Analysis allows evaluating and identifying
A spectrum of diverse views and not as a prescription
Making the world 'Religionless' is a difficult task. The biggest challenge is how to convert the idea into reality. The idea maybe innovative and inventive, but the world is not ready for it right now. Therefore, we need to examine the idea in totality. We cannot rely just on assumptions that things will get better sooner or later, without evaluating its ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’. We should know well, where we actually stand, and what we discuss, is the best option available, for us to choose. Sometimes we need to step back to analyze, whether it is prudent and practical to push the idea, when external environment is not conducive to concur. No idea can guarantee success. A world with religions is as true, as a world without religions. Things change dramatically when time comes. That time is 'now' to put intent into action.
The countdown has begun. When will this embryonic idea materialize is far-fetched. Matter is under dynamic scrutiny of people, taking this as a tentative teething topic, talked about tenaciously now in public domain. All such voluntary ideas for common good of humanity, possess the propensity to spread spontaneously, with speed and spiral, over the world, for people to judge, its positive impact, a trend over which, no one has control, to stop this from happening. Spinning steadily it settles down, stepping in to start a solid, stable, social change, with mushrooming 'Change-makers' riding the steed of spirituality, rushing to reinvent and renovate, regressive religious rumblings. Before it happens in unstructured, unbalanced, unintelligent manner, people of the world, must deal with this issue, seriously and sensibly, right now.
What are the 'Pros' and 'Cons' of the proposal? Whether the idea to create a ‘Religionless World’ is achievable or not? Is the proposed change as good or as bad as existing status-quo of religions is? Is a world without religions more desirable than a world with religions is? Whether political, government, culture and demographic considerations help or hinder religious reforms? Can we shatter the shackles of religious rigidity? Isn't religion a big business traded by priest, mullah and pundit? Can a person who never climbs ever fall? Why should the presenter hesitate to pitch his proposal, and make a public presentation, when opportunity to do is right before him? Why should he fear to fix religions?
Before, we call this a advantageous change, a progressive, pragmatic, prospect to pitch, we should know well, whether the projected proposed plan, can make the present position better, or lead to worsening of the existing condition. We realize that words are not undone, words create illusions, they instill the power to act. So, we need to be tactful and tactical, not to spin a sensitive subject, with lies or useless words, lost in details, while dealing with religious issues, or else it can ping across, hurting feelings of supporters and saviors of religions, which is not the intention of the presenter except that he wants to explore, and unfold the secrets of a better prospect that lie beyond, the scope of all religions.
Therefore, readers must evaluate the 'Advantages' and 'Disadvantages' of the proposal, and then decide, whether they should accept or reject, the suggestions, proposed in the proposal. There is no compulsion, no 'Ifs' and no 'Buts'. It is a free choice. To you is your ‘World with Religions’, and to me my ‘World without Religions’. It is not a battle of wits, other than, to clear the logjam willingly. Religious reforms are a blessing in disguise, its harsh realities, serve to expose lies, people are not prepared to face head-on. Sometimes people have to undergo trails and tribulations to know truth. The old adage 'as we sow so shall we reap' is the immutable law of Karma. Thus seeking 'Truth' is a step in right direction.
Be it known, world is ready for 'public debate' on religious reforms. Readers can air unbiased views freely on this issue, as a consensus of consent, or retreat by rejecting the proposal, or examine it, from a different point of view. Truth is interpreted in many ways, differently by different people. It is reader’s vision, his personal interpretation that will make a difference, and not the run of mill muse, debunking divinity or reprimanding religions, because to step into a religionless world is as difficult, as to step out from a world of religions. So, its never late, nor odd enough to bring a change, for the betterment of people. The path is not in sky, where we look in vain. Ground reality is in taking a chance right now, right here, no one knows the outcome, nothing worse will happen or go wrong, errors need support nothing to uphold truth.
People are disillusioned by religions. Holy books are no more the lamp to illuminate the mind. iPad shines in the light of right information on screen by a tender touch. Religions are too old fashioned in substance and spirit, and still continue to romance with the saga of medieval age. Not a single religion wants to change or be in sync with existing digital age. As a result, religious reforms are likely to be resisted by a very small number of blind followers, and at the same time appreciated by a large number of educated people world over, as a right step taken in the right direction.
Universe is based on what our senses perceive and mind understands. Our eyes need light waves to see, ears need sound waves to hear, nose needs gaseous matter to smell, tongue needs matter (solid or liquid form) to taste. Our senses act as 'Five Inputs' and brain as factory of thoughts, produce a combination called 'Mind'. In this way we come to know that the universe is made of matter and energy, which is a partial truth, as there is something more, than we can know, about multi-dimensional cosmic regions, humans can never perceive, besides consciousness, eternity and nothingness are transcendental, so people refuse to believe, the version of universe, described by religions, anymore.
Science and technology, the engines of modern civilization, have transformed everyday life of the people, making them adaptable to rapid 'Changes' happening so quickly, in a fast changing age of technology. Ironically even most stubborn and unyielding fanatics are so flexible, adjusting themselves too well, with fast changing technology. Than why are they so rigid with religious beliefs? This behavioral change signals, its time to liberate the world from outdated religions, to fulfill a demand in-waiting. Old religious systems, rituals, beliefs and superstitions are failing as never before, followed by flexibility of swiftly changing tech-age in flux, apt to free the world from rigid religions, struck in the turn of time.
‘Religionless World’ is not an idealistic idea, but an impending sensible happening likely to occur soon, assessing that number of 'non-religious people' in world is rising rapidly, and the number of 'religious people' is declining drastically in countries like America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Even as a large number of Asian countries still reel under the repression of religions and Gods, as they fail to see, societies with 'No Religion' are in a healthy state of 'Social Harmony'. We hope dark clouds of religions will disappear soon, by the radiance of spirituality from all Asian countries. That time has finally come, let us dare to act fast, before we too lose the moon, while counting stars.
People in communist countries, like Russia and China, do not follow religions. They are 'Religionless'. Communism like religions was thrust upon people, at a great loss of human life. The consequences were not less than a brutal Holy war. Communist Russia comprised of Russians who wanted to live in peace, yet Communists in Russia were responsible for the murder of almost 20 million Russians. China’s huge population was also peaceful, still the Chinese Communists administered killing of a staggering 70 million Chinese. Political ideas can kill so many innocent people is inexplicable. Flowers of love bloom when seeds of compassion are sown, not by forcing an ideology on people with an iron fist.
Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism are split into innumerable sects, each sect follows its own sectarian doctrines. That means, none of the major world religion has a single, or a stable set, of a 'self-sustaining' arrangement. Exposing the reality that no religion has any exclusive right of 'Holy Truth' suggesting that, spiritual wisdom alone, can be fruitful in formation of a future faith in 21st century. Has spring come? Are trees blooming with flowers of spirituality?
There are a number of other factors that imply, involvement of people with religion is waning fast. A large number of people in the world identify themselves, with the religion in which they are born, as a 'mark' of their cultural identity, not as believers or faith followers of religion. Indicating that a huge segment of people in world do not believe in religion, but display it outwardly, as an insignia of inheritance. Religions worth had its wonder, like fruits in season's splendor.
Practical people question the veracity of religions, and look for reason and justification, to discard false religious beliefs, with the truth of spiritual values, as only spiritual wisdom, can negate the erroneous impact of religions on humanity, and in the formation of flawed societies, and superfluous creation of nations. People look for sensible spiritual options, to transform make-believe, man-made religions and nations, for the sake of oneness, world peace and brotherhood.
Religion creates the fear of Gods and the shame of guilt. Its a clever ploy to trap people in a vicious circle, forcing them to accept religious authority, and its doctrines as a single solution, for their salvation. The priest, mullah and the pundit keep faith followers preoccupied with the idea of God. Followers foolishly waste their whole life, troubled and engaged in a imaginary struggle, to ‘Save their Soul’. There is nothing wrong with the world. The way religions see the world, makes the world wrong. However valuable religious ideas are, people pine for right views and right direction.
Sectarianism, fanaticism and bigotry has flooded the world with the rivers of human blood, destroyed civilizations and ransacked the progressive development of the world. Had it not been for such horrible acts, human society would have been far more advanced than it is today. It is a shame and insult to intellectuals, the lawmakers and the leaders of the world, who have failed to prevent heinous crimes, happening so frequently, in the name of religions, go unpunished.
By revolutionizing technology in the field of mass communication, the multi-culture, multi-lingual and multi-religion world is coming closer as never before. So the timing of this proposal is just right. People world over are waiting to break ties with redundant religions, to transcend the limitations of religions, by expanding the canvas of human perception, of a world without religions. In haste to do so, and with cooperation and collaboration of people, even a tricky test can turn out well, a good reason to reconcile, to flag the first flight, facilitating religions to flee, falling and failing, to fit like fiddle.
Currently we are experiencing, an exponential growth relative to rapid changes, engineered by science and technology. Changes in technology and its impact on world culture and religions is happening too fast. In a changing world past is meaningless, so the extraordinary moment we all seek is right now, a time when people face challenges of transition, yet, manage to shift and switch to new methodologies with ease. This great sense of adaptability gives hope to change. Even if, technology shapes a solitary society, people are still led by reason, and not by outdated religions rumblings.
Even commoners can vividly view the vulnerability of religions, when rigid religious leaders mockingly manipulate the ‘Essentials’ relying on the evidence and estimations of religious beliefs, a flawed intelligence, and the asymmetrical analysis of myths and miracles, proclaimed as gospel truth. Why bad people use religions and holy institutions to cover their badness? People’s non-affiliation to religion is growing, and fanaticism is rising, using extreme forms of religious doctrines as a reaction to cultural, economic and political changes, hiding the indifferent interest of people in religions.
Religions contain creative and critical thoughts, impose censorship on speech, literature and art. Religious leaders are biggest abusers of power, authority and followers who trust them. They are the one, who hunt, harass and hound sensible people, who try to revise religions as blasphemers with blasphemy, using holy writ as a whip, to whack them. Religions obliterate intelligence, exploit helplessness, force religious beliefs, enslave people, and proclaim fanatics, as unquestionable and indisputable masters. People want to free themselves from all this nonsense. They are waiting for a opening, which is free, factual and flexible to transform outdated religious life, into a brighter beneficial spiritual living.
No one converts to Hindu religion. Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life. But Hindus do convert to other religions, under fear, force, favor or due to the pain and shame of caste system. Hindus have an inbuilt sense to tolerate others religious beliefs, and accept the world as 'One Family'. In Hinduism there is no holy book, no religious authority, or an organization that accepts, rejects, opposes or prosecutes anyone on behalf of Hindu religion. If this so ancient Vedic philosophy, as a so-called religion could survive, since several millenniums, than the philosophy to build a 'Religionless World' appears viable too, as it offers, individual-centric values, based on reason to lead a natural spiritual life.
Religions cleverly mask society and culture to hide its real character, as a result, religious affiliation, even in theocratic societies is shrinking, showing people's disinclination to their religion of birth, and their eagerness to join other religions. while many choose not to follow any religion at all. Ever since, more and more people are moving rudderless, from one religion to another, lost in a confusion created by religions. Religions are losing and not gaining members. People feel vulnerable, they do not know, which way to go. They have no road-map to follow, no alternative path to tread.
Religions twist truth, spin lies, perversion of reality in religions, has reached a snapping point, with no backups, people struggle to come out, from their false religious convictions, they find them, helplessly entrenched from birth. Normally, when there is no hope, people become indecisive and feel disillusioned. The proposal will circulate the message to change, so that change can manifest and materialize. In a rational age, falsehood and errors, can’t exist for long, it has no place. People see 'Religious Reforms' as a prospect for improvement, from small beginning comes a great opening.
Old religious structures are crumbling, minds conditioned by rigid religions, fetch feebly to fit-free, fretting far away from faltering religions, as spiritual enlightenment is taking place to invalidate religions. Young and the educated are ready to chart out a change in the field of religions. They are prepared to accept short-term pain for a long-term gain, and face world as it is, not as religions perceive a world full of fantasy. Time is ripe to promote religious reforms, elevate people and society, to a new level of thinking. Besides, being chained to change, gives hope and optimisim, to grow naturally.
Curiosity of people in spiritual matters is increasing enormously in numbers. Efforts to take science and spirituality to a point, from where a ‘Global Humanitarian Society’ can materialize is poised to become a reality, ready to manifest in its full glory, set to herald everlasting, peace and harmony, camaraderie and compassion, caring and sharing, happiness and harmony among people, not by reactive but by proactive cooperation and collaboration. When the apple is ripe it falls. Likewise spiritual values will receive big boost in time to come. Should we wake up people who pretend to sleep?
Human thoughts transcend race, nationality and time, which thought will take what shape is hard to know. Thoughts fuse freely. From where they come we do not know. In India, China and Greece some philosophers were born around same time with a striking similarity in their thoughts. Today, we are witnessing exactly same transition, the creation of comparable thoughts, coming from various directions. So a drastic change in religious outlook of the world is imminent. Ways of 'Cosmic Will' is mysterious, it makes no difference 'When' 'Why' 'Where' or 'Who' starts the process to change the religious mindset of people, to go beyond the thoughts of philosophers, to last longer than a man’s life can save.
The revival of spiritual values augur a glorious future for mankind. The spadework has begun. Religions cannot survive in future, the way it existed in past or exists now. A complete new understanding is emerging. Universal spiritual values are unifying, and with evolving global philosophy, exit of religions from world stage is inevitable. Religions toiled, taught are tattered now. Religions glorious days are over, supper is done, curtain has dropped, and in the darkness of night, time to abandon, redundant religions has come. Wake up in the dawn of a new promise, where noble ideas float freely in ether, aired nor heard ever before. The role 'Etheric' plays in phenomenal world is still unexplored.
Religionists seek externally, but spiritual seekers dive deep in their inner dell, dwelling to delve answer, to questions on life. Technological age offers 'Manual of instructions' to operate mechanical devices but human beings have no manual to manage their own life. People want a manual on 'Life and Living'. So self-study is the right approach, rest all what religions invent and intend, in their holy books is ignorance. Human life is a preparation, to enter higher dimensions of life. It is hard to believe in death, everything gained in life is lost. Only ‘Self-Knowledge’ goes on the journey after death, and 'State of Consciousness' in last moment of life is very crucial too, as it decides, the state of life, after death.
It is wrong to assume religions have common features, there is hardly any similarities, all religions are poles apart, incomparable and incompatible to each other, few commonalities exist, but are not acceptable to the fundamentalists. So, devising a ‘Common World Religion’ is a far-fetched dream. In fact, the utility of each religion is over now. Religions are no more relevant. Seeing sharpe differences and cascading conflicts among religions, the assimilation of astuteness, can be accomplished, only through non-religious methods, essentially that which is spiritual in nature.
In past, Buddhism was a 'State Religion' of India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, China and Japan. Buddhism has vanished from all these countries, except Japan, which is still a Buddhist country. If people in these countries, could change their religion, with passage of time, there is hope world can also become religionless. Provided the message of this proposal is spread globally, only then, people will take an objective, impartial view on this issue. With time things fall in place, even if, it takes a jolt to wake up, people and State, to the spiritual realities of the world.
Each religion looks different from different perspectives. What lies behind its 'Reverence' and 'Barbarism' is a matter of 'Senselessness' and 'Shame'. World has witnessed the objective interpretation of all the major religions of the world. Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism have in many ways accepted, others views on their religions with open mind. But, there is a defiance by Islamic scholars to disagree the views of others on Islam, as a section of Muslims are intolerant and react violently. If religions consider criticisms as a threat, then there is no hope or scope for improvement.
Time is moving from medieval age to modern age, and from present 'Digital Age' time is heading towards 'Space Age', thus time of 'No Religions' is visible on the horizon. There is something new, beyond which humanity, can always find something better. World has everything we need, so our mission is to mobilize, and make full use of common good, for all, relatable to time and its ramifications. When we start something new and different, it appears meaningless. Nothing is meaningful, as long we perceive it, as a separate component, the moment all fragments are fused, into a synthesized whole, a 'new entity' congenial & acceptable to all emerges, to tell this, to the world aloud, bang the gong from a hilltop.
When world is continuously changing why shouldn't religions change? If we look at our body, it is constantly changing, and will continue to change until we die, there is nothing, we can do to stop it, except agree and adapt to the ongoing involuntary bodily changes. In the same way, mankind moves ahead with time, with new ideas, and with new details. Since new ideas are constantly challenged, they need to be refined and amended accordingly. New ideas about religions will not stop from evolving, even the common notion of spiritual values will change with time, so we need to negotiate and navigate, what lies ahead, and not brood over past, bygone ideas, buried in pages of dead history.
Spiritual values are appropriate alternative to religions but are not the highest or the ultimate goal. Spirituality is simply better than religions, and is not the end of human quest. Spirituality cannot be the highest prospect of human liberation that a human being can attain. It may probably be better in comparison to religions that precedes it, but not something that can succeed it. It is a beginning of the journey on the road to ‘One World’ fostering humanity as one family, and whole world as a global village. Religions have failed to accomplish this noble mission miserably, in its long tenure.
The record of religion is embellishment and exaggeration. The world has entered 'Golden Age' of spiritual awakening. The wheel of world is about to turn full circle, by the power of the people, to restore the principles of righteousness, by spiritual standards. History is etched with paper heroes but is shaped by nameless unsung heroes. Religionless world is spiritually inclusive, it negates religious beliefs and Gods invented by holy books, but accepts cosmic consciousness as God, and follows spiritual means & values, like a well bred calf follow a milking cow and not a well fed milk-less cow.
Retaining rabid, rigid, radical and repetitive mental attitude in a changing life, and in a ever changing world is frustrating indeed, people feel they are being restricted and restrained, which is against the human spirit. Religionless world is a ‘Back to Basics’ approach, the test of sorts in this area is proven, and requires no further verification of its veracity. So, world built on the foundation of spiritual values will not crack, it will endure and make stronger, the spiritual evolution of mankind. Let's march with the beat of the drummer. Humanity will exit from the old, and enter into a new world soon.
The idea of a religionless world is significant, not as a visage of vision but as an event that can happen, how much time it will take no one knows, It is difficult to draw a timeline. The things that changed the world, started from a single idea. Today, we can just visualize, it may take years before it becomes a reality. But, the joy of seeing the old religious world disappear, by a new spiritual awakening in future is reassuring, indeed. Worlds may come and worlds may go, change will continue till eternity. Fools will resist change and wise will welcome. Let's take the tooth out than have it aching.
For the common good of all, for the survival and evolution of humanity, and to meet the universal aspirations of peace, security, freedom and rule of law, we need to develop ‘One World Government’ and promote ‘One World Leader’ and ‘One World Religion’. This new world order will be established by consent, not by conquest or coercion. The process can be initiated, by consortium of democratic countries and world leaders, who allow things to fall in place, currently we are living in a time, with a crisis in civilization. Can this movement define the future of mankind and a new world order? When truth makes enemy, lies friends, than don't expect the end is nothing, than accept something good to happen.
Religions need a new thinking to uplift people from religious dependency to personal awareness. Religious rigidity has hurt humanity. Religions create a make-believe world without realizing, truth goes much beyond, what our finite senses can measure or perceive. So, it’s our duty to build a understanding of the world on facts, and not on fiction. Let us dip in the river of cosmic consciousness, and experience the birth of a new humanity, free from religious contamination, and as one group, collectively ask to receive, together seek to find, jointly knock the door, and let the door open, unto us.
Value of a 'Religionless World' is not reduced, when people fail to see its worth. If educated people believe in it, than religionless world can become a reality, sooner or later, even if fanatics forbid. Be it known, people who don't want to change let them not, but people who want to, will change with time. Spiritual values are something, all human beings, believe is inseparable part of their nature, something everyone hopes to attract 'That' what the soul knows is its destiny, we all are governed by same spiritual laws, like Stars shine at night and Sun in day, with same laws of light.
'Social Change' mass movement for 'Religious Reforms' is intentional, and not a spontaneous event, it is launched by planning, aspiring to create a comprehensive, and extensive public awareness, choreographed by a campaign that is inspired, by the co-operation and collaboration of the people, which goes beyond the divides of race, color, gender, culture, language and nationality. Social change movements are driven by collective human 'Energy', 'Intelligence', 'Courage' and 'Money'. If any one of these ingredients is lacking, the so-called movement is likely to fail.
This proposal is driven by an ordinary person single-handedly, a 'Nobody' in terms of social reckoning. He cannot prove his credentials in social reforms, except he holds a track record that testifies, he served a Bank to make a living, and not learning. Now, he leads a retired life on pension. His credibility in the field of theology is also untested, being a late starter, he lacks an organizational base, support team, and financial clout, considered as essential ingredients, to launch a movement, from conception to conclusion. It seems, he has started an armchair discussion, and is trying to catch a fish, from a glass of whisky, he enjoys sipping in the evening, assuming drunks tell the truth.
People are clueless about authors identity, he is a retiree, who spends time, at home, to muse or mute, so beware of a wise looking vice man, do not follow his truth that resembles lies. Look at the ways and means he employs, judge his motive, observe his personal life, he cannot conceal himself for long. By airing non-conformist views, it does not mean, he is the 'Chosen One' to usher a momentous change. He is challenging religious dogmas, with no tutelage and indoctrination by Gurus. If he is propagating his own spiritual knowledge, then he is within his right, to propose religious reforms. Does it matter what he masquerades like an eyeless ant asking for eyelashes? Is content or his credentials more important? Can we trust people we don't know? Do we trust people we know? A doubting mind often cheats.
Proposal is philosophical, impractical and irreligious, it incites people to leave their world of religion and enter a world of spirituality. Proposal does not deny 'God' and asserts no argument can establish God’s reality, yet it uses God as a metaphor for 'Cosmic Consciousness'. On the lessons of life, presenter rests the whole responsibility on the shoulders of spiritual seekers, telling them, to pave and tread their own path, follow none other. In this way, he thinks everyone can become a Buddha. As knowing 'Thyself' is well pronounced in the proposal, initiating the creation of a religionless world is unfounded. Its a silly plan, driven by a single person that can hardly succeed. Can one sesame seed make oil?
Whole proposal is redoing and time wasted in vain, transmuted into unrefined and unreliable judgement, arising out of irreligious inclination of a profane presenter, whose outlook with regard to himself, in relation to the rest of the world is questionable. His contention that there is no teacher except the seeker himself, defies the established principles of learning. His long explanations are big lies. His tipsy thoughts are like spirituous liquors, that rock like rum, whiff like whisky, bubble like beer, and water like wine. Big results do not require big plans, a small leak can sink a big ship. The path is not in sky, people gaze at, its made by men, who rightly see, what to heed, where to head, and when to halt.
To pitch the proposal is like the myth of a mystic, who as a young man, wanted to change the whole world. Reaching middle age, he saw not a single person changed, Then he thought ‘Let me change my family’. Graying old, he realized his family has failed to change, so he thought 'I will change' seeing death approaching fast, and life slipping out, now it was too late, for him to change. Soon he passed away, without changing himself or his family or anyone in the world. Change, if not well planned and well timed, does not work, as the spiral of change, fails to find stability in the stillness of its core, essential to trigger a transformation, or else it falls like a tree, the way it leans, and not in opposite direction.
Social reform movements, often succeed by a sensible manifesto, a great leadership, and the knack to generate public opinion to support the project. When these three elements work together in unison, they create a 'wave' that can sweep out the old, and reinstate the new. Presenter can write a manifesto not without grammatical errors, and lacks the quality of good leadership, oratorical skills, and the fine ability to create public opinion, in favor of his proposal. He can push not lead. So, this project will not take-off in isolation, by the effort of just a single person alone, with no public support.
Authors of Holy books knew, religions they promote will not last long. So, they invented a God, who promises to protect believers, makes announcement to deliver justice, on a judgment day, to reward or punish people, for their good or bad deeds, without disclosing a time-frame intentionally, leaving believers in limbo, who wait indefinitely, for an unbelievable event, in making to happen, nobody knows when or where. Religions have succeeded in their plan, they have outlived, the prophecies of their early demise, by creating long lasting, never ending delusions. It is difficult to disengage people, from this, and many other similar and ridiculous religious beliefs, which even a 'New Broom' cannot sweep it clean.
Deep impact of religion on the mind of faith followers is baffling, indeed. Even after 800 years, Islamic rule in India, that witnessed, slaughtering of eighty million Hindus, the bloodiest and most brutal, horrifying story of mass murder, and mayhem in world history. Muslim invaders failed to wipe out Hinduism from India. Islam is still a minority religion in India, even if we take Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh into account. Mughal ruler Akbar, syncretized a new religion 'Din-e-Ilahi' and failed, even the lineage of ten Gurus, who created 'Sikhism' by imbibing virtues of both faiths, could not spread pan India, except in Punjab. History testifies, the reversal of religion is difficult, even if, people are put under life threatening conditions, people don't change their religions easily. It is as hard as squeezing water from a rock.
'Satyadharma' and art of 'Exploration of Self' are subtle and profound philosophical concepts not easily grasped. Nor is there a way to reduce it to writing, or into a syllabus of study, nor is it based on commentaries of commentators, or on experiences of other seekers. Spirituality is purely a undemonstrative personal experience that differs from person to person. There is no similarity or commonality in spiritual or mystical experiences. Each person knows it, by the knack of knowing it himself, at personal or individual level. If, the 'Common Man' fails to comprehend this tedious and tiresome path, then the whole exercise, promoted by the presenter is of no use, and will end up, from where it had started.
Holy books distort reality and create a world of fantasy, superstition, rituals and delusions. Those who oppose them are sinners. Interestingly, founders of all major religions, Buddha, Christ and Muhammad, all had opposed existing religions of their time, and had launched proactive campaigns to introduce 'Religious Reforms'. Whether they succeeded or not is difficult to say, the world has certainly not changed. It revolves around same organized religions. Presenter may also, make same mistake, and end up creating noise and nuisance, without impacting any worthwhile fundamental change.
Eternal spiritual truths are woven in human nature. There is no censorship on conscience. Deep within, faith followers and fundamentalists know, humanity is 'One' a fact they bury, under the burden of false religious beliefs. Outwardly, they express disapproval of their inner feelings, and strongly oppose religious reforms, calling it an act of blasphemy, in situations they know, others are watching them. Fear of being censored by others, prevents them to agree, what their benefactors hold good for them, to fine-tune their religion in sync with time, like a turbulent sea makes a skillful sailor.
Religious reforms are difficult to popularize, extremely cumbersome to introduce. That reason and righteousness will eventually govern humanity is a silly idealism. Human beings are not rational beings. They are born irrational, and live in a world of irrationally. Rationality is not a natural trait of human beings. Reason is a tool to tame the irrational mind. just as in same way, presenter is trying to change, the religious mindset of people, to a spiritual state of mind. Religions are fictitious, fabricated, fiction, fantasy, thus creating a religionless world on reason and righteousness alone is a tall order, if an element of fiction is added to attract the gullible, then proposal will become as foolish as religions are now.
Religious people are vulnerable to fascination and their fixations. They live in a make-believe world, and try to discover, something that is not here on earth, nor up there in sky. They fail to set apart facts from fiction, and spend their whole life in vain, keeping the wonder of religions alive, a marvel that mesmerizes the gullible, who live helplessly to validate religious fantasies in their real life, they struggle to cope with the unreal and fail, suffering anxiety and hallucinations. Religions have brain-washed, almost eighty percent of human population. Can a new idea make a dent on it?
Promoting idea of prayers, miracles and destiny, religions have created, a false illusion, of fake security, producing a class of people, who do not make efforts, to improve their lot, inflicting a heavy toll, on rational thoughts. Believers waste their life with futile prayers, wait for miracles to happen, and destiny to unfold a grand future for them, all in vain. Earlier natural disasters were interpreted as wrath of God. Now religions justify terrorism, ethnic cleansing, genocides, hatred and war between religions as God's anger on humanity. Terror of religions has created divisions and damaged world peace. Promoting message of 'Oneness' and 'Social Harmony' in a hostile scenario is a difficult task, indeed.
Globally people inherit religion from birth. In list of religions 'Christianity' is on the top, Islam on second position, people with no religious affiliation are on third position. Christianity is most evenly spread religion, and Hinduism the least. On fourth position is ‘No Religion' group consisting of atheists, agnostics, and spiritual people. Christianity and Islam as organized religions are poised to spread further. Hinduism and Buddhism as philosophy can capture the imagination of the people. With such strong statistics, it is difficult to dismantle, the whole super-structure, of religions from the world. So a 'Religionless World' is far-fetched, and is likely to be misunderstood, as a crazy idea invented by a crazy man.
Sin and redemption are foundation of religions, which exploits biological 'Fear & Reward' syndrome, humans are born with, thus enticing them to follow false beliefs, invented for survival of religions. So, any attempt to change the religious mindset of the people can create a conflict among faith followers of different religions, causing social disorder, rage and carnage. Fundamentalism actually is a violent response to suppress religious reforms. It is an orthodox restatement of religion made by an enigmatic leader, who can hold faith followers, enthralled by his charisma and oratory and who can tell lies to run round the world wildly, through digital devices, while truth puts on the shoes to run aimlessly.
Religions promote distortion, deception and delusion and keep faith followers hooked to foolish beliefs, without knowing the consequences. Upholding false ideas over a long period of time, becomes a part of human personality, so people cannot disassociate, themselves from it, and weakly admire, their old habitual errors, and fail to see, the truth of life. If religions satisfy, emotional needs, than nobody knows whether people, can discard religions, without causing emotional turmoil. Religions may be worse but is a world without religions better? We cannot figure out, the exact impact, of the departure of religions, as the exit, of all the religions, from the world, has never happened, in human history, so far.
The idea of a religionless world, can shock the religionists, fanatics and zealots. Intention of the presenter is to make them think, as they have stopped thinking, beyond their own religion, many millenniums ago. Once they think, they would know, what is false and true, in their Holy books, and appreciate contradictions are complimentary, as a common concurrence, and would value, and understand, there is no deceitful plan, behind any inevitable change, it is the law of nature, failing which, even Gods are helpless, to save humanity, against ignorance, and it's stupidity.
'God Gene' is hardwired in human DNA. Religions are man-made and Gods created by authors of Holy books. Gods of religions do not exist. God as metaphor for cosmic consciousnesses is used to explain a 'cosmic constant' symbolically. Relinquishing religion is a different matter, then giving up the idea of God. Fear psychosis explains people’s faith in God, Allah and Ishwar, serves as a psychological balm, to assuage their suffering, and strengthen their resolve, to face uncertainties, of life and death, with hope. God's importance cannot be undermined. People follow God like calf follows a cow, and dissolve in its elixir, like coffee changes the color of water. Question is not about a better option, but to understand the concept of God, Allah and Ishwar, in a better way as we know, a thinking that is transcendental.
Public discourse to develop a dependable demand for rational religious reforms is necessary. The proposal negates religions without a credible study to substantiate its claims. Nor has the promoter of the proposal, collected any data to enhance a new understanding, he proposes to pursue. Nor has he, devised any future-oriented, long-term applications to initiate sustainable improvement, in the field of spirituality. The proposal lacks the expertise to get the desired result. Nor does it guarantee fool-proof solutions, so it is difficult to forecast a predetermined outcome of a religionless world.
The trouble with the proposal is how it proposes to promote spiritual values through religious reforms, it lacks the 'Ideological Filler' that can convert the idea into a coherent and sustainable plan. The proposal is vague on how to translate an inspiring idea into reality. World need solutions rather making religions a scapegoat. An analytic mind can easily slip in the game of manipulation, and lose its spiritual perceptive, and come under the spell of idolizing the ‘Self’ as God, in its inner spiritual search, using self-made realities to justify ‘Self’ as ‘Self-hood’, which defeats the purpose of reforms, besides problems created by religions are difficult to solve, in terrifying environment and hostile responses.
Despite secularism, holy books, religious beliefs, it is 'Culture' and tradition that continues to exert a powerful influence, on people globally. Prophesies that religions will fail, fall, and flee, has not come true. Religions still shape the life and thinking of people. Even those, who have read Holy books, hardly know anything about it, and those who know, hardly agree, what it means to them. In this situation, people may continue to follow religions blindly without verification, and their obsession with God, means many things to them. It is likely religions will disappear, but not God, Allah or Ishwar.
Lost in a war of words in an argument, proposed structure and order of a religionless world is undermined, and seen as inadequate, unsuitable to cope with the challenges, to change perception, attitude, values and beliefs. We see pieces of a puzzle, and not the whole big picture, if we are involved with pieces, rearranging them will never cease. A unifying approach, one that connects the pieces, as a whole picture is needed, like epigrams succeed where epics fail. The purpose of this proposal is to help see facts and think about the significance of spiritual values, and focus on oneself, as part of the whole. River is crossed, leaving one side of the shore, and going on other side of the shore.
First, we need to reach an understanding that we all are 'One' and 'One Is All'. Before this happens, we must learn not to see ourselves as separate, from the rest of the world. The idea of the world, as a 'Split-Level' entity, is the result of ‘Mental-Gymnastics’. The world, as we see it, is an idea, created by human mind, as a grand ‘Mental-Drama’. Let us now un-stage it, with the same mind, which creates it, and pull down the curtain, on the theater of ‘Mental-Creation’, and enter the world of reality, and enact the real act of life. A bad error is to have error, and not amend it, knowingly.
We want a world without Holy Books, a world without Gods, who look like comic superheros, and humanity without any organized religions. Different religions give expression to different Gods, and with several Holy Books, the essence of ‘Oneness’ is lost. Truth is seen from various angles, and articulated in diverse ways. People must choose a path that suits them best and merge 'Individual spirit' with 'Cosmic spirit', which is the culmination of wisdom. World accepts that there are many truths, seen by as many people. Even if, it takes two to speak truth, the reality of world is but 'One'.
Being too methodical and too detail-oriented is to limit our vision from opening up fully. Emotions too are illogical, when emotions are strong, reason becomes feeble, and starts working through senses. If one feels right, he acts in view, of what he feels is right. His decision may not be logical, nor his judgment reasonable, deep within he knows, that the information senses and mind gathers is funneled and filtered through his conscience. He cannot deny or undermine, deep influence of thoughts that create, dynamic plurality figuratively. So, to deal with emotions is equally important, as is the judicious use of reason desirable, to experience intuitive nuances of 'One World' and 'One Human Race'.
Separating from old world order, to step into a new world order, fear of not knowing, how to respond, to new challenges is formidable, indeed. Such situations often help, to rejuvenate our perceptions, attitudes, values, and beliefs to change fundamentally. The way to change is to learn, and learning is a life-long process. So, it is important to have an open mind, and be ready to learn, without hesitation. A learner is not a scholar. Learning is a method to acquire knowledge, and to develop right understanding, one has to go beyond, normal confines of a rational benchmark, in order to extend, expand and explore spiritual dimensions and its well meaning scope, where the sense of pure ‘Being’ becomes subtle and deep, longing to discover, countless multi-dimensional domains, of cosmic reality.
Sometimes it is wrong to tell the truth, when it tastes more bitter than poison, religions cannot justify its bloodiest role in human history, So, how much is the worth of religions now? Why is world allowing religions to dictate the way people must live and behave? Life is not just the command and control of religious beliefs, which is increasingly becoming a challenge to world peace, and that’s what world is concerned about. We have to drift from a religion based society, to a spiritual based society, and that is what we need to debate right now, before a rudderless idea, translates into reality.
Whether we like it or whether we don’t like it, subtle changes are silently taking place in the domain of religions. The wind of ‘Change’ is blowing across the world to uproot the old. Will it sweep away the age old regimes of religions? And fulfill the long sought human aspirations for spiritual growth, and development of humanity to realize oneness. Allow the winds of change, to give wings to the world, to glide into a new age, full of new possibilities, and keep religions out of sight, out of mind, and awake in the freedom of collective consciousness, the fountain of life, laughter and love.
The whole world is manifestation of 'consciousness' as one single ‘life-force’, which passes in time, acquiring different shapes and diverse physical forms. In the heart of all species, resides one fundamental unifying longing, to survive and be happy. When every form of life is seen as ‘One’ the idea of people, races and nationalities is bound to collapse, and union with the supreme life-force, and its various diverse forms is realized, and the outcome of this unification leads to 'Unconditional Love' and 'Selfless Service' to all living beings. After all, we are born, not to hate a person, because of the color of his skin, religion, nationality and culture. Life is all about living together in harmony.
Beware of 'Presenter', he is deficient in displaying, the trademarks of holiness, so loudly adorned, by all self-decorated swamis, babas and gurus, who flaunt their ill-gotten wealth, and a crowd of devotees to the world, as a testimony to prove their sanctity. But, presenter is simply an ordinary man, who can best, twist lies as truth, to prove his point of view, being a drab Banker, he is a fault finder, who can lend umbrella in sunshine, and take away in rain. So, readers are cautioned to exercise reasonable care, verify facts then judge, how much truth, and how many lies, are backed by the presenter in his proposal. Are they meant to befool or enlighten people? or just a jolly well trash talk. Readers may decide, does his proposal make a difference in the real sense, or else, they are free to discard it, as utter nonsense.
Religions hammer and drill false religious beliefs in the minds of their followers, while truth is revealed by facts alone, there is no other way to know truth. Correct perception is to see, what is there, and what is not there. Rising tides takes away every thing on its way, while receding leaves behind, many shinning shells on the shore, thus keeping the fear and the fascination of the sea alive. So don't be enamored by impressive views, except by hard facts and its harsh realities, as the idea of a ‘Continuous Change’ and a ‘Long lasting Change’ for the greater and common good of people are two different things on which, the proposal wants to draw the attention of readers, to ponder and decide upon.
Religionless World doesn't fall within conservative understanding of people. Voice to tone down the issue, comes not from the root of rationality but from an emotional level of a unreasonable human response. Readers may find practical, and impractical propositions in the plan, worth reflection or rejection. Truth is hard to swallow, we can win an argument, when we are right. Then it hardly makes a difference, whether we think before we talk or we talk before we think. The Presenter has opened the door, readers can walk through this door, and see what lies there. He has sown the seeds to plant a tree, underneath its shade others may sit, not he. Having lived his life, not long before, he may soon depart from the world, and disappear in the realm of the dead forever, never to be seen again in flesh, bone and blood.
There are numerous paths in the world but no destination to reach. Destination is an imaginary goalpost, created by the human mind, out of fear of boredom, arising out of nothingness and eternity. We may look different outwardly, but we all are 'one single entity' inwardly, comprising 'one universal consciousness'. As ‘Spiritual Laws’ govern consciousness, perceptible by spiritual knowledge. So, all human beings are spiritual beings, governed by spiritual laws, wisdom and ethical values, and not by any man-made religion. Therefore, the plan of the proposal is to obey and observe, universal spiritual rules, and change the false fabricated ‘religious mindset’ of people, to a normal and natural ‘spiritual mindset’.
When we analyse ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’ nothing worthwhile is concluded, by reviewing a one sided view, as analysis takes conceptual lead, from both sides ‘For’ and ‘Against’, covering congenial and contradictory views. As the analyzing mind often fails to see 'Truth'. Synthesis of ‘Advantages’ and ‘Disadvantages’ by uniting all diverse views, gives a balanced view, leading to wisdom that is universally acceptable. Beyond analysis and rational thinking, we reach a dead-end, knowing not where to go, here wisdom intervenes, to pave the path, to reach the lofty evolutionary objectives we value.
Human beings are spiritual beings with a surging spirit to serve humanity, from lowest to highest level. Consciousness alone can connect with consciousness effortlessly, the moment mind drops, it happens suddenly. Full consciousness then descends upon us, and flows freely through us, unfolding numerous invisible spatial dimensions, beyond physical and spirit worlds, making us abundantly accessible, to experience the cosmic reality, and see the unseen, and feeling the intangible. There is no reason or logic, beyond 'Cosmic Stillness'. All physical and non-physical dimensions have an objective to meet, consciousness alone has none, it simply expands to increase, the scope of cosmic and human awareness. So, spiritual approach and not religion is more congenial and compatible, to establish a new world order.
'Cosmic consciousness' and 'Individual consciousness' is same, except cosmic consciousness is an ocean, individual consciousness a wave. Consciousness is behind all creation. 'God' is a metaphor of consciousness. Existence of God as cosmic consciousness is indisputable. Beyond consciousness there is ‘Nothing’, it is here, all knowledge's end. It is here, all destinations end. It is here, multi-dimensional view of ‘Eternity’ starts, difficult to grasp, but learnt by reflection, and personal experience, by recognizing human limitations, and our ignorance, rest all is hype and hypocrisy, a touch of madness. So, we oddly see that foolishness is more pronounced than wisdom. Consciousness is not the creator, it is the source from where everything emerges, like waves from ocean, we all are a part of this everlasting ethereal energy.
In a digital age, it is imperative for human race, to go beyond all false religious beliefs, and explore the righteous way. ‘Satyadharma’ the epitome of universal spiritual values, empowers introspection and intuition, connects and controls individual evolution with cosmic evolution, leading to cosmic revelation, cosmic intelligence, cosmic wisdom, or in other words, a declaration that there is 'No God but God', and there is everybody, but nobody like 'You'. So, script your story, your vision, and live your life, even if the story of life appears universal, still it is not your story, it is not your mind, just think for yourself. Soon, we all would be memory for few people, so follow cosmic guidance, and put cosmic wisdom to work, life is a lesson to evolve and change. In trans-pan-consciousness everything that is thinkable is possible. Nothing is ever lost in cosmos, be it thoughts, sound or silence, they are transformed, transmitted and not terminated.
People oppose truth, because they cannot handle things that are right, yet in strange ways, all existing circumstances change. Million matchsticks are made from one tree, one matchstick is enough to burn million trees. Sometimes we think a thought can take us, to a certain level of thinking, but it takes us, to another level of thinking. From the source of thoughts, thoughts come to us with no conscious effort. Some thoughts forge link with people and connect with ease, to manifest in the world, without a producer or a director of thoughts, yet, it pulls the play off, in diverse ways, by each actors of each thought. No one can ever retrieve change, after it has changed. No one can relive time, when its gone.
Thoughts have staying power, yet they do not stay forever, so follow the old adage, secret of change is not to fight the old, but to build the new, and then find out, what is right for humanity, and discard, what is wrong, for the world, and then amplify, the voice to change, accordingly. Religions have given what it could, let religions go now. If religions leave behind a scar, allow ‘Spiritual values’ to make a mark. Men and women must endeavor, to follow the principles of truth. Truth mirrors reality, and laws of nature. We all are a part of that substratum, which is the seat of consciousness, of the 'See-er' and the 'Sage'. The wheel of time is turning full circle, if nothing is up there then nothing is down here, time is ticking away. Awake, act fast and sleep not, he who sleeps, does not wake up, as the same person, who had slept.
The countdown has begun. When will this embryonic idea materialize is far-fetched. Matter is under dynamic scrutiny of people, taking this as a tentative teething topic, talked about tenaciously now in public domain. All such voluntary ideas for common good of humanity, possess the propensity to spread spontaneously, with speed and spiral, over the world, for people to judge, its positive impact, a trend over which, no one has control, to stop this from happening. Spinning steadily it settles down, stepping in to start a solid, stable, social change, with mushrooming 'Change-makers' riding the steed of spirituality, rushing to reinvent and renovate, regressive religious rumblings. Before it happens in unstructured, unbalanced, unintelligent manner, people of the world, must deal with this issue, seriously and sensibly, right now.
What are the 'Pros' and 'Cons' of the proposal? Whether the idea to create a ‘Religionless World’ is achievable or not? Is the proposed change as good or as bad as existing status-quo of religions is? Is a world without religions more desirable than a world with religions is? Whether political, government, culture and demographic considerations help or hinder religious reforms? Can we shatter the shackles of religious rigidity? Isn't religion a big business traded by priest, mullah and pundit? Can a person who never climbs ever fall? Why should the presenter hesitate to pitch his proposal, and make a public presentation, when opportunity to do is right before him? Why should he fear to fix religions?
Before, we call this a advantageous change, a progressive, pragmatic, prospect to pitch, we should know well, whether the projected proposed plan, can make the present position better, or lead to worsening of the existing condition. We realize that words are not undone, words create illusions, they instill the power to act. So, we need to be tactful and tactical, not to spin a sensitive subject, with lies or useless words, lost in details, while dealing with religious issues, or else it can ping across, hurting feelings of supporters and saviors of religions, which is not the intention of the presenter except that he wants to explore, and unfold the secrets of a better prospect that lie beyond, the scope of all religions.
Therefore, readers must evaluate the 'Advantages' and 'Disadvantages' of the proposal, and then decide, whether they should accept or reject, the suggestions, proposed in the proposal. There is no compulsion, no 'Ifs' and no 'Buts'. It is a free choice. To you is your ‘World with Religions’, and to me my ‘World without Religions’. It is not a battle of wits, other than, to clear the logjam willingly. Religious reforms are a blessing in disguise, its harsh realities, serve to expose lies, people are not prepared to face head-on. Sometimes people have to undergo trails and tribulations to know truth. The old adage 'as we sow so shall we reap' is the immutable law of Karma. Thus seeking 'Truth' is a step in right direction.
Be it known, world is ready for 'public debate' on religious reforms. Readers can air unbiased views freely on this issue, as a consensus of consent, or retreat by rejecting the proposal, or examine it, from a different point of view. Truth is interpreted in many ways, differently by different people. It is reader’s vision, his personal interpretation that will make a difference, and not the run of mill muse, debunking divinity or reprimanding religions, because to step into a religionless world is as difficult, as to step out from a world of religions. So, its never late, nor odd enough to bring a change, for the betterment of people. The path is not in sky, where we look in vain. Ground reality is in taking a chance right now, right here, no one knows the outcome, nothing worse will happen or go wrong, errors need support nothing to uphold truth.
People are disillusioned by religions. Holy books are no more the lamp to illuminate the mind. iPad shines in the light of right information on screen by a tender touch. Religions are too old fashioned in substance and spirit, and still continue to romance with the saga of medieval age. Not a single religion wants to change or be in sync with existing digital age. As a result, religious reforms are likely to be resisted by a very small number of blind followers, and at the same time appreciated by a large number of educated people world over, as a right step taken in the right direction.
Universe is based on what our senses perceive and mind understands. Our eyes need light waves to see, ears need sound waves to hear, nose needs gaseous matter to smell, tongue needs matter (solid or liquid form) to taste. Our senses act as 'Five Inputs' and brain as factory of thoughts, produce a combination called 'Mind'. In this way we come to know that the universe is made of matter and energy, which is a partial truth, as there is something more, than we can know, about multi-dimensional cosmic regions, humans can never perceive, besides consciousness, eternity and nothingness are transcendental, so people refuse to believe, the version of universe, described by religions, anymore.
Science and technology, the engines of modern civilization, have transformed everyday life of the people, making them adaptable to rapid 'Changes' happening so quickly, in a fast changing age of technology. Ironically even most stubborn and unyielding fanatics are so flexible, adjusting themselves too well, with fast changing technology. Than why are they so rigid with religious beliefs? This behavioral change signals, its time to liberate the world from outdated religions, to fulfill a demand in-waiting. Old religious systems, rituals, beliefs and superstitions are failing as never before, followed by flexibility of swiftly changing tech-age in flux, apt to free the world from rigid religions, struck in the turn of time.
‘Religionless World’ is not an idealistic idea, but an impending sensible happening likely to occur soon, assessing that number of 'non-religious people' in world is rising rapidly, and the number of 'religious people' is declining drastically in countries like America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Even as a large number of Asian countries still reel under the repression of religions and Gods, as they fail to see, societies with 'No Religion' are in a healthy state of 'Social Harmony'. We hope dark clouds of religions will disappear soon, by the radiance of spirituality from all Asian countries. That time has finally come, let us dare to act fast, before we too lose the moon, while counting stars.
People in communist countries, like Russia and China, do not follow religions. They are 'Religionless'. Communism like religions was thrust upon people, at a great loss of human life. The consequences were not less than a brutal Holy war. Communist Russia comprised of Russians who wanted to live in peace, yet Communists in Russia were responsible for the murder of almost 20 million Russians. China’s huge population was also peaceful, still the Chinese Communists administered killing of a staggering 70 million Chinese. Political ideas can kill so many innocent people is inexplicable. Flowers of love bloom when seeds of compassion are sown, not by forcing an ideology on people with an iron fist.
Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism are split into innumerable sects, each sect follows its own sectarian doctrines. That means, none of the major world religion has a single, or a stable set, of a 'self-sustaining' arrangement. Exposing the reality that no religion has any exclusive right of 'Holy Truth' suggesting that, spiritual wisdom alone, can be fruitful in formation of a future faith in 21st century. Has spring come? Are trees blooming with flowers of spirituality?
There are a number of other factors that imply, involvement of people with religion is waning fast. A large number of people in the world identify themselves, with the religion in which they are born, as a 'mark' of their cultural identity, not as believers or faith followers of religion. Indicating that a huge segment of people in world do not believe in religion, but display it outwardly, as an insignia of inheritance. Religions worth had its wonder, like fruits in season's splendor.
Practical people question the veracity of religions, and look for reason and justification, to discard false religious beliefs, with the truth of spiritual values, as only spiritual wisdom, can negate the erroneous impact of religions on humanity, and in the formation of flawed societies, and superfluous creation of nations. People look for sensible spiritual options, to transform make-believe, man-made religions and nations, for the sake of oneness, world peace and brotherhood.
Religion creates the fear of Gods and the shame of guilt. Its a clever ploy to trap people in a vicious circle, forcing them to accept religious authority, and its doctrines as a single solution, for their salvation. The priest, mullah and the pundit keep faith followers preoccupied with the idea of God. Followers foolishly waste their whole life, troubled and engaged in a imaginary struggle, to ‘Save their Soul’. There is nothing wrong with the world. The way religions see the world, makes the world wrong. However valuable religious ideas are, people pine for right views and right direction.
Sectarianism, fanaticism and bigotry has flooded the world with the rivers of human blood, destroyed civilizations and ransacked the progressive development of the world. Had it not been for such horrible acts, human society would have been far more advanced than it is today. It is a shame and insult to intellectuals, the lawmakers and the leaders of the world, who have failed to prevent heinous crimes, happening so frequently, in the name of religions, go unpunished.
By revolutionizing technology in the field of mass communication, the multi-culture, multi-lingual and multi-religion world is coming closer as never before. So the timing of this proposal is just right. People world over are waiting to break ties with redundant religions, to transcend the limitations of religions, by expanding the canvas of human perception, of a world without religions. In haste to do so, and with cooperation and collaboration of people, even a tricky test can turn out well, a good reason to reconcile, to flag the first flight, facilitating religions to flee, falling and failing, to fit like fiddle.
Currently we are experiencing, an exponential growth relative to rapid changes, engineered by science and technology. Changes in technology and its impact on world culture and religions is happening too fast. In a changing world past is meaningless, so the extraordinary moment we all seek is right now, a time when people face challenges of transition, yet, manage to shift and switch to new methodologies with ease. This great sense of adaptability gives hope to change. Even if, technology shapes a solitary society, people are still led by reason, and not by outdated religions rumblings.
Even commoners can vividly view the vulnerability of religions, when rigid religious leaders mockingly manipulate the ‘Essentials’ relying on the evidence and estimations of religious beliefs, a flawed intelligence, and the asymmetrical analysis of myths and miracles, proclaimed as gospel truth. Why bad people use religions and holy institutions to cover their badness? People’s non-affiliation to religion is growing, and fanaticism is rising, using extreme forms of religious doctrines as a reaction to cultural, economic and political changes, hiding the indifferent interest of people in religions.
Religions contain creative and critical thoughts, impose censorship on speech, literature and art. Religious leaders are biggest abusers of power, authority and followers who trust them. They are the one, who hunt, harass and hound sensible people, who try to revise religions as blasphemers with blasphemy, using holy writ as a whip, to whack them. Religions obliterate intelligence, exploit helplessness, force religious beliefs, enslave people, and proclaim fanatics, as unquestionable and indisputable masters. People want to free themselves from all this nonsense. They are waiting for a opening, which is free, factual and flexible to transform outdated religious life, into a brighter beneficial spiritual living.
No one converts to Hindu religion. Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life. But Hindus do convert to other religions, under fear, force, favor or due to the pain and shame of caste system. Hindus have an inbuilt sense to tolerate others religious beliefs, and accept the world as 'One Family'. In Hinduism there is no holy book, no religious authority, or an organization that accepts, rejects, opposes or prosecutes anyone on behalf of Hindu religion. If this so ancient Vedic philosophy, as a so-called religion could survive, since several millenniums, than the philosophy to build a 'Religionless World' appears viable too, as it offers, individual-centric values, based on reason to lead a natural spiritual life.
Religions cleverly mask society and culture to hide its real character, as a result, religious affiliation, even in theocratic societies is shrinking, showing people's disinclination to their religion of birth, and their eagerness to join other religions. while many choose not to follow any religion at all. Ever since, more and more people are moving rudderless, from one religion to another, lost in a confusion created by religions. Religions are losing and not gaining members. People feel vulnerable, they do not know, which way to go. They have no road-map to follow, no alternative path to tread.
Religions twist truth, spin lies, perversion of reality in religions, has reached a snapping point, with no backups, people struggle to come out, from their false religious convictions, they find them, helplessly entrenched from birth. Normally, when there is no hope, people become indecisive and feel disillusioned. The proposal will circulate the message to change, so that change can manifest and materialize. In a rational age, falsehood and errors, can’t exist for long, it has no place. People see 'Religious Reforms' as a prospect for improvement, from small beginning comes a great opening.
Old religious structures are crumbling, minds conditioned by rigid religions, fetch feebly to fit-free, fretting far away from faltering religions, as spiritual enlightenment is taking place to invalidate religions. Young and the educated are ready to chart out a change in the field of religions. They are prepared to accept short-term pain for a long-term gain, and face world as it is, not as religions perceive a world full of fantasy. Time is ripe to promote religious reforms, elevate people and society, to a new level of thinking. Besides, being chained to change, gives hope and optimisim, to grow naturally.
Curiosity of people in spiritual matters is increasing enormously in numbers. Efforts to take science and spirituality to a point, from where a ‘Global Humanitarian Society’ can materialize is poised to become a reality, ready to manifest in its full glory, set to herald everlasting, peace and harmony, camaraderie and compassion, caring and sharing, happiness and harmony among people, not by reactive but by proactive cooperation and collaboration. When the apple is ripe it falls. Likewise spiritual values will receive big boost in time to come. Should we wake up people who pretend to sleep?
Human thoughts transcend race, nationality and time, which thought will take what shape is hard to know. Thoughts fuse freely. From where they come we do not know. In India, China and Greece some philosophers were born around same time with a striking similarity in their thoughts. Today, we are witnessing exactly same transition, the creation of comparable thoughts, coming from various directions. So a drastic change in religious outlook of the world is imminent. Ways of 'Cosmic Will' is mysterious, it makes no difference 'When' 'Why' 'Where' or 'Who' starts the process to change the religious mindset of people, to go beyond the thoughts of philosophers, to last longer than a man’s life can save.
The revival of spiritual values augur a glorious future for mankind. The spadework has begun. Religions cannot survive in future, the way it existed in past or exists now. A complete new understanding is emerging. Universal spiritual values are unifying, and with evolving global philosophy, exit of religions from world stage is inevitable. Religions toiled, taught are tattered now. Religions glorious days are over, supper is done, curtain has dropped, and in the darkness of night, time to abandon, redundant religions has come. Wake up in the dawn of a new promise, where noble ideas float freely in ether, aired nor heard ever before. The role 'Etheric' plays in phenomenal world is still unexplored.
Religionists seek externally, but spiritual seekers dive deep in their inner dell, dwelling to delve answer, to questions on life. Technological age offers 'Manual of instructions' to operate mechanical devices but human beings have no manual to manage their own life. People want a manual on 'Life and Living'. So self-study is the right approach, rest all what religions invent and intend, in their holy books is ignorance. Human life is a preparation, to enter higher dimensions of life. It is hard to believe in death, everything gained in life is lost. Only ‘Self-Knowledge’ goes on the journey after death, and 'State of Consciousness' in last moment of life is very crucial too, as it decides, the state of life, after death.
It is wrong to assume religions have common features, there is hardly any similarities, all religions are poles apart, incomparable and incompatible to each other, few commonalities exist, but are not acceptable to the fundamentalists. So, devising a ‘Common World Religion’ is a far-fetched dream. In fact, the utility of each religion is over now. Religions are no more relevant. Seeing sharpe differences and cascading conflicts among religions, the assimilation of astuteness, can be accomplished, only through non-religious methods, essentially that which is spiritual in nature.
In past, Buddhism was a 'State Religion' of India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, China and Japan. Buddhism has vanished from all these countries, except Japan, which is still a Buddhist country. If people in these countries, could change their religion, with passage of time, there is hope world can also become religionless. Provided the message of this proposal is spread globally, only then, people will take an objective, impartial view on this issue. With time things fall in place, even if, it takes a jolt to wake up, people and State, to the spiritual realities of the world.
Each religion looks different from different perspectives. What lies behind its 'Reverence' and 'Barbarism' is a matter of 'Senselessness' and 'Shame'. World has witnessed the objective interpretation of all the major religions of the world. Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism have in many ways accepted, others views on their religions with open mind. But, there is a defiance by Islamic scholars to disagree the views of others on Islam, as a section of Muslims are intolerant and react violently. If religions consider criticisms as a threat, then there is no hope or scope for improvement.
Time is moving from medieval age to modern age, and from present 'Digital Age' time is heading towards 'Space Age', thus time of 'No Religions' is visible on the horizon. There is something new, beyond which humanity, can always find something better. World has everything we need, so our mission is to mobilize, and make full use of common good, for all, relatable to time and its ramifications. When we start something new and different, it appears meaningless. Nothing is meaningful, as long we perceive it, as a separate component, the moment all fragments are fused, into a synthesized whole, a 'new entity' congenial & acceptable to all emerges, to tell this, to the world aloud, bang the gong from a hilltop.
When world is continuously changing why shouldn't religions change? If we look at our body, it is constantly changing, and will continue to change until we die, there is nothing, we can do to stop it, except agree and adapt to the ongoing involuntary bodily changes. In the same way, mankind moves ahead with time, with new ideas, and with new details. Since new ideas are constantly challenged, they need to be refined and amended accordingly. New ideas about religions will not stop from evolving, even the common notion of spiritual values will change with time, so we need to negotiate and navigate, what lies ahead, and not brood over past, bygone ideas, buried in pages of dead history.
Spiritual values are appropriate alternative to religions but are not the highest or the ultimate goal. Spirituality is simply better than religions, and is not the end of human quest. Spirituality cannot be the highest prospect of human liberation that a human being can attain. It may probably be better in comparison to religions that precedes it, but not something that can succeed it. It is a beginning of the journey on the road to ‘One World’ fostering humanity as one family, and whole world as a global village. Religions have failed to accomplish this noble mission miserably, in its long tenure.
The record of religion is embellishment and exaggeration. The world has entered 'Golden Age' of spiritual awakening. The wheel of world is about to turn full circle, by the power of the people, to restore the principles of righteousness, by spiritual standards. History is etched with paper heroes but is shaped by nameless unsung heroes. Religionless world is spiritually inclusive, it negates religious beliefs and Gods invented by holy books, but accepts cosmic consciousness as God, and follows spiritual means & values, like a well bred calf follow a milking cow and not a well fed milk-less cow.
Retaining rabid, rigid, radical and repetitive mental attitude in a changing life, and in a ever changing world is frustrating indeed, people feel they are being restricted and restrained, which is against the human spirit. Religionless world is a ‘Back to Basics’ approach, the test of sorts in this area is proven, and requires no further verification of its veracity. So, world built on the foundation of spiritual values will not crack, it will endure and make stronger, the spiritual evolution of mankind. Let's march with the beat of the drummer. Humanity will exit from the old, and enter into a new world soon.
The idea of a religionless world is significant, not as a visage of vision but as an event that can happen, how much time it will take no one knows, It is difficult to draw a timeline. The things that changed the world, started from a single idea. Today, we can just visualize, it may take years before it becomes a reality. But, the joy of seeing the old religious world disappear, by a new spiritual awakening in future is reassuring, indeed. Worlds may come and worlds may go, change will continue till eternity. Fools will resist change and wise will welcome. Let's take the tooth out than have it aching.
For the common good of all, for the survival and evolution of humanity, and to meet the universal aspirations of peace, security, freedom and rule of law, we need to develop ‘One World Government’ and promote ‘One World Leader’ and ‘One World Religion’. This new world order will be established by consent, not by conquest or coercion. The process can be initiated, by consortium of democratic countries and world leaders, who allow things to fall in place, currently we are living in a time, with a crisis in civilization. Can this movement define the future of mankind and a new world order? When truth makes enemy, lies friends, than don't expect the end is nothing, than accept something good to happen.
Religions need a new thinking to uplift people from religious dependency to personal awareness. Religious rigidity has hurt humanity. Religions create a make-believe world without realizing, truth goes much beyond, what our finite senses can measure or perceive. So, it’s our duty to build a understanding of the world on facts, and not on fiction. Let us dip in the river of cosmic consciousness, and experience the birth of a new humanity, free from religious contamination, and as one group, collectively ask to receive, together seek to find, jointly knock the door, and let the door open, unto us.
Value of a 'Religionless World' is not reduced, when people fail to see its worth. If educated people believe in it, than religionless world can become a reality, sooner or later, even if fanatics forbid. Be it known, people who don't want to change let them not, but people who want to, will change with time. Spiritual values are something, all human beings, believe is inseparable part of their nature, something everyone hopes to attract 'That' what the soul knows is its destiny, we all are governed by same spiritual laws, like Stars shine at night and Sun in day, with same laws of light.
'Social Change' mass movement for 'Religious Reforms' is intentional, and not a spontaneous event, it is launched by planning, aspiring to create a comprehensive, and extensive public awareness, choreographed by a campaign that is inspired, by the co-operation and collaboration of the people, which goes beyond the divides of race, color, gender, culture, language and nationality. Social change movements are driven by collective human 'Energy', 'Intelligence', 'Courage' and 'Money'. If any one of these ingredients is lacking, the so-called movement is likely to fail.
This proposal is driven by an ordinary person single-handedly, a 'Nobody' in terms of social reckoning. He cannot prove his credentials in social reforms, except he holds a track record that testifies, he served a Bank to make a living, and not learning. Now, he leads a retired life on pension. His credibility in the field of theology is also untested, being a late starter, he lacks an organizational base, support team, and financial clout, considered as essential ingredients, to launch a movement, from conception to conclusion. It seems, he has started an armchair discussion, and is trying to catch a fish, from a glass of whisky, he enjoys sipping in the evening, assuming drunks tell the truth.
People are clueless about authors identity, he is a retiree, who spends time, at home, to muse or mute, so beware of a wise looking vice man, do not follow his truth that resembles lies. Look at the ways and means he employs, judge his motive, observe his personal life, he cannot conceal himself for long. By airing non-conformist views, it does not mean, he is the 'Chosen One' to usher a momentous change. He is challenging religious dogmas, with no tutelage and indoctrination by Gurus. If he is propagating his own spiritual knowledge, then he is within his right, to propose religious reforms. Does it matter what he masquerades like an eyeless ant asking for eyelashes? Is content or his credentials more important? Can we trust people we don't know? Do we trust people we know? A doubting mind often cheats.
Proposal is philosophical, impractical and irreligious, it incites people to leave their world of religion and enter a world of spirituality. Proposal does not deny 'God' and asserts no argument can establish God’s reality, yet it uses God as a metaphor for 'Cosmic Consciousness'. On the lessons of life, presenter rests the whole responsibility on the shoulders of spiritual seekers, telling them, to pave and tread their own path, follow none other. In this way, he thinks everyone can become a Buddha. As knowing 'Thyself' is well pronounced in the proposal, initiating the creation of a religionless world is unfounded. Its a silly plan, driven by a single person that can hardly succeed. Can one sesame seed make oil?
Whole proposal is redoing and time wasted in vain, transmuted into unrefined and unreliable judgement, arising out of irreligious inclination of a profane presenter, whose outlook with regard to himself, in relation to the rest of the world is questionable. His contention that there is no teacher except the seeker himself, defies the established principles of learning. His long explanations are big lies. His tipsy thoughts are like spirituous liquors, that rock like rum, whiff like whisky, bubble like beer, and water like wine. Big results do not require big plans, a small leak can sink a big ship. The path is not in sky, people gaze at, its made by men, who rightly see, what to heed, where to head, and when to halt.
To pitch the proposal is like the myth of a mystic, who as a young man, wanted to change the whole world. Reaching middle age, he saw not a single person changed, Then he thought ‘Let me change my family’. Graying old, he realized his family has failed to change, so he thought 'I will change' seeing death approaching fast, and life slipping out, now it was too late, for him to change. Soon he passed away, without changing himself or his family or anyone in the world. Change, if not well planned and well timed, does not work, as the spiral of change, fails to find stability in the stillness of its core, essential to trigger a transformation, or else it falls like a tree, the way it leans, and not in opposite direction.
Social reform movements, often succeed by a sensible manifesto, a great leadership, and the knack to generate public opinion to support the project. When these three elements work together in unison, they create a 'wave' that can sweep out the old, and reinstate the new. Presenter can write a manifesto not without grammatical errors, and lacks the quality of good leadership, oratorical skills, and the fine ability to create public opinion, in favor of his proposal. He can push not lead. So, this project will not take-off in isolation, by the effort of just a single person alone, with no public support.
Authors of Holy books knew, religions they promote will not last long. So, they invented a God, who promises to protect believers, makes announcement to deliver justice, on a judgment day, to reward or punish people, for their good or bad deeds, without disclosing a time-frame intentionally, leaving believers in limbo, who wait indefinitely, for an unbelievable event, in making to happen, nobody knows when or where. Religions have succeeded in their plan, they have outlived, the prophecies of their early demise, by creating long lasting, never ending delusions. It is difficult to disengage people, from this, and many other similar and ridiculous religious beliefs, which even a 'New Broom' cannot sweep it clean.
Deep impact of religion on the mind of faith followers is baffling, indeed. Even after 800 years, Islamic rule in India, that witnessed, slaughtering of eighty million Hindus, the bloodiest and most brutal, horrifying story of mass murder, and mayhem in world history. Muslim invaders failed to wipe out Hinduism from India. Islam is still a minority religion in India, even if we take Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh into account. Mughal ruler Akbar, syncretized a new religion 'Din-e-Ilahi' and failed, even the lineage of ten Gurus, who created 'Sikhism' by imbibing virtues of both faiths, could not spread pan India, except in Punjab. History testifies, the reversal of religion is difficult, even if, people are put under life threatening conditions, people don't change their religions easily. It is as hard as squeezing water from a rock.
'Satyadharma' and art of 'Exploration of Self' are subtle and profound philosophical concepts not easily grasped. Nor is there a way to reduce it to writing, or into a syllabus of study, nor is it based on commentaries of commentators, or on experiences of other seekers. Spirituality is purely a undemonstrative personal experience that differs from person to person. There is no similarity or commonality in spiritual or mystical experiences. Each person knows it, by the knack of knowing it himself, at personal or individual level. If, the 'Common Man' fails to comprehend this tedious and tiresome path, then the whole exercise, promoted by the presenter is of no use, and will end up, from where it had started.
Holy books distort reality and create a world of fantasy, superstition, rituals and delusions. Those who oppose them are sinners. Interestingly, founders of all major religions, Buddha, Christ and Muhammad, all had opposed existing religions of their time, and had launched proactive campaigns to introduce 'Religious Reforms'. Whether they succeeded or not is difficult to say, the world has certainly not changed. It revolves around same organized religions. Presenter may also, make same mistake, and end up creating noise and nuisance, without impacting any worthwhile fundamental change.
Eternal spiritual truths are woven in human nature. There is no censorship on conscience. Deep within, faith followers and fundamentalists know, humanity is 'One' a fact they bury, under the burden of false religious beliefs. Outwardly, they express disapproval of their inner feelings, and strongly oppose religious reforms, calling it an act of blasphemy, in situations they know, others are watching them. Fear of being censored by others, prevents them to agree, what their benefactors hold good for them, to fine-tune their religion in sync with time, like a turbulent sea makes a skillful sailor.
Religious reforms are difficult to popularize, extremely cumbersome to introduce. That reason and righteousness will eventually govern humanity is a silly idealism. Human beings are not rational beings. They are born irrational, and live in a world of irrationally. Rationality is not a natural trait of human beings. Reason is a tool to tame the irrational mind. just as in same way, presenter is trying to change, the religious mindset of people, to a spiritual state of mind. Religions are fictitious, fabricated, fiction, fantasy, thus creating a religionless world on reason and righteousness alone is a tall order, if an element of fiction is added to attract the gullible, then proposal will become as foolish as religions are now.
Religious people are vulnerable to fascination and their fixations. They live in a make-believe world, and try to discover, something that is not here on earth, nor up there in sky. They fail to set apart facts from fiction, and spend their whole life in vain, keeping the wonder of religions alive, a marvel that mesmerizes the gullible, who live helplessly to validate religious fantasies in their real life, they struggle to cope with the unreal and fail, suffering anxiety and hallucinations. Religions have brain-washed, almost eighty percent of human population. Can a new idea make a dent on it?
Promoting idea of prayers, miracles and destiny, religions have created, a false illusion, of fake security, producing a class of people, who do not make efforts, to improve their lot, inflicting a heavy toll, on rational thoughts. Believers waste their life with futile prayers, wait for miracles to happen, and destiny to unfold a grand future for them, all in vain. Earlier natural disasters were interpreted as wrath of God. Now religions justify terrorism, ethnic cleansing, genocides, hatred and war between religions as God's anger on humanity. Terror of religions has created divisions and damaged world peace. Promoting message of 'Oneness' and 'Social Harmony' in a hostile scenario is a difficult task, indeed.
Globally people inherit religion from birth. In list of religions 'Christianity' is on the top, Islam on second position, people with no religious affiliation are on third position. Christianity is most evenly spread religion, and Hinduism the least. On fourth position is ‘No Religion' group consisting of atheists, agnostics, and spiritual people. Christianity and Islam as organized religions are poised to spread further. Hinduism and Buddhism as philosophy can capture the imagination of the people. With such strong statistics, it is difficult to dismantle, the whole super-structure, of religions from the world. So a 'Religionless World' is far-fetched, and is likely to be misunderstood, as a crazy idea invented by a crazy man.
Sin and redemption are foundation of religions, which exploits biological 'Fear & Reward' syndrome, humans are born with, thus enticing them to follow false beliefs, invented for survival of religions. So, any attempt to change the religious mindset of the people can create a conflict among faith followers of different religions, causing social disorder, rage and carnage. Fundamentalism actually is a violent response to suppress religious reforms. It is an orthodox restatement of religion made by an enigmatic leader, who can hold faith followers, enthralled by his charisma and oratory and who can tell lies to run round the world wildly, through digital devices, while truth puts on the shoes to run aimlessly.
Religions promote distortion, deception and delusion and keep faith followers hooked to foolish beliefs, without knowing the consequences. Upholding false ideas over a long period of time, becomes a part of human personality, so people cannot disassociate, themselves from it, and weakly admire, their old habitual errors, and fail to see, the truth of life. If religions satisfy, emotional needs, than nobody knows whether people, can discard religions, without causing emotional turmoil. Religions may be worse but is a world without religions better? We cannot figure out, the exact impact, of the departure of religions, as the exit, of all the religions, from the world, has never happened, in human history, so far.
The idea of a religionless world, can shock the religionists, fanatics and zealots. Intention of the presenter is to make them think, as they have stopped thinking, beyond their own religion, many millenniums ago. Once they think, they would know, what is false and true, in their Holy books, and appreciate contradictions are complimentary, as a common concurrence, and would value, and understand, there is no deceitful plan, behind any inevitable change, it is the law of nature, failing which, even Gods are helpless, to save humanity, against ignorance, and it's stupidity.
'God Gene' is hardwired in human DNA. Religions are man-made and Gods created by authors of Holy books. Gods of religions do not exist. God as metaphor for cosmic consciousnesses is used to explain a 'cosmic constant' symbolically. Relinquishing religion is a different matter, then giving up the idea of God. Fear psychosis explains people’s faith in God, Allah and Ishwar, serves as a psychological balm, to assuage their suffering, and strengthen their resolve, to face uncertainties, of life and death, with hope. God's importance cannot be undermined. People follow God like calf follows a cow, and dissolve in its elixir, like coffee changes the color of water. Question is not about a better option, but to understand the concept of God, Allah and Ishwar, in a better way as we know, a thinking that is transcendental.
Public discourse to develop a dependable demand for rational religious reforms is necessary. The proposal negates religions without a credible study to substantiate its claims. Nor has the promoter of the proposal, collected any data to enhance a new understanding, he proposes to pursue. Nor has he, devised any future-oriented, long-term applications to initiate sustainable improvement, in the field of spirituality. The proposal lacks the expertise to get the desired result. Nor does it guarantee fool-proof solutions, so it is difficult to forecast a predetermined outcome of a religionless world.
The trouble with the proposal is how it proposes to promote spiritual values through religious reforms, it lacks the 'Ideological Filler' that can convert the idea into a coherent and sustainable plan. The proposal is vague on how to translate an inspiring idea into reality. World need solutions rather making religions a scapegoat. An analytic mind can easily slip in the game of manipulation, and lose its spiritual perceptive, and come under the spell of idolizing the ‘Self’ as God, in its inner spiritual search, using self-made realities to justify ‘Self’ as ‘Self-hood’, which defeats the purpose of reforms, besides problems created by religions are difficult to solve, in terrifying environment and hostile responses.
Despite secularism, holy books, religious beliefs, it is 'Culture' and tradition that continues to exert a powerful influence, on people globally. Prophesies that religions will fail, fall, and flee, has not come true. Religions still shape the life and thinking of people. Even those, who have read Holy books, hardly know anything about it, and those who know, hardly agree, what it means to them. In this situation, people may continue to follow religions blindly without verification, and their obsession with God, means many things to them. It is likely religions will disappear, but not God, Allah or Ishwar.
Lost in a war of words in an argument, proposed structure and order of a religionless world is undermined, and seen as inadequate, unsuitable to cope with the challenges, to change perception, attitude, values and beliefs. We see pieces of a puzzle, and not the whole big picture, if we are involved with pieces, rearranging them will never cease. A unifying approach, one that connects the pieces, as a whole picture is needed, like epigrams succeed where epics fail. The purpose of this proposal is to help see facts and think about the significance of spiritual values, and focus on oneself, as part of the whole. River is crossed, leaving one side of the shore, and going on other side of the shore.
First, we need to reach an understanding that we all are 'One' and 'One Is All'. Before this happens, we must learn not to see ourselves as separate, from the rest of the world. The idea of the world, as a 'Split-Level' entity, is the result of ‘Mental-Gymnastics’. The world, as we see it, is an idea, created by human mind, as a grand ‘Mental-Drama’. Let us now un-stage it, with the same mind, which creates it, and pull down the curtain, on the theater of ‘Mental-Creation’, and enter the world of reality, and enact the real act of life. A bad error is to have error, and not amend it, knowingly.
We want a world without Holy Books, a world without Gods, who look like comic superheros, and humanity without any organized religions. Different religions give expression to different Gods, and with several Holy Books, the essence of ‘Oneness’ is lost. Truth is seen from various angles, and articulated in diverse ways. People must choose a path that suits them best and merge 'Individual spirit' with 'Cosmic spirit', which is the culmination of wisdom. World accepts that there are many truths, seen by as many people. Even if, it takes two to speak truth, the reality of world is but 'One'.
Being too methodical and too detail-oriented is to limit our vision from opening up fully. Emotions too are illogical, when emotions are strong, reason becomes feeble, and starts working through senses. If one feels right, he acts in view, of what he feels is right. His decision may not be logical, nor his judgment reasonable, deep within he knows, that the information senses and mind gathers is funneled and filtered through his conscience. He cannot deny or undermine, deep influence of thoughts that create, dynamic plurality figuratively. So, to deal with emotions is equally important, as is the judicious use of reason desirable, to experience intuitive nuances of 'One World' and 'One Human Race'.
Separating from old world order, to step into a new world order, fear of not knowing, how to respond, to new challenges is formidable, indeed. Such situations often help, to rejuvenate our perceptions, attitudes, values, and beliefs to change fundamentally. The way to change is to learn, and learning is a life-long process. So, it is important to have an open mind, and be ready to learn, without hesitation. A learner is not a scholar. Learning is a method to acquire knowledge, and to develop right understanding, one has to go beyond, normal confines of a rational benchmark, in order to extend, expand and explore spiritual dimensions and its well meaning scope, where the sense of pure ‘Being’ becomes subtle and deep, longing to discover, countless multi-dimensional domains, of cosmic reality.
Sometimes it is wrong to tell the truth, when it tastes more bitter than poison, religions cannot justify its bloodiest role in human history, So, how much is the worth of religions now? Why is world allowing religions to dictate the way people must live and behave? Life is not just the command and control of religious beliefs, which is increasingly becoming a challenge to world peace, and that’s what world is concerned about. We have to drift from a religion based society, to a spiritual based society, and that is what we need to debate right now, before a rudderless idea, translates into reality.
Whether we like it or whether we don’t like it, subtle changes are silently taking place in the domain of religions. The wind of ‘Change’ is blowing across the world to uproot the old. Will it sweep away the age old regimes of religions? And fulfill the long sought human aspirations for spiritual growth, and development of humanity to realize oneness. Allow the winds of change, to give wings to the world, to glide into a new age, full of new possibilities, and keep religions out of sight, out of mind, and awake in the freedom of collective consciousness, the fountain of life, laughter and love.
The whole world is manifestation of 'consciousness' as one single ‘life-force’, which passes in time, acquiring different shapes and diverse physical forms. In the heart of all species, resides one fundamental unifying longing, to survive and be happy. When every form of life is seen as ‘One’ the idea of people, races and nationalities is bound to collapse, and union with the supreme life-force, and its various diverse forms is realized, and the outcome of this unification leads to 'Unconditional Love' and 'Selfless Service' to all living beings. After all, we are born, not to hate a person, because of the color of his skin, religion, nationality and culture. Life is all about living together in harmony.
Beware of 'Presenter', he is deficient in displaying, the trademarks of holiness, so loudly adorned, by all self-decorated swamis, babas and gurus, who flaunt their ill-gotten wealth, and a crowd of devotees to the world, as a testimony to prove their sanctity. But, presenter is simply an ordinary man, who can best, twist lies as truth, to prove his point of view, being a drab Banker, he is a fault finder, who can lend umbrella in sunshine, and take away in rain. So, readers are cautioned to exercise reasonable care, verify facts then judge, how much truth, and how many lies, are backed by the presenter in his proposal. Are they meant to befool or enlighten people? or just a jolly well trash talk. Readers may decide, does his proposal make a difference in the real sense, or else, they are free to discard it, as utter nonsense.
Religions hammer and drill false religious beliefs in the minds of their followers, while truth is revealed by facts alone, there is no other way to know truth. Correct perception is to see, what is there, and what is not there. Rising tides takes away every thing on its way, while receding leaves behind, many shinning shells on the shore, thus keeping the fear and the fascination of the sea alive. So don't be enamored by impressive views, except by hard facts and its harsh realities, as the idea of a ‘Continuous Change’ and a ‘Long lasting Change’ for the greater and common good of people are two different things on which, the proposal wants to draw the attention of readers, to ponder and decide upon.
Religionless World doesn't fall within conservative understanding of people. Voice to tone down the issue, comes not from the root of rationality but from an emotional level of a unreasonable human response. Readers may find practical, and impractical propositions in the plan, worth reflection or rejection. Truth is hard to swallow, we can win an argument, when we are right. Then it hardly makes a difference, whether we think before we talk or we talk before we think. The Presenter has opened the door, readers can walk through this door, and see what lies there. He has sown the seeds to plant a tree, underneath its shade others may sit, not he. Having lived his life, not long before, he may soon depart from the world, and disappear in the realm of the dead forever, never to be seen again in flesh, bone and blood.
There are numerous paths in the world but no destination to reach. Destination is an imaginary goalpost, created by the human mind, out of fear of boredom, arising out of nothingness and eternity. We may look different outwardly, but we all are 'one single entity' inwardly, comprising 'one universal consciousness'. As ‘Spiritual Laws’ govern consciousness, perceptible by spiritual knowledge. So, all human beings are spiritual beings, governed by spiritual laws, wisdom and ethical values, and not by any man-made religion. Therefore, the plan of the proposal is to obey and observe, universal spiritual rules, and change the false fabricated ‘religious mindset’ of people, to a normal and natural ‘spiritual mindset’.
When we analyse ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’ nothing worthwhile is concluded, by reviewing a one sided view, as analysis takes conceptual lead, from both sides ‘For’ and ‘Against’, covering congenial and contradictory views. As the analyzing mind often fails to see 'Truth'. Synthesis of ‘Advantages’ and ‘Disadvantages’ by uniting all diverse views, gives a balanced view, leading to wisdom that is universally acceptable. Beyond analysis and rational thinking, we reach a dead-end, knowing not where to go, here wisdom intervenes, to pave the path, to reach the lofty evolutionary objectives we value.
Human beings are spiritual beings with a surging spirit to serve humanity, from lowest to highest level. Consciousness alone can connect with consciousness effortlessly, the moment mind drops, it happens suddenly. Full consciousness then descends upon us, and flows freely through us, unfolding numerous invisible spatial dimensions, beyond physical and spirit worlds, making us abundantly accessible, to experience the cosmic reality, and see the unseen, and feeling the intangible. There is no reason or logic, beyond 'Cosmic Stillness'. All physical and non-physical dimensions have an objective to meet, consciousness alone has none, it simply expands to increase, the scope of cosmic and human awareness. So, spiritual approach and not religion is more congenial and compatible, to establish a new world order.
'Cosmic consciousness' and 'Individual consciousness' is same, except cosmic consciousness is an ocean, individual consciousness a wave. Consciousness is behind all creation. 'God' is a metaphor of consciousness. Existence of God as cosmic consciousness is indisputable. Beyond consciousness there is ‘Nothing’, it is here, all knowledge's end. It is here, all destinations end. It is here, multi-dimensional view of ‘Eternity’ starts, difficult to grasp, but learnt by reflection, and personal experience, by recognizing human limitations, and our ignorance, rest all is hype and hypocrisy, a touch of madness. So, we oddly see that foolishness is more pronounced than wisdom. Consciousness is not the creator, it is the source from where everything emerges, like waves from ocean, we all are a part of this everlasting ethereal energy.
In a digital age, it is imperative for human race, to go beyond all false religious beliefs, and explore the righteous way. ‘Satyadharma’ the epitome of universal spiritual values, empowers introspection and intuition, connects and controls individual evolution with cosmic evolution, leading to cosmic revelation, cosmic intelligence, cosmic wisdom, or in other words, a declaration that there is 'No God but God', and there is everybody, but nobody like 'You'. So, script your story, your vision, and live your life, even if the story of life appears universal, still it is not your story, it is not your mind, just think for yourself. Soon, we all would be memory for few people, so follow cosmic guidance, and put cosmic wisdom to work, life is a lesson to evolve and change. In trans-pan-consciousness everything that is thinkable is possible. Nothing is ever lost in cosmos, be it thoughts, sound or silence, they are transformed, transmitted and not terminated.
People oppose truth, because they cannot handle things that are right, yet in strange ways, all existing circumstances change. Million matchsticks are made from one tree, one matchstick is enough to burn million trees. Sometimes we think a thought can take us, to a certain level of thinking, but it takes us, to another level of thinking. From the source of thoughts, thoughts come to us with no conscious effort. Some thoughts forge link with people and connect with ease, to manifest in the world, without a producer or a director of thoughts, yet, it pulls the play off, in diverse ways, by each actors of each thought. No one can ever retrieve change, after it has changed. No one can relive time, when its gone.
Thoughts have staying power, yet they do not stay forever, so follow the old adage, secret of change is not to fight the old, but to build the new, and then find out, what is right for humanity, and discard, what is wrong, for the world, and then amplify, the voice to change, accordingly. Religions have given what it could, let religions go now. If religions leave behind a scar, allow ‘Spiritual values’ to make a mark. Men and women must endeavor, to follow the principles of truth. Truth mirrors reality, and laws of nature. We all are a part of that substratum, which is the seat of consciousness, of the 'See-er' and the 'Sage'. The wheel of time is turning full circle, if nothing is up there then nothing is down here, time is ticking away. Awake, act fast and sleep not, he who sleeps, does not wake up, as the same person, who had slept.