I commend the author of the website, Suresh Kumar Soni, for his vision, both the short and the long. I see he identifies himself as a common man (one of ‘us’ as are we all), and does not seek fame and fortune. I have not yet read all of his work, but can say that he writes ‘FLAWLESSLY’ and with ease; and I loved the images he selected to enhance his website. What a joy it was to delve into his mind, freely given! Whether we call his vision the ‘RELIGION OF LOVE’ or ‘THE RELIGIONLESS WORLD’, I'm sure we could do no better! Namaste, and a blessing, indeed! ~ Donald Chalmers I keep having visions of Suresh floating around a candle-lit room filling with natural high herbal scents, mellifluously chanting his blog piece into a voice-to-text system. Maybe there's also some John Lennon music playing quietly...You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one...I wonder where flexible thinking starts and manipulated stops, and when the spiritual is praised as reason and parodied as its absence... ~ Charles Fiddes Payne The Modern Mystic ~ Frank Bruinzeel I enjoy reading your web page - I feel that people are very confused about spirituality and need people to push them in the right direction ~ Jennifer Rose Mmmm..! God and man are on different planes. Philosophy and religion are on the human plane. Don't you think? ~ Franco G. Lattanzio Truly I have become your fan Sir. [Faiz road in Karol Bagh Delhi is named after my great grandfather]. I am a long time free thinker. As stated I am your fan and disciple and I am against all forms of conventional religion. Highest reverence and respect ~ Agha Humayun Amin |
I greatly appreciate your views and your ideology, looking forward to connect more with you. ~ Sukanta Rout Gracias ~ Fabian Scarabosio I enjoyed reading about your mission ~ Visvanathan Ramesh I love your thoughts, many of which I share ~ M. Annie, CEO [WINDERMERE] Seems we are both likeminded. Transforming institutionalized religion is one of my dreams. I'd love to connect. I hope our work will bring us together in person sometime. ~ Agnieszka Karasiewicz Has left the box ~ Tim Barrus You are right when you say religion has lost original.....but just because we don't find true people to gain spiritual knowledge doesn't mean that they don't exist. The purpose of every religion is to love and serve God. ~ Manish Khangar I’d love to collaborate with you ~ Rashidul Islam What you want to do is great but I think it’s really difficult because the main evil is ignorance. Most people believe what they are said because they haven't been educated, don't question or don't have access to information. Anyhow, I am happy to see that people like you exist and hope the movement will grow ~ Beatrice Grimonpont You look like a very distinguished and cultured gentleman and I am happy to have a connection with you. Please stay in touch ~ Tony Brooks There is a difference between faith, church, and religion. Faith above all else is the most important. ~ William Wetzel Best Wishes for your life and your mission. ~ David Scharrer Thorp Lateral Thinker ~ Jerry Laster We share a common view! I regard monotheistic abrahamic religions as abrasive and polluting. I have been to Delhi and appreciate the magic of the city and understand its shortcomings. I feel unique in some indiscernible way but would be happy to find myself part of a greater cosmic consciousness. ~ Terry Tumbler Philosopher ~ Clark Zlotchew Even if I agree with you that religion can be a cause for disputes, wars and hideous deeds, it is also true that religions have been for centuries the way morality and ethics throve within different cultures. Take Nazism, Jews were considered a different race from Aryans, and their genocide was grounded on “Scientific" basis, not on religious disputes. So, according to your approach, should we try to live in a world also without science? ~ Krishna Del Toso Spirit in a material world ~ Shannon Freeman Thoughtful Human ~ Anthony Perciado Influence for good ~ Robert Pemberton My great Indian ~ Plan For Events Innovative Inspirer ~ T S Gowthami Writer of substance and warmth ~ CSIO TX I am your fan ~ Bahadur Singh [President Dasmesh Darbar Sikh Temple] In Hinduism, each individual is believed to encapsulate a spark of the divine which is known as the Atman. This is the closest to what are called ‘souls’ in the West, and they most certainly exist. Indeed, it is the divine spark within us that enables us to exist, and fanning that spark into the blazing fire of spiritual realization is the great challenge before us ~ Dr. Karan Singh Suresh Sahib Salaam, May Allah Bless You. Ameen ~ Tariq Mirza
I wish you luck and good success in this - as I believe that any and all activities which open up portals to greater spiritual awareness are vitally needed in this world. I will continue to follow your activities through your blog ~ Real Lapaine I've looked at your blog and the website and I am a believer in something other than these silly worldly religions and I too am very disturbed with the way things are heading in that regard. I do wish you luck ~ Joan Treppa Nowadays we need an open and clear communication to make manipulation by power games impossible. The only religion acceptable is the religion (the rebinding) from humans to humans - we have to live the humanitarian ideals instead of the ancient gods to create world peace. ~ Peter Todesco I have a question for you. Why it is so important to you that you care about the world in a big scale? ~Dalius Viršilas I hear what you are saying and I am not against your beliefs which I see as well. I feel you believe in a right way but even me when I first seen the header it sparked the opposite view. ~ Steve Hanson Any violent action, every form of oppression or discrimination must be stopped and locked. It’s true that many actions have been committed in the name of religion, but it is also true that many other actions are equally committed on principles and beliefs away from religion. ~ Mauro Ascione I agree with you completely that religion can be isolated as the main factor in many of the world’s problems and that the world would most likely be a better place if it didn't exist or there was a singular religion. Christianity preaches an anthropocentric society (that is that man is at the centre of the universe) and I believe this can be seen as the cause of many if not all of the inequalities and injustices in the world. The teaching of the bible is responsible for mans dominance over animals and our current animal abuse, over women and centuries of sexual inequalities. ~ Carolyn Tyrer-Davies I reviewed your site. I am looking at your kick-starter also, trying to understand how to influence people towards SATYADHARMA. My studies bring me to my concept of it... I have changed my life towards it but I don’t mention religion or politics to anyone. The chasm is too wide. ~ Laurie Grady Suresh, Been struggling with religion for the last team years. Guide honestly, seems hard to accept in any form. But without it, doesn't it feel so, what empty? How dopid you get where you are, religiously? ~ Joe Houlihan I am with you on the idea of replacing religions with all-inclusive experiential spirituality. ~ Luis De La Lama I read your web page, thanks god you are a researcher and the truth is so important for you that you have read all of holy books of religions, but does Dharma tell us what happens after death? Does God exist in your beliefs? If yes, do you believe in Prophets? ~ Hosein Ghazanfari Hey great! I'm looking forward to networking further. Let me know if I can be of service to you. ~ Gil Mirkovic That is quiet an interesting movement that you are creating. I haven't been much on religion. I do believe we are in a spiritual development though. We can help increase the speed a bit maybe for others to join in. ~ Amanda Jansen Very interesting take on religion, would love to connect and participate in your quest to make this world religion free. ~ Mithun Ekbote You are on an ambitious quest. I send a toast to your continued success and happiness. Cheers ~ Marla Simone My Favorite ~ Hamdi Helali I am of similar mind to you concerning organised religion. I imagine God to be the spirit or force that connects all humans to themselves and to each other. Education of the world population is the key to ending patriotism in countries and bringing the world together as one nation. Governments oppose this because their mentality is to divide and conquer. ~ Raymond Fry In a few words, I very much agree with you! Good statement! All the best ~ Kathrin Very kind ~ Omar Siddiqui Keep seeking the truth & spreading the light. Like you, like you, I have previously stated many times that a religionless world would make a better world to live, since so many wars have been thought in the name of religion. ~ Marcus N Wilks A global citizen’s force is needed for global peace since 2008 till 2014, level of peace has deteriorated and, sadly, more nations are drifting away from peace. World powers have been unable to prevent or end conflicts. The number of refugees and displaced persons is increasing by the thousands daily. The real problem, Suresh, is that the original tenets of one God and the message has been hijacked by various groups, over centuries, to suit themselves and their own agenda. It is imperative to sort out the consequent differences and disagreements in order to avoid annihilation of humanity. ~ Dr. Amir Lakha You sound like a wise man. I'd like to correspond with you ~ William Kemsley, Jr. BackpackerBill I am reading your "Satya Dharma" with interest. Thank you for your writings. ~ Anndraya Blayer I feel Bernard Shaw very much in my soul part of my everyday existence, very much like your beautiful experience with your dear father. My experience with Bernard has so influenced my life that I am writing my memoir to explain as much to myself as well as for all those who have asked. You understand & I am delighted for you that you too have had a soul to soul contact with your father, a most beautiful experience like nothing on earth. ~ Shawdiane Bernard Thank you for inadvertently introducing me to ‘SATYA DHARAMA. I am intrigued with all matters consciousness but lately am wary of practices that keep Sapiens as "followers". I feel that this positioning is not our nature, though I am open to all authentic experiences of Source. I will however, "follow" your work with great interest. All the best! ~ T.E. Ross, Jr. |