Mankind's next evolutionary step is to evolve from reason to spirituality
There has never been a dearth of philosophical and theological precepts. World is mired in ideas that leave little scope to question. Is reality envisioned by religions irreversible and final? Reality is best understood by multiple points of views. It’s good to examine, different views in concert, to arrive at a common view that mirrors reality. Today, people are tagged to technology and do not engage in philosophy. This does not mean philosophy is dead. Its obituary is too early. Philosophy alone can conceptualize a system on social belief. World is witnessing a spiritual awakening. Spiritual values are in sync with current mindset of people. Reliability on religion is losing ground. People are reluctant to accept religions, and at the same time, they find themselves unsure, about lack of clarity of spiritual values, as well. People must seek answers from within rather subscribe to any dogma. There is abundance of new untried, unproved areas inside, bring them out. There is no blind faith in this method, but a faith that emerges from one's personal experience.
Spirituality starts from values of life and ends in the reality of ‘Being’ a part of a natural process and not in ‘Becoming’ what religions want their followers to become. Life lived in harmony with one’s own nature is more advantageous. The knowledge of spirituality is gained from personal experience, and not from the experiences of others. Spirituality impels people to see life independently at a individual level. 'Personal Experience' alone can bring right understanding. There is no Guru other than the spiritual seeker himself, who is self-driven by self-awareness, on his self-chosen journey that starts from self-study to self-knowledge, evolved by his self-created methods, to achieve a self-transformation, leading to self-enlightenment. Repeated use of word ‘Self’ is to emphasize spirituality is synonymous to ‘self-efforts’, and does not rely on external assistance, be it a institution, a regulator, a holy book, or a God to attain 'self-realization'. How hallow is an idea that is unreasonably extracted. Conscience knows before, what mind takes time to know, patience and persistence when pushed can slice a stone, so a daily conversation with our 'Self' is important, indeed.
In a world full of deceit, religions are manipulated by criminal fanatics, corrupt politicians and crooked religious leaders. Today, religion signifies superficial rituals, and external display of religious symbols, adorned to exhibit, the 'brand' of religion, followers take pride to show-off followers of other faiths, who respond in similar manner as others do. Outward display of emblems gives them a sense of belonging, concurring with a compatible group of people that gives them security and social identity. Religions do not shape any longer the character of people. Culture and traditions dominate people’s belief. Politicians exploit religion as vote banks, religious leaders use it, to gain power, vested groups abuse it, to create noise and nuisance. When politics and religion is mixed, its effect on people and society is deadly, indeed. The pain inflicted on innocent people by religions must be prevented at any cost by the Rule of Law. Reform is part of a social need to streamline religions with contemporary and evolutionary principles. If river is flooded with water, a boat cannot sail, with the wind alone. Let us all resolve, to take a firm decision, not to follow any religion blindly, anymore.
Today, people all over the world over, are preoccupied with three obsessions (1) Money (2) Democracy (3) Religion. Revamping public fixations to synchronize with current trend, from time to time is a good strategy, of a civilized evolving society. World has opened its markets, to create economic opportunities, for money to grow. World’s political system is shifting towards democracy. But when it comes to religious reforms, world does not consider good enough, to discuss the renovation of religions, averting a much needed, and long awaited issue, to reform religions, thus allowing outdated religions to continue, with no revisions. Historically, if we compare what went back in the past thousand years, we see 'Money Matters' and methods of 'State Governance' have changed drastically. Why not religions? Religions continue to be same as they were thousand years ago. This is not a result of their popularity, but due to fear created by fanatics, to retain 'Status-quo' just to serve their sordid sectarian and dogmatic designs. Is this acceptable to the world?
Government(s) remain silent on 'religious reforms' and defend their silence by lame excuses, citing that interference in the affairs of religion is not a national agenda, thus reducing role of the State to a mute spectator. Religion is 'Public' and not a 'Private' issue. It’s the responsibility of Government(s) to find solutions to problems created by religions. By ignoring and being submissive, State strengthens the status-quo of religions, giving them an unbridled license to do, what they want to do, hate, terrify and divide people, under the pretense of a sanctimonious cover, provided to them, by the State. Religions leverage their holier-than-thou cutout portrayal to full advantage, to gain influence and authority, nationally and internationally for all the wrong reasons. Government(s) shouldn't appease religions any more. Time has changed, the 'Rule of Law' and 'Welfare of People' are governing principles of a democratic State and not religions.
Since the advent of organized religions, human civilization has been a 'Silent Victim' of communal violence, bloodshed, migrations, exodus, riots, holy wars and fanaticism. People must know power hungry priests, mullah and pundit, and self-appointed religious leaders, and self-styled Gurus, are smooth tongued demagogues, who by their oratorical skills, use religions as a 'Tool' to serve their selfish interest. They do not earn bread by their brow, but live as parasites, on the charity of faith followers. They stifle the voice of reason, disable dissent, obstruct religious reforms, and live lavishly in the lap of luxury, on swindled wealth, by cheating the gullible faith followers. Law must intervene, prevent and protect the rights of trusting innocent people. The rogues in robes use all modern technologies and gadgets, and hide their old outdated religious intentions, under the mask of headgear's, designer dress, well groomed hairstyles, dyed mustaches and beards, and preach others to follow medieval age beliefs, they themselves don’t follow and practice.
The priest, mullah, pundit and religious preachers entice simpletons by false promises, brainwash them, incite them with fury and rage, to lay down their life, to save their religion, from the threat of other religions, whose Gods they dread as demons, and revere their God as sacrosanct. Life is too precious, to lose for a flimsy cause, and die for a stupid religious belief. Yet, herds of die-hard followers are driven like cattle's, to kill innocent men, women and children, on street, in marketplace, at places of work. These extremist, who themselves burn in flames, exploding as human-bombs, killing others, are promised a place in heaven, as a reward for a heartless deed, if criminals were to live in heaven, who would like to stay in hell. Shamefully, all major religions in the world Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are guilty of heinous crimes in the name of religion, be it, crusaders of holy wars or jihadist invaders or the revenge of saffron terror outfits. If they get away with it, they will continue to commit more heinous crimes, nip this nefarious design soon.
The activities of religious fundamentalists has disturbed world peace and has destabilized the global social order, by terrorizing and killing innocent people, under the cover of religions. Those who dare to oppose them are silenced, in most horrifying ways, worst consequences come, when rouge States sponsor fanatics to create terror in other countries what more can be said, when there is nothing left to say, on this unpardonable way of bad governance, but exceptions don’t prove the rule. State administration and law enforcing machinery must keep an eye on them, and not let any unlawful act go unpunished. It is the duty of the State to safeguard the freedom of thought. The intentions of religious extremists world over is same. They are pushing modern civilization back to medieval age. Can the age of technology give up rockets for rocks? If religions do not accept change, civilizations shall soon decline and not prosper.
Terrorist activities under the cover of religions is a real global threat, and one of the biggest social problem world is facing today helplessly, with no solutions to end at hand. It’s alarming to see, the range and reach of religious militants, unleashing extremist activities, which has spread its tentacles, in every part of the world. Terrorist are recruited in one country, money for terrorist activities, raised in another country, mayhem and massacre spread, in some other country, fanatics are slowly and steadily galvanizing to wage war, involving whole International Community, which can culminate as clash of civilizations, leading to a third world war. Many nations are drawn indirectly, some nations directly, imagine if a nuclear nation sponsors these wicked activities. Let world leaders act prevent on priority, before its too late.
India is the land of saints and Gods. In India, the finest, and the most ridiculous, mystical ideas about the 'Known', the 'Unknown', the 'Unknowable', the 'Untouched', the 'Untreated' and the 'Unfinished' spiritual processes are experimented and expressed by 'Truth', 'Half-Truth' and 'Untruth', all kinds of sensible, and all kinds of nonsensical spiritual ideas have thrived here, as lofty as the sky and as deep as the ocean, giving birth to major and minor religions of the world Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, still going strong in the world, and its birthplace. India is the religious hub of the world, and home to all the major religions of the world. India is the forerunner of spiritual development. The ideals of compassion, empathy, pragmatism, and non-violence, was born in India, by separating spiritual values, from religious beliefs. This has been a source of inspiration to the rest of the world. Spiritual integrity in India was not developed by accident. It is the result of good intention, proper efforts, right direction, and glorious vision of the great Indian sages.
In history, nations were forged by the sword. India was built with the human spirit. The largest territorial Indian empire, once ruled by Ashoka, was a welfare state. He was an emperor, who at the zenith of his power gave up everything, and become a monk. Buddhism was the 'First' State and 'First' world religion established by him, he sent the 'First' batch of missionaries to other countries. In his reign, humanity was the governing principle, not supernatural matters. In recent history, independence of India from colonial rule too, was attained by peaceful means by Gandhi, a political leader, who lived as an ascetic, and had led India’s freedom struggle, against the British rule, by a nonviolent civil disobedience movement. For centuries India suffered under barbarian rule of Muslim invaders, who conquered India by the bloodiest Islamic invasion recorded in world history. Later, India was ruled by the British colonizers, who raided and robbed India, as pirates, and not as traders they pretended to be. Despite, atrocities by Muslims and British, India like an ancient old tree, extends its cool shade, and safe shelter, even to those who had come to cut its roots. India tolerates all faiths, all races, and all nationalities. Indian culture promotes 'World as One Family' and recognizes 'Unity in Diversity'.
Compassion and non-violence are Indian ethos. The fervor of 'Renunciation' rarely seen in the world, is the hallmark of virtue in Indian society, praised by sages and revered by masses in India. 'Ram' was asked to leave his palace, he left his luxurious home, lived in forest for fourteen years, returned back and established ‘Ram Rajya’ the epitome of good governance, India had never witnessed before. Buddha, too renounced his princely life, in prime of his youth, he left his palace, went into woods, to seek solutions, to liberate people from sorrow. After enlightenment, he spread the message of compassion and righteous way of living life. Buddhism even today is the most sensible of all religions, as the great Buddha himself was. Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, also relinquished his kingdom, and lived life with strict austerity, undergoing rigorous penances in forest, all alone. As apostle of non-violence, he practiced what he preached and dealt with the philosophy of relativity, in a unique and profound manner, no one else before him could.
Historically, we find there has always been a strong resistance against religious reforms, leading to mass murders and demonic damage to life and property. No other country, except India is the place, where social-reformers, were able to change, old religious precepts and practices, with contemporary spiritual understanding, appealing people to discard frivolous, fabricated and false religious beliefs, by debating the issue, in a open assembly of people peacefully, without subverting the social order, by any sort of violent protest. Today, educated people, very well know, 'Holy books' are not the word of God, nor did they fall out of sky. Holy books are concoction of texts, written by authors, who lacked clarity, and whatever they wrote is baffling, indeed. There is nothing worse in writing, than not to understand, what the author has written. Too often its a lapse, ascribed to theologian’s approach, to events that occurred, several years before, they were recorded in writing by them. It seems they didn't know, how to script their observations truly and timely.
Buddha was the greatest social-reformer. He introduced religious reforms in India by opposing 'Brahmanical Beliefs', rituals and animal sacrifices, with a gentleness and kindness, people had never felt, like this ever before. He showed the path of righteousness, with dignity and dexterity, people had never witnessed, like this ever before. He delivered discourses on rectitude, with candor and clarity, people had never heard, like this ever before. He preached a Godless creed, in a world of Gods, with silence and sobriety, people had never imagined, like this ever before. He walked gently on earth, with ethereal and enlightened charisma, people had never seen, like this ever before. Buddha’s footprints are inerasable, his compassion incomparable. Buddha was Godless yet so Godlike. He was the greatest spiritual leader, the world has ever seen, in the history of mankind, and Buddhism is so sane and close to universal truth.
Since Vedic age, society in India was open to debate. People were free to speak and criticize each other. This led to growth of knowledge, and several school of thoughts emerged. They speculated on ‘Absolute’ and ‘Relative’ truth, and viewed truth was ‘Not This’, ‘Not That’ and saw truth symbolically as ‘That’. Knowing ‘That’ was difficult to grasp. Yet, the elusive ‘That’ ignited their curiosity, to know ‘Something’ unexplained and unseen existed, beyond what they knew. When mind crossed its own limitations, there was nothing more to know, nothing spared to know, except nothingness and reflection of their own ideas staring back at them, as mirror reflects an image, voice its echo. Then they discerned, when 'Finite' merges with 'Infinite', search to know comes to an end, and when consciousness knows consciousness, it opens the gate to 'Eternity' then brain learns from metaphor, mind from its own realities, as eternity is hard to pin down, ultimate wisdom is to become a part of cosmic mystery, to live and experience, the life's journey on pathless Eternity.
Stars, the sun and earth, are like tiny dust particles, scattered in a vast, deep, empty and unfathomable space. Except consciousness ‘Nothing’ exists there. Whatever exists in space comes from nothing, and goes back to nothing. Nothing is the source of all that exists. There is no creator, even Gods are born out of nothing. The impermanence of everything explains 'Nothing' exists. Creation is a brief event, a vibration in eternity, that manifests in different forms from galaxy to amoeba. No phenomena is experienced in 'Nothing', 'Existence' is interdependent and tied to consciousness so things appear, disappear, reappear in recycled forms, while consciousness remains intact, When all objective and subjective perceptions halt, search to find 'something' ends in 'nothing'. Since ‘Nothing’ is scary and boring, man invented a man-made world of fantasy, so that mankind can live and die in illusions, with self-created delusions, as a purpose of life. It’s human mind that creates duality. It’s human mind that distorts reality, and not the real world of existence.
Nothing is no thing, mystery of 'Nothing' led to the idea of 'Something'. Nothing is indefinable, its essence is grasped intuitively. Intellect can go to a limit, beyond it, it cannot go, intuition can, but intuition is too subtle to express, what is felt on impulse, so views on 'Nothing' are not free from doubt, and doubt is dreadful. Is reality revealed in doubt? Indian thinkers negated, backtracked, somersaulted on idea of 'Nothing' and found ‘Something’ out of 'Nothing' and revealed, beyond physical formations there is consciousness, beyond consciousness there is nothing, beyond nothing there is eternity. Realizing no one can ever know, whole cosmic truth, in the overdose of views, and in the maze of imagination, by placing round pegs in square holes, the definition of truth was lost, being revived now. When ‘Change’ captured their imagination, they noticed 'Laws of Impermanence' prevailed, and nothing was permanent. What is change? What has changed? Can 'change' change itself? Such ideas spilled, as mystical muse, scaling the lofty levels of human thoughts. It is here they realized not truth but stupidity is a potent force, people can follow blindly, as religious 'Beliefs' masked as truth. Why this happens? Nobody knows, perhaps the nonsensical is more attractive than the sensible.
Was all this thinking good? Indian thinkers were lost in a jungle of thoughts, with too much information and data, which forced them to think more. Thoughts they resisted persisted, pushing the process of thinking to speed up. In too much thoughts 'Truth' is lost. Therefore, they tried to grasp, what cannot be grasped, what shouldn't be grasped. Thinking alienates and detaches the mind from its source. When mind is freed from the mode of thinking, thoughtlessness makes it silent, awaking inner dormant energies. It is a doing, which is not a doing, as we all are naturally connected to our source. More the mind aligns with thinking, the more it is distanced from its source. Think less and experience more is what sages advised, become a silent 'See-er' and witness every moment of life with full awareness, and stop seeking any meaning in life, as no purpose is served in eternity, so just live to 'Experience' being 'Alive' in infinity.
Indian thinkers thought questioning led to understanding, curiosity to new thoughts, so they felt, it was good to debate a question with diverse views in a battle of wits, rather settle it without an argument. Since questions can be answered in more ways than one, they endeavored to question everything, and came to terms with anything, even opposing ideas, risking to breach sublime to silliness. When they raised right questions, they almost got right answers. When questions had no answers, they didn't stop, but formulated questions, to get answers, and came up, with more tricky questions, to ask, and questioned the very questions they had posed, and failed to get an answer. No answer was also a question. How far they fared, and how far was too far to dabble in questioning is still debatable. Questions posed by them, show intellectual flight, answers subtle depth of thoughts. Observations of Indian sages on ‘Eternity’ and ‘Nothingness’ are finest mystical musings, churned by a philosophy, that knows it knows nothing. Beyond perception is transcendental mysticism, not knowing is the ultimate wisdom. Eternity is known by time, 'Time' is a measure, time doesn't exist, clocks exist, time is not constant, its experienced differently in different galaxies as fast time, slow time and medium time. Only 'Timelessness' in eternity is everlasting 'Now', besides impermanence of things also reveals that 'Nothingness' exists.
Hinduism is not static, its a living religion. Hinduism is the only unwritten, self evolving religion in the world. It has no founder, no Holy Book, but a variety of Gods, and Vedic traditions. Hindus don’t follow any Holy Scripture, they are free to believe in one God, many Gods or no God. This was premeditated to accommodate people with different mental and emotional levels, enabling them to gradually reach, the ultimate state of 'Eternity' and 'Nothingness', which is beyond the scope of 'Beliefs' and 'Gods'. That’s why Hinduism is not a religion, it is a philosophy of life. Hindus are not rigid, they are liberal, tolerant and free to follow Dharma. Hinduism is devoid of heresy and blasphemy, it grants freedom of belief and worship. Recent incidents of 'Saffron Terror' are not an outcome of religious intolerance, but a retaliation to settle scores, not to compete in terror campaigns with other extremists. Yet, it is shameful, a ploy to demean, a nation that stands for, lofty ideals of compassion, non-violence, tolerance and secularism, the soul of Hindus. One wrong does not justify another wrong. This must end at once. Let the rule of law handle such problems, not pundits or sadhus.
Modern India is a secular State. Every religion flourishes freely in India. India is a 'Secular' state not by choice, but by compulsion, to avert 'Clash of Religions', which led to massive killing and partition of India, by slaughtering two million innocent people in the name of religion, to create Pakistan, a new Islamic State, simply on the basis of 'Religion' and not on merit of statecraft or geographical consideration. This happened not in ancient history, but in twentieth century, under the educated British rulers, driven by a colonial mentality to 'divide and rule'. It is hard to believe, medieval age statecraft, could succeed in modern age, under the British rule. Having learnt a bitter lesson, Indian Government does not mix religion with politics, which is a deadly concoction, to flare up communal riots, but political parties in India, still continue, to do so, as 'Vote Bank' to polarize the voters, staking our lofty principles, to a trifling, for temporary gains. In democracy, people have the right to decide, what is good for them and for the country. Seeing conduct of politicians in parliament, and the widespread corruption in all walks of life, it seems India has a long way to go. Dishonesty, bribery thrive in spoil systems. Can we free India from corruption? Can we replace petty politicians by good parliamentarians?
Religion was nuisance in Europe till cultural renaissance. Modern civilization has relegated religion to the background. Currently, religion in Europe has no ‘Locus Standi’. Besides, religions in other parts of the world is being marginalized. Sadly, nothing like this is happening in India. Here religious fads and fanaticism are exploited to an extreme level by charlatans, self-styled Gurus, Babas, Swamis, Sants, and conniving politicians for personal, parochial and sectarian enrichment. These psychopaths and sociopaths are thrilled by cheating trusting people. They derive sense of power and authority over them, don’t feel guilty, and shamelessly enjoy, cheating the gullible. The intelligentsia and sensible media-personalities, raise ruckus by exposing them in print and electronic media. This is not sufficient. Government or Supreme Court of India, should take a stand, and end the 'Crisis of Cheating' the innocent people, under the cover of religion, by dubious and useless Gurus and Swamis, who enjoy patronage, allegiance and connivance of politicians, who just want votes, at the cost of sacrificing, our high Vedic culture, ethics and human dignity.
Historically, violence in religion was perpetuated to defend religion, force conversions, and increase their number. In all religious warfare, conflicts created locally or across the border by Buddhism is negligible. Holy wars led by Christian crusaders and Jihads by Muslim invaders, went far beyond, the levels of human tolerance and civility, taking a very heavy toll of human life. Today, when it comes to religious fundamentalism, it seems world is suffering from Islam phobia. All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims. We have to judge the issue in totality and not target single religion or whole community, with freak statistics. However, the fact remains, except Buddhism all major religions of world, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are equally responsible for this grave lapse. Since social system is deeply entrenched in religions, therefore, social and political effort is required, to bring a systematic change. Religions are managed by religious leaders with connivance of politicians, if this nexus is known, we can easily create a system to introduce religious reform. If fundamentalist don't heed good counsel will politicians listen to initiate change?
Five thousand years ago, there was no religion, social and moral norms regulated the society. People were naive and believed natural phenomena was created by some 'Supernatural Being' who unleashed it from sky, where he lived, to reward and punish, the people on earth. Mavericks exploited public ignorance to their advantage, by weaving tales of miracle, magic and madness, which eventually went on to became a religion, organized to serve their personal agenda. Since their stories entertained and inspired people, so their invented religions grew large enough, to become a public obsession, exceeding their own expectations. Later, these religions were used as a tool, for social change, to formulate belief systems, attitude and behavior of people, in the expression of family, culture and social life. State also joined them, by sponsoring religions, so that common man could accept State exploitation, as will of God. In this way religion grew, become powerful, as a panacea of all problems. Today, religions are looked down, as one of the biggest problem in the world, people now realize, theories and stories invented by religions, do not deliver any more, as it did in past.
People dislike pundit, mullah and priest, who mumble in monologues, defiantly decline dialogue, with those who desire to discuss, problems created by religions, this is a cause, of people’s rapidly waning interest in religions. Followers of religions realize, to pledge their life for heaven and hell is utter nonsense. But tellers of tales sing holy verses, use high-tech theatrics and manage to attract, a large number of people to their show. People are not there, for any religious congregation, but for music. The audience is not conversant with the language in which, the holy verses are sung. They come to attend a musical concert, and music has no language. The faith followers who know the language of holy books, read the holy word and get stuck between the lines, many skip the holy words without trying to understand them as a ritual. But those who see truth being distorted, go against the holy words. If some meaningful verses are there, there are several meaningless verses too, in all holy books. Today, right understanding, and not religious scriptures, is what the world is looking for. People in the world, want to pursue reality, reason and rectitude and not religions.
Religions speculate, create fear, keep people preoccupied with God and his commandments, and make the world look, like a bad place, full of sin. Natural evolutionary processes, require human beings to be rooted in reality, and not brood or imagine inhabiting, a make-believe place like heaven or hell, invented by the authors of religions. Only an open mind can go beyond mental constructs, instincts and emotions, to a higher state of awareness. There is nothing wrong with the world. It's the mind that makes it wrong. A right mind is a correct choice to deal with wrong ideologies. Human mind needs a line of thought, which is right, to guide them, to live life as natural beings, and not spoon them, from birth to death to follow, a wrong line of thought devised by religions, which leads to despair. Or else, in the elements of eternity, no one can tell, from where thoughts originate and where thoughts end, thoughts come without our conscious effort. In 'Nothingness' no one knows whether anything is meaningful or meaningless. In this domain the essence of 'Being' is unfolded, not the state of 'Becoming' something. When eternity is seen in each moment, there is no moment but this.
Religions are full of fictitious ideas, a pack of lies. Religions are accountable for spreading false beliefs, impacting the thinking of the whole world irreversibly, in a wrong way. Religious people live in a make-believe world and cannot come out of it. Religions have impeded the natural growth of people, society and nations by fueling fantasies and fairy tales. Anything that is real makes no sense to them. If people, society and Governments cannot stop, mental conditioning of the people, by religions from birth, then the construction of a new world order, free from false religious beliefs cannot be achieved and the massive organizational superstructure build by religions in all parts of the world cannot be dismantled easily. World needs a 'Psychological Revolution' to change the mindset of the people, from religiously conditioned mind, to a spiritually open mind, by stepping out from a world of fantasy, to a world of reality. Will people listen to the voice of truth? No one is as deaf, as someone, who will not listen, to the voice of his own conscience, his cosmic connection, his 'Soul', his true nature, the real essence of human beings, which never betrays them, what may come.
Religion characterizes culture and community. As such, religious beliefs and rituals are 'culture-community-centric' and not universal as spiritual values are. Invaders and missionaries succeeded in spreading religion 'Textually' by fair or foul means but failed 'Culturally'. Indian Muslims are culturally different from Arab Muslims, so are Indian Christians and Indian Buddhist. Due to cultural incompatibility, converts have to constantly struggle, to fit into the culture of a religion they change. They try hard and fail, making themselves, a caricature of culture. Yet, people by and large, identify being religious in a group that comprises a common culture. Other than this, they don’t stand for, any religious exclusivity, which is far-fetched, because culture is inseparable from religion. Even if, religion and culture are two separate things, statistician of a religion, counts the number of people in a cultural group, as members of a religion, without assessing, whether they stand for religion or for culture. Labeling them with a religion is a game of numbers, religious enthusiast fudge figures with tainted techniques, to cover-up their declining numbers, revealing religions, are now on its way out.
Problems created by religions have crossed all limits of human tolerance and leniency. World has no choice but to deal with the ills of religion without resorting to narrow-minded or premeditated methods. Even if, religions have relegated spirituality to background, still, it has not lost its bearings. Spirituality, the core of all religions is firmly ingrained in the human mind, hard to erase, buried as a dormant impulse, waiting to revive and resurrect. Therefore, main objective of this proposal is to transform people from religiosity to spirituality, and to disconnect them from false religious beliefs, rituals and superstitions, and to connect them with their natural state of being, by stimulating their inborn spiritual impulses, thus hastening the growth of 'Spiritual Beings' and making religions a history. Presenter plans to bring out a compendium of universal spiritual values, called ‘Satyadharma’ to differentiate spirituality from religion, knowing well that the solutions he proposes, will bring its own peculiar problems, but this is how the solutions are suggested, there are no foolproof solutions, even then, for every solution, there is one that is still better to come.
Fragmented religions fumbling on fragile foundations are failing as never before. Suppressed spirituality is struggling to set itself free from the shackles of rigid religions. The process has begun. Internal spiritual feeling of people is surging to give an external expression. Educated are ready they want a road-map. So at this stage, taking up religious reforms, may appear difficult, but hard beginning brings good ending, World is progressing by growth engines of materialism and technology, but unrestrained technology creates weapons of destruction, and unequal economic distribution a gap between haves and haves-not. Both trends are bad for fair and just world order. Only spiritual wisdom can bridge this gap, as religion divide people, society and nations. People are ready to grasp spirituality, with a greater curiosity, than ever before. This project will spur them towards spirituality and spread the message of peace, economic equality and brotherhood. Even if, the idea of a religionless world today is considered a probability or an eccentric idea, it will cease to be, when people start accepting it. However, religious reforms may go as far as they may, and not as far they could.
Rebellion against old religions gave birth to new religions, Buddha opposed wrong religious practices prevailing in his time, so did Jesus Christ, and so did Prophet Mohammad. When these Godlike human beings departed from earth, the opportunist took center-stage, en-cashed their popularity, acted contrary to the cause they championed in their lifetime, and converted their religious reform movement into new religions, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, which did not exist when founders were alive, and thrived only after their deaths, by the efforts of entrepreneurs of faith, who manipulated and used unscrupulous methods, to spread these religions. Even the founder of the newest religion, Nanak, had set off religious reforms, and ended in setting up, a new religion Sikhism. It seems spiritual element is a part of human DNA, which makes every human being a spiritual being, who hankers to hang on to religion or spirituality, whatever may come. Founders of religions were spiritual leaders, they did not create religions. Religions are their 'memorials' built to entice people, by opportunists to serve personal interest, so their ideas of going beyond are as wrong as to fall short.
Founders of religions were criticized, by their contemporaries, for condemning their Gods and beliefs, as blasphemous act against their faith. Ironically, founders of religions, had also spend their whole life, opposing people, not to accept false belief and false Gods. They simply promoted truth and right views through their discourses. Why should anyone object someone who is doing the same thing now? Why not support the proposal to introduce religious reforms, which seeks to change outdated religions? Since religious reforms are necessary, a hue and cry against the so called act of sacrilege is unjustified and unacceptable. Modern man cannot adjust himself with medieval age religious norms, and the educated are the worst affected, they have to constantly negate, the nonsense of religions, on a daily basis, so as to act diligently, in their everyday life. Solutions come by discussions, not by preventing others, from speaking out truth. Suppressing freedom of expression is a violation of human rights. Therefore, one must air his views thoughtfully on religious reforms. When the going gets tough, get the facts right, only right views find an easy acceptability.
People have two options to follow (1) A self-created belief-system based on spiritual values (2) A belief-system created by organized religions, stage managed by priest, mullah or pundit. The former is ground reality, the latter a speculation. Religions attract adherents because it has a 'God' in the image of man, who fulfills their wishes, a worldly path, which is easy for them to pursue. Followers just have to deliver a list of their demands, offer prayers, and God will fulfill. So, they blindly follow God, and perform rituals, and believe in stupid superstitions. They also believe that the problems created by religion, can be solved by religion alone, by doing so, they strengthen religious rigidity. How can one problem solve another problem? The objective of this proposal is to free the world, from problems created by religions, and transform people, at an individual level, and not on the level of a stage-managed crowd. Its difficult to change the world, but by changing the individual, world can change automatically. On spiritual path, seeker progresses by self-efforts, without seeking any external support, prayers or rituals, Gods or Gurus. Spirituality needs no institution, nor is it led by any bookish creed. This is a self driven path, on which the walker walks alone, like a rhino in the woods.
Presenter does not intend to create a new sect or an institution or built a personality cult. He negates the ideology of idiotism, refrains from prescribing Holy books, and will avoid all these silly premeditated errors. No individual but a team of 'Spiritual Advisors' will spearhead the project. Spiritual matters are best served under collective leadership, where each member of the team, thinks he is the one, who leads and manages. The project will tackle problems created by religions and suggest practical solutions considering cultural and ideological factors, along with other aspects such as, a religionless world, spiritual empowerment, and promotion of spiritual values, that will serve as the guiding principles of this proposal. Few millenniums back, world was religionless, only spiritual values thrived till the advent of organised religions. So, the structure of each religion is built on the foundation of spiritual values. Theology too works in circles, what was once old is recycled as new. Finally, the time has arrived, to go back to our spiritual roots.
Historically, contribution of religion to individual and society, has been extraordinary, religions had spread compassion, brought contentment and moral principles in the life of the people and society. But the unrest and turbulence religions create now outweigh its role. In past, religious reform were ruthlessly resisted by religions, nothing has improved since then, and today religions are even more rigid than they were before. Seeing that the world has no alternative to offer, people are left with no choice, but to use religions as a crutch, to go as far it may lead them, and not as far as they could go. With the absurdities of religion, people have lost their way. Retrogressive religions have pushed people back in time. The questions arise now. Can medieval age religions match with a technology driven digital age? If religions in the current age are outdated, how can they survive in the coming space age? We have to accept ground reality. That not religions but a religionless world can face the coming challenges. Religions have failed to keep pace with changing time, and the swift changes time brings with it. Then why wait. Why not welcome the inevitable change right now.
Religions promote a culture of separate identities, a cause of their persecution and oppression. No religion is inferior or superior, yet religions humiliate each other. The need is to change the delusional world of religions, into a realm of reality. World needs an idea that can inspire people to change and make the world religionless. Ongoing reinvention is the secret of continuity. All new ideas subjected to analysis or justification appear impractical, but the idea to change established order is always considered subversive, destructive and dreadful. Who will decide what is right? Spirituality is a natural human quality, religions a man-made philosophy inherited by people from birth, who grow up as distorted and disoriented personalities. In any circumstances, be it what it may, if billion people believe in a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. When educated feel cheated, they crave for truth, where their spiritual urges can flourish freely, and nurtured naturally, with no compulsions imposed on them by religions, and its authoritarian institutions. People want to be free from the shackles of religions. It’s dark before the crack of dawn, the age of spiritual awakening has come.
Idea of a common religion is dead. In a time when people are disillusioned with religions, that time is to know where we stand and how to take religion to the next level of reckoning. That’s why people are getting close to spiritual reality, and therefore, the demand for religious reforms is a step in right direction. This is not the last word, the presenter would like to have the last word, by proving himself right, even if, he fails to convince people right now. This is a tricky situation, which is not in sync with the character of change. People are no more interested to be judged by their religion. They want to know, who they are, an idea triggered, typically by spiritual standards. For a moment restrictions can set free, a little bit contradictions can make sense, sometimes one knows that he really does not know. After all, we live and die in a world of ideas. At times, some ideas are reborn, in the minds of others, and circulate around, with a new vitality, visualizing a global society, with no ethnic, racial or religious contest for dominance or exclusivity, where people are not referred as white, black or brown, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or atheist, but simply as human beings.
In the domain of cosmic consciousness everything is created, preserved, destroyed and then recycled in various forms, under the laws of nature. This is a realm of the invisible, where a formless presence of God in space exists, as cosmic consciousness. Beyond formless God there is an uncreated, unborn, endless eternity, in this empty space, presence of nothingness is experienced. Beyond nothingness is unknowable mystery, no one can know. Religions start from Holy books and end up with a God, while spirituality starts from an individual and ends up in eternity, difficult to grasp. In this situation, one comes to know, what he knows is 'Nothing', and all destinations in cosmos end in ‘Eternity’. So, there is no place to come or go anywhere in sky, except to ‘Be’ and experience the journey of life in cosmic mystery. Spiritual awakening is slow, so wake and sleep no more. Religions are unacceptable, they start and stop with a God, a concept created by authors of religions. We need to liberate people from all misrepresentations, mix-ups and mistakes.
Religions create fear, hatred and divide people. World is held hostage by fanatics, who destabilize life of peace loving people, society and nations, and ruin the progress of the world. Religions are tainted with the blood of innocent people. Terrorism in the name of religion is the biggest threat to global peace. Terror campaigns are the creation of wrong religious precepts, fictitious preaching, and false religious beliefs. Religions are responsible for retarding the minds of the people. Giving religions a free hand for neglecting the rule of law is unacceptable. International court of law must hold religions accountable for heinous crimes against humanity. It is time to rid the world from religions and build a new spiritual world order, where people can live with dignity, peace and co-existence, and in harmony with a multi-culture, multi-racial and multi-national, assemblage of people, creating a spiritually evolved world civilization.
Religions spin stories full of lies and disarray the life of those who blindly follow them. Truth cannot be tailored, lies can be shaped, fashioned and marketed by the wily and wise, who can twist on will, lies as gospel truth. When words fail to express feelings, it creates a momentary 'gap' where silence of eternity resides. Time is linear and measured as past, present and future. when 'Past' is lived, 'Present' enters as swiftly as it exits, so the unlived 'Future' slipping in fast, even mind cannot grasp the fleeting presence of 'Present'. Present moment is glimpsed not lived, 'present' swaps 'past' with 'future' that’s all. Therefore, ‘See-er State’ and not the measure of 'Present' time, was eulogized by Indian sages, who exhorted people to live life, in a ‘State of full Consciousness’ and not in the 'Frame of Time', as consciousness is a timeless eternal ‘Now’, referred as ‘Here and Now’ by the Buddha. In time 'Present' moment is a split-second, it slows down in past, and speeds up in future. Only in a timeless state, things happen simultaneously, because it is a single moment of eternity. Religions are wrapped in past. 'Present' is a bridge on the river of 'past' and 'future'. One shore offers growth, other reduction. Choose the shore of growth, allowing time to travel, beyond the measure of time. In space, there are places, where time is 'Still', it doesn't flow, like in black holes and other unidentifiable dimensions.
Holy books were written in ancient times, confined to geographical locations, under a common culture, using a dialect belonging to a specific region, intended to offer solutions, to time related local problems, which are irrelevant now, and lack a universal appeal in current context. The talking tongue in which Holy Books were scripted, are no more a living common spoken language. Today Holy Books are looked upon as relics of a bygone age, breathing in and out, like the bellows of a blacksmith, with no vitality. Yet resuscitated by the priest, mullah and the pundit, who keep the Holy Books alive, on the life support systems of religious institutions, and the preachers. Since people can’t read or understand the language in which Holy Books are written, they judge Holy books by its silk draped cover, which adds no value to their life, but serves as an article of worship, used for offering prayers, invoking the intervention of God(s) to help them, fulfill their worldly wishes, and not for understanding the contents of Holy Books, which in both ways end in vain.
Life and everything around us is constantly changing. Change is the eternal law of nature. Religions resist change so religions have failed to keep pace with time, and have become redundant and useless. Religions retaliate any attempt to change, fanatics threaten people, who dare to reform religion. By rigid adherence to a status quo, priest, mullah and pundit, submit followers to unrequited faith in outdated Holy Books, by spreading fear if they don't, then God’s wrath will befall on them. Handlers of religion brainwash staunch, and stubborn faith followers, to unbelievable extremes, insisting them to sacrifice their life to save the script of their tattered Holy books. Should followers of Holy books defend the work of calligraphy by hara-kiri? Dying for religion is easy, but living up to spiritual values is difficult. Voice to change is loud but lackadaisical will of blind followers and 'State' deafness on the issue of religious reforms, has strengthened status-quo of medieval age religions in modern age, this silly stoical stony silence of the State is surely unacceptable.
Ideas contained in Holy Books were written several thousand years ago. Since then things have changed, and still, there is no hope to revise them. Can ancient Holy Books meet expectations of modern age? Time ripens everything. People are more educated than they were before. They want religions to be redefined now, that’s for sure. But before reformatting religions, people must recognize the reality that changes in religions can disturb them drastically. Besides accepting the fact, that no one can be sure, whether things will get better or worsen, if the world becomes religionless. Even if, learned think astutely and fools absurdly, change is necessary to become better. That’s how the world works, by orbital, rotational, repetitive laws of nature. Change when set in motion, does not bring change instantly, it settles down slowly by way of consent and support of people. However, in the end, it is truth not falsehood that triumphs.
Seeing preachers and religious leaders, cajole crowds and coax their souls, shows how the gullible, can be misled so easily. It is hollow ignorance, herd-mentality, hunt for happiness, and a head for distinct identity, which is well exploited by the charlatans. Cheating trusting people is a crime against humanity. Why State hesitates to act against people, who run religions as a business enterprise? Why State is not taking legal action against them? Why State is not addressing problems created by religions? Lack of regulatory resolve by the State to check religions from outwitting the rule of law, is a anomaly known, even to a common man. Then why State and law-enforcement agencies are silent? We need to put pressure on the law-makers, to bring institution of religions, self-proclaimed God-men, pretenders of faith, and those pedaling religion as a trade, under the ambit of a regulatory authority, to prevent atrocious abuse of religions.
Appreciating others religion or opposing one’s own religion or even suggesting religious reforms is opposed by zealots. They rattle with rage, rabble-rouse war cries, call to arms, to save a religion in danger. Thus creating a fear psychosis, that helps to fuel a mass hysteria, triggering a chain-reaction, which spreads pandemonium like fire, extending national frontiers, making a monster out of a molehill internationally. Now, any nation can come under a terrorist attack, from any part of the world, and any deviation is violently opposed by militant minds. we have reached a breaking point of intolerance, where even religious provocation can lead to nuclear war. What if terrorist lay hands on nuclear weapon? God save the world? Power of religion comes from followers, scattered across the world, making the institution of religion stronger than the 'State', which is detrimental to nations, who uphold the rule of law, for good governance. As long people believe in reprehensible religions, fanatics will continue to commit atrocities in the name of religion.
When regression of religions is taken up in 'public domain' or at the 'State level', it’s brushed aside by saying religion is a personal matter, therefore, people and State, should not interfere in religious matters. It’s a travesty of truth. Religions are in public domain, and not confined to a private or personal domain of the individual. Religions use a public-private strategy to gain power, by twisting facts in their favor, to prevent people and the State to go against them. Religion has nothing to do with privacy. The way religious people do one thing alone, they tend to do most things, in the same way in public domain, being proud and slavish to religious beliefs create fanatics, who can even die for what they believe. No one can be as foolish as a fanatic can be. As such, all religious fanatics are a real threat to world peace.
People revolt against 'State' when there is a social frustration, arising due to economic inequality. In past, 'Rulers' had established religions to prevent social unrest, and at behest of rulers religious institutions were built, provided muscle and money, so that a willing cleric could conspire and prevent rebellion against the State, creating fear of God, and by offering celestial compensation to 'Have-nots'. Money was condemned, poverty praised, to divert public attention from rulers, making them accept, their miserable fate, was the will of God, not a State failure. This conspiracy succeeded at the cost of espousing false religious beliefs. Initially this is how all major religions were promoted, institutionalized and funded by rulers and State, no religion could have survived on its merit alone. Using the same precedent, democratic countries, must now dislodge religions, in order to correct a historical error. 'State' is the most peaceful tool for social change, all other means create social disorder, which goes against social civility, human dignity and the rule of law.
Today commonsense is not common, when nonsensical becomes common than nonsense supersedes commonsense, reason suffers and truth disappears. That’s why, reality is not, the way religions see it, as a make-believe world. Truth is much deeper than what meets the eye, and hard to comprehend, with limited human faculties, to know all. Religions must know how far, it can go, and not go, too far, crossing the limits of sublimity, to plunge, in the abyss of stupidity. Following false religious beliefs is like living a life full of lies. Life is too short to go wrong, by the manipulators of religions. Fiction has to make sense and not reality. There is a need, to widen wisdom, and abate the absurd, without reanimating religions, if science cannot replace religions, than spiritual values alone, can get rid of religions, as a suitable alternative. The human personality has a spiritual aspect, and spiritual laws, are 'one' among many religions
Digital age is a decisive moment in history. People want a better understanding of the world, and realize that decisions they take now, will influence the course of human destiny in future. But the narrow minds of the priest, mullah and the pundit cannot envision the crucial moments of 'change'. Time does not wait. By now world has already entered next millennium. Human race is destined, not only to live on planet earth, but dwell on other planets in the cosmos, as well. Therefore, we need to set the human mind free from religions, and move ahead with open-mindedness, to fulfill a lofty mission. When we see this reality materializing in the near future, we see our mind in it, and wish others to see what we see. Then things begin to change. If we want people to change, first we have to change ourselves. We have to assist each other, to come out from the dependence on religions, to spiritual self-awareness, and its realities.
Conscious mind craves to fulfill worldly desires, sub-conscious mind to quench its spiritual thirst, super conscious mind longs to merge with cosmic consciousness. All three stages are woven by consciousness the ultimate reality, pervading all over and everywhere, yet differently perceived by mind in its layered stages. All living beings are the expression of cosmic consciousness. Therefore, living life with full consciousness is the aim of human being. This project will engage people with an open-mind, persuade them to discover, their deep inner being, and urge them, to devise their own methodology, and own regulations, to live a meaningful life, as natural spiritual beings, free from controls and canons of spiritual standards. Essence of life is in taking decisions on the basis of personal experience, and not based on blind religious beliefs. The whole philosophy of human life, revolves around naturalness, and not on make-believe situations. So, ‘Be Natural’ and ‘Live Naturally’ is the motto of life, rest all is useless talk, invented by insecure minds, panicked by pitching false fears, abusing inherent survival instincts, and taking advantage of man's constant struggle to survive.
We live in a mind-marshaled world, shaped by human thoughts and dreams so are all religions man-made. In this age, material inclination governs human life, so spiritual leanings are weak, and people are at the mercy, of their own self destructive gadgets, and inventions. In a material age, people rush to gather, more and more, material possessions, by hook or crook, than is necessary. Today money is more attractive than virtue is. A person’s selfishness and greed ends nowhere. Like a lunatic, people are obsessed, with money. In this rat race, they hardly find time, to enrich themselves spiritually, and repent on their deathbed as accredited fools, so heed the advice of the sages. When death takes away a moneyed man empty handed, people inquire, what assets has he left behind, while on other hand, when a spiritual person dies, his deeds go with him, and scent of his actions lingers long in memory. Some say he is gone, some ask where has he gone, some think he lives in the deeds of people who follow him. What is true after death no one knows. Even Buddha opined death is not the end, it is part of whole existence. Can we put this fact for a validation test?
Possession of money was not rated higher than the acquisition of wisdom, as sages saw, that even a dodger or devil, pickpocket or prostitute, criminal or cheat, rogue or rascal, can accumulate money easily by deception, but not wisdom which is nurtured by righteousness. In past, cultivating wisdom was considered a virtue and chasing money a vice, this is not true now, resulting in the erosion of ethical values. Money in moderation is a social need, for living a decent and dignified life. But life under the monopoly of money, extra than necessary is unethical, as it leads to lavish and vulgar lifestyle, inflates human ego and pride, promotes deceit and greed, all these factors are enemies of spiritual values. Neither money nor material possessions gives happiness. By leading a simple contented life, happiness follows like a shadow. So, live by righteous and modest means. Life’s challenges are best negotiated by material and spiritual values put together. Spirituality is not against money, but religions are, and see money as a devils trove. Money can decline in value or stolen, but wisdom increases its worth and is difficult to steal. So, a judicious mix of money matter and spiritual value is necessary to uplift human beings, from baser to higher levels of moderation, and create 'Selfless Affluence' by equitable distribution of wealth among the 'Haves' and 'Haves-not', necessary for people's collective contentment.
In a fast changing material world, spiritual values are losing ground. People want an element of spirituality in their life. Engrossed in a hectic monotonous material life, people lack time to read voluminous Holy Books, written in a language, they cannot read, write or understand. They have no time, even to read, the commentaries on Holy books, written in the a language they know. But those who read the Holy books fail to digest the overdose of fantasy and lies contained therein, and come out more confused than they were before. In this utter confusion, their feelings freeze, and they fail to find the reality they seek. Heavy doses of dogmatism and mythology, adds zing and zest to Holy books, and makes religion difficult to relish as a reality. Everything that has come will pass, so will religions go down in history books. But spirituality has a mission, the higher evolution of man, so let us all, give spirituality a chance, to accomplish its task.
There is nothing wrong with religions. Religions are outdated and not relevant anymore. What is frustrating is the inaptness that prohibits revision of Holy Books. Commentaries and interpretations keep ancient Holy Books updated, written by wise and foolish authors, and is sold in market, dime a dozen. People who read them, find that one author’s opinion differs from another author views. There is hardly any similarity in their observations. Generally when authors lack clarity, they cite examples, to make the message of Holy books, easy to understand. Sadly, despite all this, even the best author, cannot take away, the vagueness in Holy Books, with no recourse to change. Even the priest, mullah and the pundit find hard, to explain the real essence of the Holy Books, as with time, words, meaning, and its usage have changed. Once, what was meaningful is now meaningless. Truth does not require examples, commentaries or interpretations to explain its meaning. Truth is often revealed in simple words, since truth is self-explanatory.
Still, many people believe Holy Books are the word of God, and refuse to accept as true, that Holy books merely reflect the views, and memories of ancient times. Religions had evolved as a solution, to social ills prevailing, at a particular time, in the history of medieval age. Therefore, accepting Holy Books as a timeless truth is incorrect. It is the work of historians to archive old and obsolete books. Outdated books certainly are not meant to be followed foolishly. People should make out what is right and what is wrong. Truth is not the copyright of Holy books. How can time-worn books stay relevant without being updated? When Holy books are seen to mislead people and distort truth, then something is certainly wrong with these holy books. Can we dig diamonds from rusted iron ores?
Heinous crimes and mass murders of people in the name of religion, are among the rarest of the rare crime committed against humanity. Today, terrorist acts and senseless killings, by religious fanatics and militants is not acceptable to the civilized world. How can people, society and national governments remain quiet on this serious issue over an indefinite period of time? The time has come for intellectuals and lawmakers to question the relevance of religions. Can religions keep pace with world’s current progressive outlook of ‘One World’ and ‘One Global Family’? Sadly, divisive religions have split the world into religious groups. The world is torn apart with extreme hatred for each other’s religions. When a man kills a man to uphold his religious beliefs, it is difficult to follow, such a stupid scriptures, anymore.
Religious institutions and their functionaries are to be blamed for misleading people. Why these institutions should'nt be scrapped? Old structures collapse in a changing social order on its own. Even if, the end of labor, to bring change does not work now, change is fated to happen soon. It’s only a matter of time, when the issue of religious reforms will be taken up. So contradiction between ‘Decision to Act’ and ‘Hesitation to Act’ be sorted. A well timed act is a good judgment, but circumventing change that will come to pass is bad judgment. Opposing change is futile. Change will eventually take place, whether we like it, or not. It has happened in past, it may happen now, and will happen in future. The question is when? Religions have managed to survive untouched for several thousand years, which is a long time in history of mankind, but a few seconds in history of earth. So, time is ripe, to relegate religions to the background.
Comparative study of religions is extremely necessary for all school going children to learn, so that they understand the impact of religions objectively. They should stay away from religious institutions, holy places, veneration of Holy books and religious preachers. Having studied all religions, each grown up student should then independently decide himself, without being manipulated by others, whether he wants to accept or reject a religion, or follow no religion, or would like to pursue spirituality, a decision he will make himself alone, no one else will assist him to do so, nor will his parents influence him, nor will society force a religion on him. Why should a child inherit his parent’s religion? It is his birthright to choose his own religion or no religion. After all, religious beliefs is a major lifestyle issue from birth till death, so no one has the right, to impose it, forcefully on others. This is not acceptable. This is a violation of human rights.
Silence is preferred over serious religious indiscretions, by the people and the State, fearing violent repercussion from the fanatic and religious militants. This collective social silence probably comes, by visualizing the damage religions can inflict on people, society and the State. Religions have always suppressed dissent with barbaric brutally and supported their heinous crimes as religious rectitude. Historically, religions have killed more people than the number of deaths caused by natural disasters and wars, all put together. The frightening track record of religions is enough to keep alive the conspiracy of silence. Only, if the world can see that religions also have an expiry date, their silence will break, and force religions to behave, with civility and not with barbaric ways.
Today, the world is witnessing a great deal of interest in ‘Spiritual Matters’, by a large number of people, including the young and the aged. They all wish to know, the fundamental spiritual question such as: Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? Where do I go when I die? People want to learn, the lessons of life, from a practical ‘Manual of Life’, and not from ‘Holy Books’, full of fictitious beliefs, and far from ground realities. They aren’t inclined to believe in the statement of faith, but eager to know, plain facts of life. People seek to know, ‘What we are’ and ‘How to live life in harmony with self and society’ at ‘individual level’ not as a flock in the assembly of a ‘religious mass’, under the authority of religious institutions, and self-proclaimed Babas, Gurus and swamis, available dime a dozen in India, who con simpletons and trusting people. This is not Vedic culture, it is a social evil. These charlatans must be exposed, sooner the better.
This proposal will unfold the problems and blunders of religions and urge people to judge for themselves, what is good for them and what is good for the world, and what promotes personal welfare and what promotes public welfare, and what harms an individual and what harms public interest. Apart from individual assessment, we propose to go ahead for a worldwide consensus, as well, on this issue. Faith in religious beliefs and rituals is due to lack of knowledge. and ignorance. Fictitious ideas are enemies of knowledge, so simpletons fail to see, the real objective of human existence, and waste their whole life following vague religions, by praying and praising Gods, with foolish beliefs and rituals. Our ultimate goal is to set the world free from false religious beliefs and promote spiritual values, with a clear objective, to enhance the evolution, of humanity and society, to a higher level of spiritual growth, from the foundation of reason.
The so called faith followers praise, preach and protect their own religion, and condemn others religion. Such depraved acts lead to hostilities and hatred, which lowers human dignity, to the level of animalism. People must follow, principles of rectitude, and intellectuals of our society, should invalidate disinformation, spread by religions. No one should be allowed, to mislead people, community, nations and the world, anymore. False precepts, religious beliefs and terrorist acts, in the name of religion must come to an end soon. Religions have tortuously troubled the tranquility of the whole civilized world, by threatening and terrorizing ordinary citizens, with blood spattered clashes and barbaric carnage. How long can world bear this? Should people follow religions preaching and promoting belligerence and bloodshed? Let the priest, the mullah and the pundit answer, and talk to each other, what people of the world, want to know.
The future of religions has fallen into the hands of those who are unworthy of it. Their terror campaign is nothing less than alternate war on civil society. If not stopped in time, it can escalate into a clash of civilizations and draw nations into an unstoppable major world war. with sufficient nuclear arsenal stockpiled to wipe out the whole human race from planet earth is a frightening scenario, terrifying indeed. How the world can shut its eyes and let religions destabilize the peace of the world? The root cause of the problem lies, in the authoritarian power of centralized institutions of religions, managed by undeserving people, who foster fanatics to kill innocent people. How can the world take this lightly?
World has given enough time to religions to flourish, almost five thousand years without a break, its a very long innings, and lot of time, indeed. Political systems, civil, criminal laws, languages, social and cultural traditions, world civilizations and nations, could not manage to retain status-quo, and underwent drastic changes, during the said period of time. History is a testimony to this reality. Surprisingly religions haven’t changed. So it is fair enough, for people to demand, and for State to decide, to change the existing format of religions, for the benefit of people and peaceful co-existence of mankind, now and never, before it is too late. Eventually, truth and not falsehood succeeds in the long run.
Social life depends on peaceful co-existence of diverse cultural and religious groups, and the manner, in which people relate to each other. The tolerance level of one religion, with other religions is a important indicator, which gives an idea about the cultural composition of a society. Fundamentally, for all intent and purpose, the whole superstructure of our society is built, on the foundation of religions. Thus, the ills of society are obviously, ascribed to the incompatibility of religions, with ground realities, and also, when people see, that one religion is estranged, with another religion, in a cut throat competition, of head counting of faith followers. Religion at spiritual level is good for human inquisitiveness, but when religion is used, as an instrument for social disorder, then religions are socially unacceptable, by the people.
The old order of religions is crumbling, giving way to new structures. In this vicious situation, the mother of all religions ‘Spirituality’ is seen, to stand out alone, from all existing religions, cults or sects. Even science cannot replace religions, because from where the quest of scientific venture ends, the vistas of spiritual seeking begins from there. The truth of spirituality is ready to reveal, and rise above all religions, as a lone exemplar, capable to impart higher social ethics, by touching human sensibility, and not the sin of the soul, by promoting spiritual values, and not useless religious rituals, by encouraging self-help and not seeking the help of Gods, thus, changing the religious mindset of the people totally. Changeover of religions into a better format, based on universal spiritual values is an upheaval task. But this should not deter the ‘Change-Makers’ to initiate the process, after all, a long journey begins, with a single step.
Mentally and emotionally, all intellectuals have given up religions. Now, even the well-read, the well-informed, and the well-educated are distancing themselves from religions, but inclined to follow the spiritual way, the core of all religions that brings wisdom with wrinkles that don’t hurt. Unlike intellectuals, they are unsure, and hesitant to do so, because they feel spirituality lacks clarity, and a road-map, to lead people on the spiritual path, to meet their spiritual aspirations. The element of uncertainty has risen, because there are innumerable definitions, and countless explanation, to define spirituality, which has turned the word 'spirituality' into a very vague term. To clear this confusion, the presenter of this proposal will delve, devise and define the broad features of spiritual values, and explain it in simple terms, retaining its distinctiveness, and universal appeal intact. For sake of clarity and consolidation, the presenter has termed, the new format of synthesized spirituality as ‘Satyadharma' an expression, which encapsulates the universal spiritual values.
It’s true that the world cannot exist without faith and hope. People want to reject redundant religions, but at the same time, they need a spirited spirituality, that can make their life worth living. So, we intend to serve this particular purpose. Our proposed plan will start, from an armchair discussion, and proceed to spiritual activism, expanding its reach with opinion building exercises, to create a global awareness about spiritual values. The objective of the proposal would be to reveal reality, as it is, and give valid reasons, to discard false religious beliefs, created by religions, and followed by fanatics, with a sadistic consequence. Launching a campaign to remove religions from the world is a herculean task, with countless hurdles on its way. So, people need to strengthen their resolve, to build ‘A Religionless World’, with collective consent, and persistent endeavor. An ideology, which is forced, upon others is useless. Therefore, people’s participatory and preparatory review, on religious reforms is necessary, to spearhead this movement.
Initially the project will conduct, research work on the relevance of religions, in context with today’s world, and dwell on the universal spiritual values, and define 'Satyadharma' as the fulcrum of spiritual values, and draw plans, to promote it, as an alternative to religions. As a solutionist, presenter will try his best to generate a comprehensive understanding of spiritual values, and draw the attention of people, to the problems created by religions, and suggest solutions. Since change does not come by forcing things, so he will set the ball in motion to wait and watch. Once the ball starts rolling, it will not stop. Then what we see now, will not happen, it will happen quite differently, in a way, we don't see it now.
A study team will devise the means, and the methods to bring a meaningful change, in the mindset of the people. They will highlight the inadequacy of religion, and promote a sense of self-sufficiency, that Satyadharma or spiritual values can bring, in the life of the people. Besides, the proposal will provide practical pointers, necessary for the progressive development of human beings, based on the reality of ‘Life and Living’, so that no one is lost, travelling on a straight road. These are some of the features that will constitute the area of preparatory and participatory study.
Everything in the world is constantly changing, civilizations rise and fall, political regimes come and go. Old schools of thought are replaced with new schools of thought. Resisting natural process of change is to go against the procedure of regeneration, set by the laws of nature. Those who defy change, fan feeble flames of a dormant simmering fire, blazing to burn the unyielding, in its range and reach. To avert such disasters, we must ensure, to change when necessary. Nothing is fixed. All things must come to an end. The way world was perceived yesterday is not the same today, and what is perceived today, may not be the same tomorrow. The unstoppable wonder of change never ceases to change.
Some people fail to learn to adapt to constantly changing world. Mind is never too old to learn. Human curiosity craves to discover something more, and pine for, what lies yonder, the frontiers of knowledge, a pursuit to find something new. There is no end to human seeking, nor is there a way to know, where their seeking ends. In the endless domain of eternity, its like finding a needle in a haystack or trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle, where whole lot more, of the unsolved riddle is left unanswered. Knowledge is fleeting, and is soon erased by new discoveries. The difficulty to adapt to new environment or to a new way of thinking is the predisposition of mind, which resists change, and sticks to stability, so that it can move in its own familiar and symmetrical patterns easily, created by the mind, which is constantly engaged in adjusting its psychological processes, to keep the mind's comfort zone intact. Human beings are habitual to the ‘typical’ and overlook the ‘beneficial’. As a result, they foolishly resist change. If people look back they can never go far ahead.
Social systems evolve in the manner in which people relate to each other. Social life basically depends on the peaceful co-existence of all the members of the society. Essentially, societies all over the world are built on the foundation of religions. The monopoly of religions in social life has shaped and influenced our societies, even though, the evolution of mankind resulted, from the development of moral principles and reason, but societies in the world evolved from culture and religions. Now, the transformation of religion to spirituality is the next evolutionary step, in the history of mankind. This project will be a catalyst to change, the present state of medieval religions, to a futuristic world of spiritual values.
Religious reforms should be a part of an ongoing process to introduce changes that are relevant to time. When issue of religious reform is discussed, it creates a tussle, tension and turmoil among the caretakers of religions. Once they are asked to make the proposed change, all efforts to bring the desired change end in nothing. Change is the need of time. The time to bring reforms in religions by public consensus has come. We need to create awareness among people, so that they are convinced to accept what is relevant, and dump the irrelevant in the dustbin of history. A well conceived plan to usher religious reforms, before it is implemented is a step in right direction. Or else, changes thrust by 'Sporadic Events' are too often lopsided, ill conceived, and bad for the progress of people, society and nations.
World over, religious extremists execute terrorist acts without fear, killing innocent people. World is terrified and does not know how to come out from this horrible deadlock. All this has happened, because there is a lack of political will, to tackle this problem head-on. The decision-makers and law-makers both are silent spectators. They have failed to keep militant religions in check. Merely regulating laws to deal with religious extremists will not solve the problem. They will mushroom here and there again. State needs to strike at the root cause of the problem, and pull down, the hotbeds of fanatics, institutions and nations breeding them, we cannot single out or blame one religion for this impasse, no religion is free from allegations of sponsoring this deadly menace. All religions are responsible in one way or the other. This criminal conduct of religions is unlawful, and unbecoming of a religion in the eyes of the people, who revere it.
Religion is an ethical tragedy. Its calamity starts from conversions and ends in its own conservation. On way to expand their influence, religious zealots don’t hesitate to kill innocent people, in a brutal bloodbath, perpetuated by religious concepts, to keep things the way the caretakers of religious institutions, and their leaders want it to be. Who has given religions the license to kill? Who has given them the freedom to spread false beliefs, superstitions and fan communal hatred? Are we living in a lawless world like outlaws? Isn't this the foremost responsibility of the State, the lawmakers the decision-makers, and intellectuals of the society, to create a congenial atmosphere, where religions can be judged on its merit, and not on fear psychosis, religion create among people for its survival? When will State intervene?
Religions are intolerant, and least religious, in the sense, they ought to be. The victims of religious atrocities cry out for justice, in vain. World leaders must ensure religious tolerance and pursuit of right religious values. It is the duty, of all national governments in the world, to make this happen. In India religion has no name, it is without a founder, unlike all other religions. It is a nameless entity called Dharma. Hinduism is an ever evolving process of human thought. It does not ordain, to follow any Holy book. Hindu dharma encapsulates, universal laws of nature, and universal spiritual values that promote harmonious co-existence of people with their natural environment. The word Hindu was given by barbaric illiterate Muslim invaders. Is it appropriate for Indians to use a colloquial slur Hindu? Can we use a correct word 'Vaidik' instead of historically inconvenient remark 'Hindu'? Let Vedic scholars decide. Calling Vedic Dharma a Hindu religion is incorrect, like British have an unwritten evolving constitution, and practice the best ethics of democracy in the world. So does Vedic dharma, the only unwritten evolving religion in the world, has this uniqueness, that stands out all alone.
The arrival of religions on the world stage can be traced back to 5000 years ago. Historical and current track record of religions in terms of promoting human values is very poor, indeed. While its track record in killing people is extremely high, which even today, keeps on adding the score dreadfully, with larger numbers, in terms of human deaths. It seems religion and reason don’t blend well. Religions world over, survive on the foundation of fear and faith, not on human values and truth, which religions preach but do not practice. The world has given religions enough time to thrive. Time to reinvent religions has come. Time does not wait. Let the world hasten to replace religions with spirituality.
Taking on one religion, by another religion is important, to evaluate the level of tolerance, the society has reached. All societies in the world are erected on the foundation of religions, and every human being on earth is born with a religion. There is a strong public resentment on this unconventional custom, that takes away the right to choose religion. Once a person is branded with a particular religion at birth, he is brainwashed, his mind conditioned, his conduct proscribed, and his attitude, beliefs and behavior, determined by the priest, mullah and the pundit, and by Holy books of inherited religion. When religion is imposed in formative years of life, it creates a constant struggle in the mind, to retain or attain, what religion tells them to do, thus losing sight of the real purpose of human life, in a life, which is lived once, not twice. World must scrap this unethical slavish convention, of inheriting a religion from birth, as a violation of human rights.
The proposal intends to unmask religions, to reveal its original face, and draw attention of people, on the misuse and mishandling of social issues, by the institutions of religions and fundamentalists. After a lapse of so many years of religious wrongdoings, going back in time almost five thousand years ago, it still continues to do so, without a break, even today. So, it is appropriate to seek religious reforms in 21st century at least. This is a quite reasonable demand. Religious authorities and their leaders, who zealously guard the old school of thought, should consider to concede, to this genuine demand. Religion as an institution has played a very long innings. It is time for religions to pack up, and bid farewell. After all, religions have controlled and exploited the minds of the people too long, with active connivance of State, priest, mullah, pundit, parents, family, school and society. Presenter sees the make-believe syndrome, created by religions, as a debilitating intellectual sickness, that has retarded the rational evolution of human mind.
The preparation to build a religionless world is a futuristic idea, likely to face a fierce resistance, from powerful lobbies who can shred the proposal to pieces, even before, it can assume to achieve, anything worthwhile. Yet, the glimmer of hope, comes from intellectuals, educated, young and elders, who are open to discuss utility of useful suggestions. They are the people who are the catalyst to bring change. Eventually, the acceptance and rejection of the proposal depends on public consensus. It’s not a slogan or call for a revolution. All confrontational tactics are to be avoided strictly, while dealing this issue. However, the weapon of wisdom can be used in public debate to analyze the merits of the proposal, with ponderous gravity to make it a reality. After all, the idea of a religionless world is just a line of thought, floated by the presenter for the people of the world to consider, and decide by consensus, and not to force the idea on them.
The project will not dogmatize a new theology. But, tell people to appreciate spiritual values at a personal level, through self-study and self-exploration as spiritual knowledge is a inner experience that is felt but not explained. Consciousness is a subtle energy felt as a frequency or vibration, something words cannot tell, a connection between a ‘see-er’ and the ‘scene’. We all are one consciousness, but living the life of the mind. Shifting attention on consciousness can transform our whole being into an awareness of oneness. Connection of human consciousness with cosmic consciousness is the ultimate spiritual goal or the union of soul with Godliness. At this point, consciousness transcends body-mind, to reach the realm of ultimate truth. Whereas, religions as we all know is an external experience meant for a mass. Followers of religion are driven by blind faith, false beliefs, dictates and interference of religious institutions, priest, mullah and pundit in personal affairs of their life. If people were to live with dead dogmas, and external promptings of religions, they can never experience, the real essence of spirituality in their life. This is a wrong that must be fixed right now.
Intellectuals and the young may find the proposal interesting. But fundamentalists will clamp it, as a blasphemous act, many may see it, as salacious propaganda, carried by the presenter, who bends truth to suit his needs, to provoke and corrupt the minds of people. The idea of a religionless world will certainly infuriate and inflame the minds of fanatics, as an intimidating proposal. Strong retaliation cannot be ruled out. But, when it comes to decide on matters concerning public consensus, people often doubt the means adopted, to implement the plan, and see failure, even before it starts happening. Let us assume, if objective of the proposal is not achieved by public consensus, then means can change, by perusing the matter through State legislation or by some other suitable option, without changing the goalpost. Where there is a will, there is no dearth of ways and means, to achieve right objectives, for the good of humanity.
In the past, people protested and opposed ‘Old Religions’ and introduced ‘New Religions’. Thus, they failed to replace, the basic fundamental format of the religions they opposed. As a result, people still reel under the stagnant ideology of rigid religions. This proposal proposes to replace all rigid religions, not by recasting old religions in a new replica, or reanimating them in another similar form of religion, but will replace all old religions, with a ‘Religionless Religion’ that will recapture the spirit of the sacred ideals, in a distilled version of universal spiritual values, called ‘Satyadharma’.
Actually every human being born on earth is gifted as a unique person. But religions have led people like a herd, by not treating them, on a one-to-one basis. Therefore, all faith followers, blindly follow religious beliefs, with a herd mentality. Spirituality is the only right way, to know and experience, one's unique nature, and work on it, in a distinctive way, for one's special inner salvation exclusively, relevant for each person, but distinguishable in very different ways. Halt being shepherd by religions as a herd of sheep. Religions create followers. Spirituality self-driven seekers. The faith followers stagnate society, and self-driven spiritual seekers, make the world, a better place to live. Spiritual values don't create seekers with shut minds, but people who flower with compassion and a heart that pours out love. Deeds not faith travel on our journey of life. So, know this fact that 'Religion and Spirituality' are as different as chalk and cheese can be.
There has never been a dearth of philosophical and theological precepts. World is mired in ideas that leave little scope to question. Is reality envisioned by religions irreversible and final? Reality is best understood by multiple points of views. It’s good to examine, different views in concert, to arrive at a common view that mirrors reality. Today, people are tagged to technology and do not engage in philosophy. This does not mean philosophy is dead. Its obituary is too early. Philosophy alone can conceptualize a system on social belief. World is witnessing a spiritual awakening. Spiritual values are in sync with current mindset of people. Reliability on religion is losing ground. People are reluctant to accept religions, and at the same time, they find themselves unsure, about lack of clarity of spiritual values, as well. People must seek answers from within rather subscribe to any dogma. There is abundance of new untried, unproved areas inside, bring them out. There is no blind faith in this method, but a faith that emerges from one's personal experience.
Spirituality starts from values of life and ends in the reality of ‘Being’ a part of a natural process and not in ‘Becoming’ what religions want their followers to become. Life lived in harmony with one’s own nature is more advantageous. The knowledge of spirituality is gained from personal experience, and not from the experiences of others. Spirituality impels people to see life independently at a individual level. 'Personal Experience' alone can bring right understanding. There is no Guru other than the spiritual seeker himself, who is self-driven by self-awareness, on his self-chosen journey that starts from self-study to self-knowledge, evolved by his self-created methods, to achieve a self-transformation, leading to self-enlightenment. Repeated use of word ‘Self’ is to emphasize spirituality is synonymous to ‘self-efforts’, and does not rely on external assistance, be it a institution, a regulator, a holy book, or a God to attain 'self-realization'. How hallow is an idea that is unreasonably extracted. Conscience knows before, what mind takes time to know, patience and persistence when pushed can slice a stone, so a daily conversation with our 'Self' is important, indeed.
In a world full of deceit, religions are manipulated by criminal fanatics, corrupt politicians and crooked religious leaders. Today, religion signifies superficial rituals, and external display of religious symbols, adorned to exhibit, the 'brand' of religion, followers take pride to show-off followers of other faiths, who respond in similar manner as others do. Outward display of emblems gives them a sense of belonging, concurring with a compatible group of people that gives them security and social identity. Religions do not shape any longer the character of people. Culture and traditions dominate people’s belief. Politicians exploit religion as vote banks, religious leaders use it, to gain power, vested groups abuse it, to create noise and nuisance. When politics and religion is mixed, its effect on people and society is deadly, indeed. The pain inflicted on innocent people by religions must be prevented at any cost by the Rule of Law. Reform is part of a social need to streamline religions with contemporary and evolutionary principles. If river is flooded with water, a boat cannot sail, with the wind alone. Let us all resolve, to take a firm decision, not to follow any religion blindly, anymore.
Today, people all over the world over, are preoccupied with three obsessions (1) Money (2) Democracy (3) Religion. Revamping public fixations to synchronize with current trend, from time to time is a good strategy, of a civilized evolving society. World has opened its markets, to create economic opportunities, for money to grow. World’s political system is shifting towards democracy. But when it comes to religious reforms, world does not consider good enough, to discuss the renovation of religions, averting a much needed, and long awaited issue, to reform religions, thus allowing outdated religions to continue, with no revisions. Historically, if we compare what went back in the past thousand years, we see 'Money Matters' and methods of 'State Governance' have changed drastically. Why not religions? Religions continue to be same as they were thousand years ago. This is not a result of their popularity, but due to fear created by fanatics, to retain 'Status-quo' just to serve their sordid sectarian and dogmatic designs. Is this acceptable to the world?
Government(s) remain silent on 'religious reforms' and defend their silence by lame excuses, citing that interference in the affairs of religion is not a national agenda, thus reducing role of the State to a mute spectator. Religion is 'Public' and not a 'Private' issue. It’s the responsibility of Government(s) to find solutions to problems created by religions. By ignoring and being submissive, State strengthens the status-quo of religions, giving them an unbridled license to do, what they want to do, hate, terrify and divide people, under the pretense of a sanctimonious cover, provided to them, by the State. Religions leverage their holier-than-thou cutout portrayal to full advantage, to gain influence and authority, nationally and internationally for all the wrong reasons. Government(s) shouldn't appease religions any more. Time has changed, the 'Rule of Law' and 'Welfare of People' are governing principles of a democratic State and not religions.
Since the advent of organized religions, human civilization has been a 'Silent Victim' of communal violence, bloodshed, migrations, exodus, riots, holy wars and fanaticism. People must know power hungry priests, mullah and pundit, and self-appointed religious leaders, and self-styled Gurus, are smooth tongued demagogues, who by their oratorical skills, use religions as a 'Tool' to serve their selfish interest. They do not earn bread by their brow, but live as parasites, on the charity of faith followers. They stifle the voice of reason, disable dissent, obstruct religious reforms, and live lavishly in the lap of luxury, on swindled wealth, by cheating the gullible faith followers. Law must intervene, prevent and protect the rights of trusting innocent people. The rogues in robes use all modern technologies and gadgets, and hide their old outdated religious intentions, under the mask of headgear's, designer dress, well groomed hairstyles, dyed mustaches and beards, and preach others to follow medieval age beliefs, they themselves don’t follow and practice.
The priest, mullah, pundit and religious preachers entice simpletons by false promises, brainwash them, incite them with fury and rage, to lay down their life, to save their religion, from the threat of other religions, whose Gods they dread as demons, and revere their God as sacrosanct. Life is too precious, to lose for a flimsy cause, and die for a stupid religious belief. Yet, herds of die-hard followers are driven like cattle's, to kill innocent men, women and children, on street, in marketplace, at places of work. These extremist, who themselves burn in flames, exploding as human-bombs, killing others, are promised a place in heaven, as a reward for a heartless deed, if criminals were to live in heaven, who would like to stay in hell. Shamefully, all major religions in the world Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are guilty of heinous crimes in the name of religion, be it, crusaders of holy wars or jihadist invaders or the revenge of saffron terror outfits. If they get away with it, they will continue to commit more heinous crimes, nip this nefarious design soon.
The activities of religious fundamentalists has disturbed world peace and has destabilized the global social order, by terrorizing and killing innocent people, under the cover of religions. Those who dare to oppose them are silenced, in most horrifying ways, worst consequences come, when rouge States sponsor fanatics to create terror in other countries what more can be said, when there is nothing left to say, on this unpardonable way of bad governance, but exceptions don’t prove the rule. State administration and law enforcing machinery must keep an eye on them, and not let any unlawful act go unpunished. It is the duty of the State to safeguard the freedom of thought. The intentions of religious extremists world over is same. They are pushing modern civilization back to medieval age. Can the age of technology give up rockets for rocks? If religions do not accept change, civilizations shall soon decline and not prosper.
Terrorist activities under the cover of religions is a real global threat, and one of the biggest social problem world is facing today helplessly, with no solutions to end at hand. It’s alarming to see, the range and reach of religious militants, unleashing extremist activities, which has spread its tentacles, in every part of the world. Terrorist are recruited in one country, money for terrorist activities, raised in another country, mayhem and massacre spread, in some other country, fanatics are slowly and steadily galvanizing to wage war, involving whole International Community, which can culminate as clash of civilizations, leading to a third world war. Many nations are drawn indirectly, some nations directly, imagine if a nuclear nation sponsors these wicked activities. Let world leaders act prevent on priority, before its too late.
India is the land of saints and Gods. In India, the finest, and the most ridiculous, mystical ideas about the 'Known', the 'Unknown', the 'Unknowable', the 'Untouched', the 'Untreated' and the 'Unfinished' spiritual processes are experimented and expressed by 'Truth', 'Half-Truth' and 'Untruth', all kinds of sensible, and all kinds of nonsensical spiritual ideas have thrived here, as lofty as the sky and as deep as the ocean, giving birth to major and minor religions of the world Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, still going strong in the world, and its birthplace. India is the religious hub of the world, and home to all the major religions of the world. India is the forerunner of spiritual development. The ideals of compassion, empathy, pragmatism, and non-violence, was born in India, by separating spiritual values, from religious beliefs. This has been a source of inspiration to the rest of the world. Spiritual integrity in India was not developed by accident. It is the result of good intention, proper efforts, right direction, and glorious vision of the great Indian sages.
In history, nations were forged by the sword. India was built with the human spirit. The largest territorial Indian empire, once ruled by Ashoka, was a welfare state. He was an emperor, who at the zenith of his power gave up everything, and become a monk. Buddhism was the 'First' State and 'First' world religion established by him, he sent the 'First' batch of missionaries to other countries. In his reign, humanity was the governing principle, not supernatural matters. In recent history, independence of India from colonial rule too, was attained by peaceful means by Gandhi, a political leader, who lived as an ascetic, and had led India’s freedom struggle, against the British rule, by a nonviolent civil disobedience movement. For centuries India suffered under barbarian rule of Muslim invaders, who conquered India by the bloodiest Islamic invasion recorded in world history. Later, India was ruled by the British colonizers, who raided and robbed India, as pirates, and not as traders they pretended to be. Despite, atrocities by Muslims and British, India like an ancient old tree, extends its cool shade, and safe shelter, even to those who had come to cut its roots. India tolerates all faiths, all races, and all nationalities. Indian culture promotes 'World as One Family' and recognizes 'Unity in Diversity'.
Compassion and non-violence are Indian ethos. The fervor of 'Renunciation' rarely seen in the world, is the hallmark of virtue in Indian society, praised by sages and revered by masses in India. 'Ram' was asked to leave his palace, he left his luxurious home, lived in forest for fourteen years, returned back and established ‘Ram Rajya’ the epitome of good governance, India had never witnessed before. Buddha, too renounced his princely life, in prime of his youth, he left his palace, went into woods, to seek solutions, to liberate people from sorrow. After enlightenment, he spread the message of compassion and righteous way of living life. Buddhism even today is the most sensible of all religions, as the great Buddha himself was. Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, also relinquished his kingdom, and lived life with strict austerity, undergoing rigorous penances in forest, all alone. As apostle of non-violence, he practiced what he preached and dealt with the philosophy of relativity, in a unique and profound manner, no one else before him could.
Historically, we find there has always been a strong resistance against religious reforms, leading to mass murders and demonic damage to life and property. No other country, except India is the place, where social-reformers, were able to change, old religious precepts and practices, with contemporary spiritual understanding, appealing people to discard frivolous, fabricated and false religious beliefs, by debating the issue, in a open assembly of people peacefully, without subverting the social order, by any sort of violent protest. Today, educated people, very well know, 'Holy books' are not the word of God, nor did they fall out of sky. Holy books are concoction of texts, written by authors, who lacked clarity, and whatever they wrote is baffling, indeed. There is nothing worse in writing, than not to understand, what the author has written. Too often its a lapse, ascribed to theologian’s approach, to events that occurred, several years before, they were recorded in writing by them. It seems they didn't know, how to script their observations truly and timely.
Buddha was the greatest social-reformer. He introduced religious reforms in India by opposing 'Brahmanical Beliefs', rituals and animal sacrifices, with a gentleness and kindness, people had never felt, like this ever before. He showed the path of righteousness, with dignity and dexterity, people had never witnessed, like this ever before. He delivered discourses on rectitude, with candor and clarity, people had never heard, like this ever before. He preached a Godless creed, in a world of Gods, with silence and sobriety, people had never imagined, like this ever before. He walked gently on earth, with ethereal and enlightened charisma, people had never seen, like this ever before. Buddha’s footprints are inerasable, his compassion incomparable. Buddha was Godless yet so Godlike. He was the greatest spiritual leader, the world has ever seen, in the history of mankind, and Buddhism is so sane and close to universal truth.
Since Vedic age, society in India was open to debate. People were free to speak and criticize each other. This led to growth of knowledge, and several school of thoughts emerged. They speculated on ‘Absolute’ and ‘Relative’ truth, and viewed truth was ‘Not This’, ‘Not That’ and saw truth symbolically as ‘That’. Knowing ‘That’ was difficult to grasp. Yet, the elusive ‘That’ ignited their curiosity, to know ‘Something’ unexplained and unseen existed, beyond what they knew. When mind crossed its own limitations, there was nothing more to know, nothing spared to know, except nothingness and reflection of their own ideas staring back at them, as mirror reflects an image, voice its echo. Then they discerned, when 'Finite' merges with 'Infinite', search to know comes to an end, and when consciousness knows consciousness, it opens the gate to 'Eternity' then brain learns from metaphor, mind from its own realities, as eternity is hard to pin down, ultimate wisdom is to become a part of cosmic mystery, to live and experience, the life's journey on pathless Eternity.
Stars, the sun and earth, are like tiny dust particles, scattered in a vast, deep, empty and unfathomable space. Except consciousness ‘Nothing’ exists there. Whatever exists in space comes from nothing, and goes back to nothing. Nothing is the source of all that exists. There is no creator, even Gods are born out of nothing. The impermanence of everything explains 'Nothing' exists. Creation is a brief event, a vibration in eternity, that manifests in different forms from galaxy to amoeba. No phenomena is experienced in 'Nothing', 'Existence' is interdependent and tied to consciousness so things appear, disappear, reappear in recycled forms, while consciousness remains intact, When all objective and subjective perceptions halt, search to find 'something' ends in 'nothing'. Since ‘Nothing’ is scary and boring, man invented a man-made world of fantasy, so that mankind can live and die in illusions, with self-created delusions, as a purpose of life. It’s human mind that creates duality. It’s human mind that distorts reality, and not the real world of existence.
Nothing is no thing, mystery of 'Nothing' led to the idea of 'Something'. Nothing is indefinable, its essence is grasped intuitively. Intellect can go to a limit, beyond it, it cannot go, intuition can, but intuition is too subtle to express, what is felt on impulse, so views on 'Nothing' are not free from doubt, and doubt is dreadful. Is reality revealed in doubt? Indian thinkers negated, backtracked, somersaulted on idea of 'Nothing' and found ‘Something’ out of 'Nothing' and revealed, beyond physical formations there is consciousness, beyond consciousness there is nothing, beyond nothing there is eternity. Realizing no one can ever know, whole cosmic truth, in the overdose of views, and in the maze of imagination, by placing round pegs in square holes, the definition of truth was lost, being revived now. When ‘Change’ captured their imagination, they noticed 'Laws of Impermanence' prevailed, and nothing was permanent. What is change? What has changed? Can 'change' change itself? Such ideas spilled, as mystical muse, scaling the lofty levels of human thoughts. It is here they realized not truth but stupidity is a potent force, people can follow blindly, as religious 'Beliefs' masked as truth. Why this happens? Nobody knows, perhaps the nonsensical is more attractive than the sensible.
Was all this thinking good? Indian thinkers were lost in a jungle of thoughts, with too much information and data, which forced them to think more. Thoughts they resisted persisted, pushing the process of thinking to speed up. In too much thoughts 'Truth' is lost. Therefore, they tried to grasp, what cannot be grasped, what shouldn't be grasped. Thinking alienates and detaches the mind from its source. When mind is freed from the mode of thinking, thoughtlessness makes it silent, awaking inner dormant energies. It is a doing, which is not a doing, as we all are naturally connected to our source. More the mind aligns with thinking, the more it is distanced from its source. Think less and experience more is what sages advised, become a silent 'See-er' and witness every moment of life with full awareness, and stop seeking any meaning in life, as no purpose is served in eternity, so just live to 'Experience' being 'Alive' in infinity.
Indian thinkers thought questioning led to understanding, curiosity to new thoughts, so they felt, it was good to debate a question with diverse views in a battle of wits, rather settle it without an argument. Since questions can be answered in more ways than one, they endeavored to question everything, and came to terms with anything, even opposing ideas, risking to breach sublime to silliness. When they raised right questions, they almost got right answers. When questions had no answers, they didn't stop, but formulated questions, to get answers, and came up, with more tricky questions, to ask, and questioned the very questions they had posed, and failed to get an answer. No answer was also a question. How far they fared, and how far was too far to dabble in questioning is still debatable. Questions posed by them, show intellectual flight, answers subtle depth of thoughts. Observations of Indian sages on ‘Eternity’ and ‘Nothingness’ are finest mystical musings, churned by a philosophy, that knows it knows nothing. Beyond perception is transcendental mysticism, not knowing is the ultimate wisdom. Eternity is known by time, 'Time' is a measure, time doesn't exist, clocks exist, time is not constant, its experienced differently in different galaxies as fast time, slow time and medium time. Only 'Timelessness' in eternity is everlasting 'Now', besides impermanence of things also reveals that 'Nothingness' exists.
Hinduism is not static, its a living religion. Hinduism is the only unwritten, self evolving religion in the world. It has no founder, no Holy Book, but a variety of Gods, and Vedic traditions. Hindus don’t follow any Holy Scripture, they are free to believe in one God, many Gods or no God. This was premeditated to accommodate people with different mental and emotional levels, enabling them to gradually reach, the ultimate state of 'Eternity' and 'Nothingness', which is beyond the scope of 'Beliefs' and 'Gods'. That’s why Hinduism is not a religion, it is a philosophy of life. Hindus are not rigid, they are liberal, tolerant and free to follow Dharma. Hinduism is devoid of heresy and blasphemy, it grants freedom of belief and worship. Recent incidents of 'Saffron Terror' are not an outcome of religious intolerance, but a retaliation to settle scores, not to compete in terror campaigns with other extremists. Yet, it is shameful, a ploy to demean, a nation that stands for, lofty ideals of compassion, non-violence, tolerance and secularism, the soul of Hindus. One wrong does not justify another wrong. This must end at once. Let the rule of law handle such problems, not pundits or sadhus.
Modern India is a secular State. Every religion flourishes freely in India. India is a 'Secular' state not by choice, but by compulsion, to avert 'Clash of Religions', which led to massive killing and partition of India, by slaughtering two million innocent people in the name of religion, to create Pakistan, a new Islamic State, simply on the basis of 'Religion' and not on merit of statecraft or geographical consideration. This happened not in ancient history, but in twentieth century, under the educated British rulers, driven by a colonial mentality to 'divide and rule'. It is hard to believe, medieval age statecraft, could succeed in modern age, under the British rule. Having learnt a bitter lesson, Indian Government does not mix religion with politics, which is a deadly concoction, to flare up communal riots, but political parties in India, still continue, to do so, as 'Vote Bank' to polarize the voters, staking our lofty principles, to a trifling, for temporary gains. In democracy, people have the right to decide, what is good for them and for the country. Seeing conduct of politicians in parliament, and the widespread corruption in all walks of life, it seems India has a long way to go. Dishonesty, bribery thrive in spoil systems. Can we free India from corruption? Can we replace petty politicians by good parliamentarians?
Religion was nuisance in Europe till cultural renaissance. Modern civilization has relegated religion to the background. Currently, religion in Europe has no ‘Locus Standi’. Besides, religions in other parts of the world is being marginalized. Sadly, nothing like this is happening in India. Here religious fads and fanaticism are exploited to an extreme level by charlatans, self-styled Gurus, Babas, Swamis, Sants, and conniving politicians for personal, parochial and sectarian enrichment. These psychopaths and sociopaths are thrilled by cheating trusting people. They derive sense of power and authority over them, don’t feel guilty, and shamelessly enjoy, cheating the gullible. The intelligentsia and sensible media-personalities, raise ruckus by exposing them in print and electronic media. This is not sufficient. Government or Supreme Court of India, should take a stand, and end the 'Crisis of Cheating' the innocent people, under the cover of religion, by dubious and useless Gurus and Swamis, who enjoy patronage, allegiance and connivance of politicians, who just want votes, at the cost of sacrificing, our high Vedic culture, ethics and human dignity.
Historically, violence in religion was perpetuated to defend religion, force conversions, and increase their number. In all religious warfare, conflicts created locally or across the border by Buddhism is negligible. Holy wars led by Christian crusaders and Jihads by Muslim invaders, went far beyond, the levels of human tolerance and civility, taking a very heavy toll of human life. Today, when it comes to religious fundamentalism, it seems world is suffering from Islam phobia. All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims. We have to judge the issue in totality and not target single religion or whole community, with freak statistics. However, the fact remains, except Buddhism all major religions of world, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are equally responsible for this grave lapse. Since social system is deeply entrenched in religions, therefore, social and political effort is required, to bring a systematic change. Religions are managed by religious leaders with connivance of politicians, if this nexus is known, we can easily create a system to introduce religious reform. If fundamentalist don't heed good counsel will politicians listen to initiate change?
Five thousand years ago, there was no religion, social and moral norms regulated the society. People were naive and believed natural phenomena was created by some 'Supernatural Being' who unleashed it from sky, where he lived, to reward and punish, the people on earth. Mavericks exploited public ignorance to their advantage, by weaving tales of miracle, magic and madness, which eventually went on to became a religion, organized to serve their personal agenda. Since their stories entertained and inspired people, so their invented religions grew large enough, to become a public obsession, exceeding their own expectations. Later, these religions were used as a tool, for social change, to formulate belief systems, attitude and behavior of people, in the expression of family, culture and social life. State also joined them, by sponsoring religions, so that common man could accept State exploitation, as will of God. In this way religion grew, become powerful, as a panacea of all problems. Today, religions are looked down, as one of the biggest problem in the world, people now realize, theories and stories invented by religions, do not deliver any more, as it did in past.
People dislike pundit, mullah and priest, who mumble in monologues, defiantly decline dialogue, with those who desire to discuss, problems created by religions, this is a cause, of people’s rapidly waning interest in religions. Followers of religions realize, to pledge their life for heaven and hell is utter nonsense. But tellers of tales sing holy verses, use high-tech theatrics and manage to attract, a large number of people to their show. People are not there, for any religious congregation, but for music. The audience is not conversant with the language in which, the holy verses are sung. They come to attend a musical concert, and music has no language. The faith followers who know the language of holy books, read the holy word and get stuck between the lines, many skip the holy words without trying to understand them as a ritual. But those who see truth being distorted, go against the holy words. If some meaningful verses are there, there are several meaningless verses too, in all holy books. Today, right understanding, and not religious scriptures, is what the world is looking for. People in the world, want to pursue reality, reason and rectitude and not religions.
Religions speculate, create fear, keep people preoccupied with God and his commandments, and make the world look, like a bad place, full of sin. Natural evolutionary processes, require human beings to be rooted in reality, and not brood or imagine inhabiting, a make-believe place like heaven or hell, invented by the authors of religions. Only an open mind can go beyond mental constructs, instincts and emotions, to a higher state of awareness. There is nothing wrong with the world. It's the mind that makes it wrong. A right mind is a correct choice to deal with wrong ideologies. Human mind needs a line of thought, which is right, to guide them, to live life as natural beings, and not spoon them, from birth to death to follow, a wrong line of thought devised by religions, which leads to despair. Or else, in the elements of eternity, no one can tell, from where thoughts originate and where thoughts end, thoughts come without our conscious effort. In 'Nothingness' no one knows whether anything is meaningful or meaningless. In this domain the essence of 'Being' is unfolded, not the state of 'Becoming' something. When eternity is seen in each moment, there is no moment but this.
Religions are full of fictitious ideas, a pack of lies. Religions are accountable for spreading false beliefs, impacting the thinking of the whole world irreversibly, in a wrong way. Religious people live in a make-believe world and cannot come out of it. Religions have impeded the natural growth of people, society and nations by fueling fantasies and fairy tales. Anything that is real makes no sense to them. If people, society and Governments cannot stop, mental conditioning of the people, by religions from birth, then the construction of a new world order, free from false religious beliefs cannot be achieved and the massive organizational superstructure build by religions in all parts of the world cannot be dismantled easily. World needs a 'Psychological Revolution' to change the mindset of the people, from religiously conditioned mind, to a spiritually open mind, by stepping out from a world of fantasy, to a world of reality. Will people listen to the voice of truth? No one is as deaf, as someone, who will not listen, to the voice of his own conscience, his cosmic connection, his 'Soul', his true nature, the real essence of human beings, which never betrays them, what may come.
Religion characterizes culture and community. As such, religious beliefs and rituals are 'culture-community-centric' and not universal as spiritual values are. Invaders and missionaries succeeded in spreading religion 'Textually' by fair or foul means but failed 'Culturally'. Indian Muslims are culturally different from Arab Muslims, so are Indian Christians and Indian Buddhist. Due to cultural incompatibility, converts have to constantly struggle, to fit into the culture of a religion they change. They try hard and fail, making themselves, a caricature of culture. Yet, people by and large, identify being religious in a group that comprises a common culture. Other than this, they don’t stand for, any religious exclusivity, which is far-fetched, because culture is inseparable from religion. Even if, religion and culture are two separate things, statistician of a religion, counts the number of people in a cultural group, as members of a religion, without assessing, whether they stand for religion or for culture. Labeling them with a religion is a game of numbers, religious enthusiast fudge figures with tainted techniques, to cover-up their declining numbers, revealing religions, are now on its way out.
Problems created by religions have crossed all limits of human tolerance and leniency. World has no choice but to deal with the ills of religion without resorting to narrow-minded or premeditated methods. Even if, religions have relegated spirituality to background, still, it has not lost its bearings. Spirituality, the core of all religions is firmly ingrained in the human mind, hard to erase, buried as a dormant impulse, waiting to revive and resurrect. Therefore, main objective of this proposal is to transform people from religiosity to spirituality, and to disconnect them from false religious beliefs, rituals and superstitions, and to connect them with their natural state of being, by stimulating their inborn spiritual impulses, thus hastening the growth of 'Spiritual Beings' and making religions a history. Presenter plans to bring out a compendium of universal spiritual values, called ‘Satyadharma’ to differentiate spirituality from religion, knowing well that the solutions he proposes, will bring its own peculiar problems, but this is how the solutions are suggested, there are no foolproof solutions, even then, for every solution, there is one that is still better to come.
Fragmented religions fumbling on fragile foundations are failing as never before. Suppressed spirituality is struggling to set itself free from the shackles of rigid religions. The process has begun. Internal spiritual feeling of people is surging to give an external expression. Educated are ready they want a road-map. So at this stage, taking up religious reforms, may appear difficult, but hard beginning brings good ending, World is progressing by growth engines of materialism and technology, but unrestrained technology creates weapons of destruction, and unequal economic distribution a gap between haves and haves-not. Both trends are bad for fair and just world order. Only spiritual wisdom can bridge this gap, as religion divide people, society and nations. People are ready to grasp spirituality, with a greater curiosity, than ever before. This project will spur them towards spirituality and spread the message of peace, economic equality and brotherhood. Even if, the idea of a religionless world today is considered a probability or an eccentric idea, it will cease to be, when people start accepting it. However, religious reforms may go as far as they may, and not as far they could.
Rebellion against old religions gave birth to new religions, Buddha opposed wrong religious practices prevailing in his time, so did Jesus Christ, and so did Prophet Mohammad. When these Godlike human beings departed from earth, the opportunist took center-stage, en-cashed their popularity, acted contrary to the cause they championed in their lifetime, and converted their religious reform movement into new religions, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, which did not exist when founders were alive, and thrived only after their deaths, by the efforts of entrepreneurs of faith, who manipulated and used unscrupulous methods, to spread these religions. Even the founder of the newest religion, Nanak, had set off religious reforms, and ended in setting up, a new religion Sikhism. It seems spiritual element is a part of human DNA, which makes every human being a spiritual being, who hankers to hang on to religion or spirituality, whatever may come. Founders of religions were spiritual leaders, they did not create religions. Religions are their 'memorials' built to entice people, by opportunists to serve personal interest, so their ideas of going beyond are as wrong as to fall short.
Founders of religions were criticized, by their contemporaries, for condemning their Gods and beliefs, as blasphemous act against their faith. Ironically, founders of religions, had also spend their whole life, opposing people, not to accept false belief and false Gods. They simply promoted truth and right views through their discourses. Why should anyone object someone who is doing the same thing now? Why not support the proposal to introduce religious reforms, which seeks to change outdated religions? Since religious reforms are necessary, a hue and cry against the so called act of sacrilege is unjustified and unacceptable. Modern man cannot adjust himself with medieval age religious norms, and the educated are the worst affected, they have to constantly negate, the nonsense of religions, on a daily basis, so as to act diligently, in their everyday life. Solutions come by discussions, not by preventing others, from speaking out truth. Suppressing freedom of expression is a violation of human rights. Therefore, one must air his views thoughtfully on religious reforms. When the going gets tough, get the facts right, only right views find an easy acceptability.
People have two options to follow (1) A self-created belief-system based on spiritual values (2) A belief-system created by organized religions, stage managed by priest, mullah or pundit. The former is ground reality, the latter a speculation. Religions attract adherents because it has a 'God' in the image of man, who fulfills their wishes, a worldly path, which is easy for them to pursue. Followers just have to deliver a list of their demands, offer prayers, and God will fulfill. So, they blindly follow God, and perform rituals, and believe in stupid superstitions. They also believe that the problems created by religion, can be solved by religion alone, by doing so, they strengthen religious rigidity. How can one problem solve another problem? The objective of this proposal is to free the world, from problems created by religions, and transform people, at an individual level, and not on the level of a stage-managed crowd. Its difficult to change the world, but by changing the individual, world can change automatically. On spiritual path, seeker progresses by self-efforts, without seeking any external support, prayers or rituals, Gods or Gurus. Spirituality needs no institution, nor is it led by any bookish creed. This is a self driven path, on which the walker walks alone, like a rhino in the woods.
Presenter does not intend to create a new sect or an institution or built a personality cult. He negates the ideology of idiotism, refrains from prescribing Holy books, and will avoid all these silly premeditated errors. No individual but a team of 'Spiritual Advisors' will spearhead the project. Spiritual matters are best served under collective leadership, where each member of the team, thinks he is the one, who leads and manages. The project will tackle problems created by religions and suggest practical solutions considering cultural and ideological factors, along with other aspects such as, a religionless world, spiritual empowerment, and promotion of spiritual values, that will serve as the guiding principles of this proposal. Few millenniums back, world was religionless, only spiritual values thrived till the advent of organised religions. So, the structure of each religion is built on the foundation of spiritual values. Theology too works in circles, what was once old is recycled as new. Finally, the time has arrived, to go back to our spiritual roots.
Historically, contribution of religion to individual and society, has been extraordinary, religions had spread compassion, brought contentment and moral principles in the life of the people and society. But the unrest and turbulence religions create now outweigh its role. In past, religious reform were ruthlessly resisted by religions, nothing has improved since then, and today religions are even more rigid than they were before. Seeing that the world has no alternative to offer, people are left with no choice, but to use religions as a crutch, to go as far it may lead them, and not as far as they could go. With the absurdities of religion, people have lost their way. Retrogressive religions have pushed people back in time. The questions arise now. Can medieval age religions match with a technology driven digital age? If religions in the current age are outdated, how can they survive in the coming space age? We have to accept ground reality. That not religions but a religionless world can face the coming challenges. Religions have failed to keep pace with changing time, and the swift changes time brings with it. Then why wait. Why not welcome the inevitable change right now.
Religions promote a culture of separate identities, a cause of their persecution and oppression. No religion is inferior or superior, yet religions humiliate each other. The need is to change the delusional world of religions, into a realm of reality. World needs an idea that can inspire people to change and make the world religionless. Ongoing reinvention is the secret of continuity. All new ideas subjected to analysis or justification appear impractical, but the idea to change established order is always considered subversive, destructive and dreadful. Who will decide what is right? Spirituality is a natural human quality, religions a man-made philosophy inherited by people from birth, who grow up as distorted and disoriented personalities. In any circumstances, be it what it may, if billion people believe in a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. When educated feel cheated, they crave for truth, where their spiritual urges can flourish freely, and nurtured naturally, with no compulsions imposed on them by religions, and its authoritarian institutions. People want to be free from the shackles of religions. It’s dark before the crack of dawn, the age of spiritual awakening has come.
Idea of a common religion is dead. In a time when people are disillusioned with religions, that time is to know where we stand and how to take religion to the next level of reckoning. That’s why people are getting close to spiritual reality, and therefore, the demand for religious reforms is a step in right direction. This is not the last word, the presenter would like to have the last word, by proving himself right, even if, he fails to convince people right now. This is a tricky situation, which is not in sync with the character of change. People are no more interested to be judged by their religion. They want to know, who they are, an idea triggered, typically by spiritual standards. For a moment restrictions can set free, a little bit contradictions can make sense, sometimes one knows that he really does not know. After all, we live and die in a world of ideas. At times, some ideas are reborn, in the minds of others, and circulate around, with a new vitality, visualizing a global society, with no ethnic, racial or religious contest for dominance or exclusivity, where people are not referred as white, black or brown, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or atheist, but simply as human beings.
In the domain of cosmic consciousness everything is created, preserved, destroyed and then recycled in various forms, under the laws of nature. This is a realm of the invisible, where a formless presence of God in space exists, as cosmic consciousness. Beyond formless God there is an uncreated, unborn, endless eternity, in this empty space, presence of nothingness is experienced. Beyond nothingness is unknowable mystery, no one can know. Religions start from Holy books and end up with a God, while spirituality starts from an individual and ends up in eternity, difficult to grasp. In this situation, one comes to know, what he knows is 'Nothing', and all destinations in cosmos end in ‘Eternity’. So, there is no place to come or go anywhere in sky, except to ‘Be’ and experience the journey of life in cosmic mystery. Spiritual awakening is slow, so wake and sleep no more. Religions are unacceptable, they start and stop with a God, a concept created by authors of religions. We need to liberate people from all misrepresentations, mix-ups and mistakes.
Religions create fear, hatred and divide people. World is held hostage by fanatics, who destabilize life of peace loving people, society and nations, and ruin the progress of the world. Religions are tainted with the blood of innocent people. Terrorism in the name of religion is the biggest threat to global peace. Terror campaigns are the creation of wrong religious precepts, fictitious preaching, and false religious beliefs. Religions are responsible for retarding the minds of the people. Giving religions a free hand for neglecting the rule of law is unacceptable. International court of law must hold religions accountable for heinous crimes against humanity. It is time to rid the world from religions and build a new spiritual world order, where people can live with dignity, peace and co-existence, and in harmony with a multi-culture, multi-racial and multi-national, assemblage of people, creating a spiritually evolved world civilization.
Religions spin stories full of lies and disarray the life of those who blindly follow them. Truth cannot be tailored, lies can be shaped, fashioned and marketed by the wily and wise, who can twist on will, lies as gospel truth. When words fail to express feelings, it creates a momentary 'gap' where silence of eternity resides. Time is linear and measured as past, present and future. when 'Past' is lived, 'Present' enters as swiftly as it exits, so the unlived 'Future' slipping in fast, even mind cannot grasp the fleeting presence of 'Present'. Present moment is glimpsed not lived, 'present' swaps 'past' with 'future' that’s all. Therefore, ‘See-er State’ and not the measure of 'Present' time, was eulogized by Indian sages, who exhorted people to live life, in a ‘State of full Consciousness’ and not in the 'Frame of Time', as consciousness is a timeless eternal ‘Now’, referred as ‘Here and Now’ by the Buddha. In time 'Present' moment is a split-second, it slows down in past, and speeds up in future. Only in a timeless state, things happen simultaneously, because it is a single moment of eternity. Religions are wrapped in past. 'Present' is a bridge on the river of 'past' and 'future'. One shore offers growth, other reduction. Choose the shore of growth, allowing time to travel, beyond the measure of time. In space, there are places, where time is 'Still', it doesn't flow, like in black holes and other unidentifiable dimensions.
Holy books were written in ancient times, confined to geographical locations, under a common culture, using a dialect belonging to a specific region, intended to offer solutions, to time related local problems, which are irrelevant now, and lack a universal appeal in current context. The talking tongue in which Holy Books were scripted, are no more a living common spoken language. Today Holy Books are looked upon as relics of a bygone age, breathing in and out, like the bellows of a blacksmith, with no vitality. Yet resuscitated by the priest, mullah and the pundit, who keep the Holy Books alive, on the life support systems of religious institutions, and the preachers. Since people can’t read or understand the language in which Holy Books are written, they judge Holy books by its silk draped cover, which adds no value to their life, but serves as an article of worship, used for offering prayers, invoking the intervention of God(s) to help them, fulfill their worldly wishes, and not for understanding the contents of Holy Books, which in both ways end in vain.
Life and everything around us is constantly changing. Change is the eternal law of nature. Religions resist change so religions have failed to keep pace with time, and have become redundant and useless. Religions retaliate any attempt to change, fanatics threaten people, who dare to reform religion. By rigid adherence to a status quo, priest, mullah and pundit, submit followers to unrequited faith in outdated Holy Books, by spreading fear if they don't, then God’s wrath will befall on them. Handlers of religion brainwash staunch, and stubborn faith followers, to unbelievable extremes, insisting them to sacrifice their life to save the script of their tattered Holy books. Should followers of Holy books defend the work of calligraphy by hara-kiri? Dying for religion is easy, but living up to spiritual values is difficult. Voice to change is loud but lackadaisical will of blind followers and 'State' deafness on the issue of religious reforms, has strengthened status-quo of medieval age religions in modern age, this silly stoical stony silence of the State is surely unacceptable.
Ideas contained in Holy Books were written several thousand years ago. Since then things have changed, and still, there is no hope to revise them. Can ancient Holy Books meet expectations of modern age? Time ripens everything. People are more educated than they were before. They want religions to be redefined now, that’s for sure. But before reformatting religions, people must recognize the reality that changes in religions can disturb them drastically. Besides accepting the fact, that no one can be sure, whether things will get better or worsen, if the world becomes religionless. Even if, learned think astutely and fools absurdly, change is necessary to become better. That’s how the world works, by orbital, rotational, repetitive laws of nature. Change when set in motion, does not bring change instantly, it settles down slowly by way of consent and support of people. However, in the end, it is truth not falsehood that triumphs.
Seeing preachers and religious leaders, cajole crowds and coax their souls, shows how the gullible, can be misled so easily. It is hollow ignorance, herd-mentality, hunt for happiness, and a head for distinct identity, which is well exploited by the charlatans. Cheating trusting people is a crime against humanity. Why State hesitates to act against people, who run religions as a business enterprise? Why State is not taking legal action against them? Why State is not addressing problems created by religions? Lack of regulatory resolve by the State to check religions from outwitting the rule of law, is a anomaly known, even to a common man. Then why State and law-enforcement agencies are silent? We need to put pressure on the law-makers, to bring institution of religions, self-proclaimed God-men, pretenders of faith, and those pedaling religion as a trade, under the ambit of a regulatory authority, to prevent atrocious abuse of religions.
Appreciating others religion or opposing one’s own religion or even suggesting religious reforms is opposed by zealots. They rattle with rage, rabble-rouse war cries, call to arms, to save a religion in danger. Thus creating a fear psychosis, that helps to fuel a mass hysteria, triggering a chain-reaction, which spreads pandemonium like fire, extending national frontiers, making a monster out of a molehill internationally. Now, any nation can come under a terrorist attack, from any part of the world, and any deviation is violently opposed by militant minds. we have reached a breaking point of intolerance, where even religious provocation can lead to nuclear war. What if terrorist lay hands on nuclear weapon? God save the world? Power of religion comes from followers, scattered across the world, making the institution of religion stronger than the 'State', which is detrimental to nations, who uphold the rule of law, for good governance. As long people believe in reprehensible religions, fanatics will continue to commit atrocities in the name of religion.
When regression of religions is taken up in 'public domain' or at the 'State level', it’s brushed aside by saying religion is a personal matter, therefore, people and State, should not interfere in religious matters. It’s a travesty of truth. Religions are in public domain, and not confined to a private or personal domain of the individual. Religions use a public-private strategy to gain power, by twisting facts in their favor, to prevent people and the State to go against them. Religion has nothing to do with privacy. The way religious people do one thing alone, they tend to do most things, in the same way in public domain, being proud and slavish to religious beliefs create fanatics, who can even die for what they believe. No one can be as foolish as a fanatic can be. As such, all religious fanatics are a real threat to world peace.
People revolt against 'State' when there is a social frustration, arising due to economic inequality. In past, 'Rulers' had established religions to prevent social unrest, and at behest of rulers religious institutions were built, provided muscle and money, so that a willing cleric could conspire and prevent rebellion against the State, creating fear of God, and by offering celestial compensation to 'Have-nots'. Money was condemned, poverty praised, to divert public attention from rulers, making them accept, their miserable fate, was the will of God, not a State failure. This conspiracy succeeded at the cost of espousing false religious beliefs. Initially this is how all major religions were promoted, institutionalized and funded by rulers and State, no religion could have survived on its merit alone. Using the same precedent, democratic countries, must now dislodge religions, in order to correct a historical error. 'State' is the most peaceful tool for social change, all other means create social disorder, which goes against social civility, human dignity and the rule of law.
Today commonsense is not common, when nonsensical becomes common than nonsense supersedes commonsense, reason suffers and truth disappears. That’s why, reality is not, the way religions see it, as a make-believe world. Truth is much deeper than what meets the eye, and hard to comprehend, with limited human faculties, to know all. Religions must know how far, it can go, and not go, too far, crossing the limits of sublimity, to plunge, in the abyss of stupidity. Following false religious beliefs is like living a life full of lies. Life is too short to go wrong, by the manipulators of religions. Fiction has to make sense and not reality. There is a need, to widen wisdom, and abate the absurd, without reanimating religions, if science cannot replace religions, than spiritual values alone, can get rid of religions, as a suitable alternative. The human personality has a spiritual aspect, and spiritual laws, are 'one' among many religions
Digital age is a decisive moment in history. People want a better understanding of the world, and realize that decisions they take now, will influence the course of human destiny in future. But the narrow minds of the priest, mullah and the pundit cannot envision the crucial moments of 'change'. Time does not wait. By now world has already entered next millennium. Human race is destined, not only to live on planet earth, but dwell on other planets in the cosmos, as well. Therefore, we need to set the human mind free from religions, and move ahead with open-mindedness, to fulfill a lofty mission. When we see this reality materializing in the near future, we see our mind in it, and wish others to see what we see. Then things begin to change. If we want people to change, first we have to change ourselves. We have to assist each other, to come out from the dependence on religions, to spiritual self-awareness, and its realities.
Conscious mind craves to fulfill worldly desires, sub-conscious mind to quench its spiritual thirst, super conscious mind longs to merge with cosmic consciousness. All three stages are woven by consciousness the ultimate reality, pervading all over and everywhere, yet differently perceived by mind in its layered stages. All living beings are the expression of cosmic consciousness. Therefore, living life with full consciousness is the aim of human being. This project will engage people with an open-mind, persuade them to discover, their deep inner being, and urge them, to devise their own methodology, and own regulations, to live a meaningful life, as natural spiritual beings, free from controls and canons of spiritual standards. Essence of life is in taking decisions on the basis of personal experience, and not based on blind religious beliefs. The whole philosophy of human life, revolves around naturalness, and not on make-believe situations. So, ‘Be Natural’ and ‘Live Naturally’ is the motto of life, rest all is useless talk, invented by insecure minds, panicked by pitching false fears, abusing inherent survival instincts, and taking advantage of man's constant struggle to survive.
We live in a mind-marshaled world, shaped by human thoughts and dreams so are all religions man-made. In this age, material inclination governs human life, so spiritual leanings are weak, and people are at the mercy, of their own self destructive gadgets, and inventions. In a material age, people rush to gather, more and more, material possessions, by hook or crook, than is necessary. Today money is more attractive than virtue is. A person’s selfishness and greed ends nowhere. Like a lunatic, people are obsessed, with money. In this rat race, they hardly find time, to enrich themselves spiritually, and repent on their deathbed as accredited fools, so heed the advice of the sages. When death takes away a moneyed man empty handed, people inquire, what assets has he left behind, while on other hand, when a spiritual person dies, his deeds go with him, and scent of his actions lingers long in memory. Some say he is gone, some ask where has he gone, some think he lives in the deeds of people who follow him. What is true after death no one knows. Even Buddha opined death is not the end, it is part of whole existence. Can we put this fact for a validation test?
Possession of money was not rated higher than the acquisition of wisdom, as sages saw, that even a dodger or devil, pickpocket or prostitute, criminal or cheat, rogue or rascal, can accumulate money easily by deception, but not wisdom which is nurtured by righteousness. In past, cultivating wisdom was considered a virtue and chasing money a vice, this is not true now, resulting in the erosion of ethical values. Money in moderation is a social need, for living a decent and dignified life. But life under the monopoly of money, extra than necessary is unethical, as it leads to lavish and vulgar lifestyle, inflates human ego and pride, promotes deceit and greed, all these factors are enemies of spiritual values. Neither money nor material possessions gives happiness. By leading a simple contented life, happiness follows like a shadow. So, live by righteous and modest means. Life’s challenges are best negotiated by material and spiritual values put together. Spirituality is not against money, but religions are, and see money as a devils trove. Money can decline in value or stolen, but wisdom increases its worth and is difficult to steal. So, a judicious mix of money matter and spiritual value is necessary to uplift human beings, from baser to higher levels of moderation, and create 'Selfless Affluence' by equitable distribution of wealth among the 'Haves' and 'Haves-not', necessary for people's collective contentment.
In a fast changing material world, spiritual values are losing ground. People want an element of spirituality in their life. Engrossed in a hectic monotonous material life, people lack time to read voluminous Holy Books, written in a language, they cannot read, write or understand. They have no time, even to read, the commentaries on Holy books, written in the a language they know. But those who read the Holy books fail to digest the overdose of fantasy and lies contained therein, and come out more confused than they were before. In this utter confusion, their feelings freeze, and they fail to find the reality they seek. Heavy doses of dogmatism and mythology, adds zing and zest to Holy books, and makes religion difficult to relish as a reality. Everything that has come will pass, so will religions go down in history books. But spirituality has a mission, the higher evolution of man, so let us all, give spirituality a chance, to accomplish its task.
There is nothing wrong with religions. Religions are outdated and not relevant anymore. What is frustrating is the inaptness that prohibits revision of Holy Books. Commentaries and interpretations keep ancient Holy Books updated, written by wise and foolish authors, and is sold in market, dime a dozen. People who read them, find that one author’s opinion differs from another author views. There is hardly any similarity in their observations. Generally when authors lack clarity, they cite examples, to make the message of Holy books, easy to understand. Sadly, despite all this, even the best author, cannot take away, the vagueness in Holy Books, with no recourse to change. Even the priest, mullah and the pundit find hard, to explain the real essence of the Holy Books, as with time, words, meaning, and its usage have changed. Once, what was meaningful is now meaningless. Truth does not require examples, commentaries or interpretations to explain its meaning. Truth is often revealed in simple words, since truth is self-explanatory.
Still, many people believe Holy Books are the word of God, and refuse to accept as true, that Holy books merely reflect the views, and memories of ancient times. Religions had evolved as a solution, to social ills prevailing, at a particular time, in the history of medieval age. Therefore, accepting Holy Books as a timeless truth is incorrect. It is the work of historians to archive old and obsolete books. Outdated books certainly are not meant to be followed foolishly. People should make out what is right and what is wrong. Truth is not the copyright of Holy books. How can time-worn books stay relevant without being updated? When Holy books are seen to mislead people and distort truth, then something is certainly wrong with these holy books. Can we dig diamonds from rusted iron ores?
Heinous crimes and mass murders of people in the name of religion, are among the rarest of the rare crime committed against humanity. Today, terrorist acts and senseless killings, by religious fanatics and militants is not acceptable to the civilized world. How can people, society and national governments remain quiet on this serious issue over an indefinite period of time? The time has come for intellectuals and lawmakers to question the relevance of religions. Can religions keep pace with world’s current progressive outlook of ‘One World’ and ‘One Global Family’? Sadly, divisive religions have split the world into religious groups. The world is torn apart with extreme hatred for each other’s religions. When a man kills a man to uphold his religious beliefs, it is difficult to follow, such a stupid scriptures, anymore.
Religious institutions and their functionaries are to be blamed for misleading people. Why these institutions should'nt be scrapped? Old structures collapse in a changing social order on its own. Even if, the end of labor, to bring change does not work now, change is fated to happen soon. It’s only a matter of time, when the issue of religious reforms will be taken up. So contradiction between ‘Decision to Act’ and ‘Hesitation to Act’ be sorted. A well timed act is a good judgment, but circumventing change that will come to pass is bad judgment. Opposing change is futile. Change will eventually take place, whether we like it, or not. It has happened in past, it may happen now, and will happen in future. The question is when? Religions have managed to survive untouched for several thousand years, which is a long time in history of mankind, but a few seconds in history of earth. So, time is ripe, to relegate religions to the background.
Comparative study of religions is extremely necessary for all school going children to learn, so that they understand the impact of religions objectively. They should stay away from religious institutions, holy places, veneration of Holy books and religious preachers. Having studied all religions, each grown up student should then independently decide himself, without being manipulated by others, whether he wants to accept or reject a religion, or follow no religion, or would like to pursue spirituality, a decision he will make himself alone, no one else will assist him to do so, nor will his parents influence him, nor will society force a religion on him. Why should a child inherit his parent’s religion? It is his birthright to choose his own religion or no religion. After all, religious beliefs is a major lifestyle issue from birth till death, so no one has the right, to impose it, forcefully on others. This is not acceptable. This is a violation of human rights.
Silence is preferred over serious religious indiscretions, by the people and the State, fearing violent repercussion from the fanatic and religious militants. This collective social silence probably comes, by visualizing the damage religions can inflict on people, society and the State. Religions have always suppressed dissent with barbaric brutally and supported their heinous crimes as religious rectitude. Historically, religions have killed more people than the number of deaths caused by natural disasters and wars, all put together. The frightening track record of religions is enough to keep alive the conspiracy of silence. Only, if the world can see that religions also have an expiry date, their silence will break, and force religions to behave, with civility and not with barbaric ways.
Today, the world is witnessing a great deal of interest in ‘Spiritual Matters’, by a large number of people, including the young and the aged. They all wish to know, the fundamental spiritual question such as: Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? Where do I go when I die? People want to learn, the lessons of life, from a practical ‘Manual of Life’, and not from ‘Holy Books’, full of fictitious beliefs, and far from ground realities. They aren’t inclined to believe in the statement of faith, but eager to know, plain facts of life. People seek to know, ‘What we are’ and ‘How to live life in harmony with self and society’ at ‘individual level’ not as a flock in the assembly of a ‘religious mass’, under the authority of religious institutions, and self-proclaimed Babas, Gurus and swamis, available dime a dozen in India, who con simpletons and trusting people. This is not Vedic culture, it is a social evil. These charlatans must be exposed, sooner the better.
This proposal will unfold the problems and blunders of religions and urge people to judge for themselves, what is good for them and what is good for the world, and what promotes personal welfare and what promotes public welfare, and what harms an individual and what harms public interest. Apart from individual assessment, we propose to go ahead for a worldwide consensus, as well, on this issue. Faith in religious beliefs and rituals is due to lack of knowledge. and ignorance. Fictitious ideas are enemies of knowledge, so simpletons fail to see, the real objective of human existence, and waste their whole life following vague religions, by praying and praising Gods, with foolish beliefs and rituals. Our ultimate goal is to set the world free from false religious beliefs and promote spiritual values, with a clear objective, to enhance the evolution, of humanity and society, to a higher level of spiritual growth, from the foundation of reason.
The so called faith followers praise, preach and protect their own religion, and condemn others religion. Such depraved acts lead to hostilities and hatred, which lowers human dignity, to the level of animalism. People must follow, principles of rectitude, and intellectuals of our society, should invalidate disinformation, spread by religions. No one should be allowed, to mislead people, community, nations and the world, anymore. False precepts, religious beliefs and terrorist acts, in the name of religion must come to an end soon. Religions have tortuously troubled the tranquility of the whole civilized world, by threatening and terrorizing ordinary citizens, with blood spattered clashes and barbaric carnage. How long can world bear this? Should people follow religions preaching and promoting belligerence and bloodshed? Let the priest, the mullah and the pundit answer, and talk to each other, what people of the world, want to know.
The future of religions has fallen into the hands of those who are unworthy of it. Their terror campaign is nothing less than alternate war on civil society. If not stopped in time, it can escalate into a clash of civilizations and draw nations into an unstoppable major world war. with sufficient nuclear arsenal stockpiled to wipe out the whole human race from planet earth is a frightening scenario, terrifying indeed. How the world can shut its eyes and let religions destabilize the peace of the world? The root cause of the problem lies, in the authoritarian power of centralized institutions of religions, managed by undeserving people, who foster fanatics to kill innocent people. How can the world take this lightly?
World has given enough time to religions to flourish, almost five thousand years without a break, its a very long innings, and lot of time, indeed. Political systems, civil, criminal laws, languages, social and cultural traditions, world civilizations and nations, could not manage to retain status-quo, and underwent drastic changes, during the said period of time. History is a testimony to this reality. Surprisingly religions haven’t changed. So it is fair enough, for people to demand, and for State to decide, to change the existing format of religions, for the benefit of people and peaceful co-existence of mankind, now and never, before it is too late. Eventually, truth and not falsehood succeeds in the long run.
Social life depends on peaceful co-existence of diverse cultural and religious groups, and the manner, in which people relate to each other. The tolerance level of one religion, with other religions is a important indicator, which gives an idea about the cultural composition of a society. Fundamentally, for all intent and purpose, the whole superstructure of our society is built, on the foundation of religions. Thus, the ills of society are obviously, ascribed to the incompatibility of religions, with ground realities, and also, when people see, that one religion is estranged, with another religion, in a cut throat competition, of head counting of faith followers. Religion at spiritual level is good for human inquisitiveness, but when religion is used, as an instrument for social disorder, then religions are socially unacceptable, by the people.
The old order of religions is crumbling, giving way to new structures. In this vicious situation, the mother of all religions ‘Spirituality’ is seen, to stand out alone, from all existing religions, cults or sects. Even science cannot replace religions, because from where the quest of scientific venture ends, the vistas of spiritual seeking begins from there. The truth of spirituality is ready to reveal, and rise above all religions, as a lone exemplar, capable to impart higher social ethics, by touching human sensibility, and not the sin of the soul, by promoting spiritual values, and not useless religious rituals, by encouraging self-help and not seeking the help of Gods, thus, changing the religious mindset of the people totally. Changeover of religions into a better format, based on universal spiritual values is an upheaval task. But this should not deter the ‘Change-Makers’ to initiate the process, after all, a long journey begins, with a single step.
Mentally and emotionally, all intellectuals have given up religions. Now, even the well-read, the well-informed, and the well-educated are distancing themselves from religions, but inclined to follow the spiritual way, the core of all religions that brings wisdom with wrinkles that don’t hurt. Unlike intellectuals, they are unsure, and hesitant to do so, because they feel spirituality lacks clarity, and a road-map, to lead people on the spiritual path, to meet their spiritual aspirations. The element of uncertainty has risen, because there are innumerable definitions, and countless explanation, to define spirituality, which has turned the word 'spirituality' into a very vague term. To clear this confusion, the presenter of this proposal will delve, devise and define the broad features of spiritual values, and explain it in simple terms, retaining its distinctiveness, and universal appeal intact. For sake of clarity and consolidation, the presenter has termed, the new format of synthesized spirituality as ‘Satyadharma' an expression, which encapsulates the universal spiritual values.
It’s true that the world cannot exist without faith and hope. People want to reject redundant religions, but at the same time, they need a spirited spirituality, that can make their life worth living. So, we intend to serve this particular purpose. Our proposed plan will start, from an armchair discussion, and proceed to spiritual activism, expanding its reach with opinion building exercises, to create a global awareness about spiritual values. The objective of the proposal would be to reveal reality, as it is, and give valid reasons, to discard false religious beliefs, created by religions, and followed by fanatics, with a sadistic consequence. Launching a campaign to remove religions from the world is a herculean task, with countless hurdles on its way. So, people need to strengthen their resolve, to build ‘A Religionless World’, with collective consent, and persistent endeavor. An ideology, which is forced, upon others is useless. Therefore, people’s participatory and preparatory review, on religious reforms is necessary, to spearhead this movement.
Initially the project will conduct, research work on the relevance of religions, in context with today’s world, and dwell on the universal spiritual values, and define 'Satyadharma' as the fulcrum of spiritual values, and draw plans, to promote it, as an alternative to religions. As a solutionist, presenter will try his best to generate a comprehensive understanding of spiritual values, and draw the attention of people, to the problems created by religions, and suggest solutions. Since change does not come by forcing things, so he will set the ball in motion to wait and watch. Once the ball starts rolling, it will not stop. Then what we see now, will not happen, it will happen quite differently, in a way, we don't see it now.
A study team will devise the means, and the methods to bring a meaningful change, in the mindset of the people. They will highlight the inadequacy of religion, and promote a sense of self-sufficiency, that Satyadharma or spiritual values can bring, in the life of the people. Besides, the proposal will provide practical pointers, necessary for the progressive development of human beings, based on the reality of ‘Life and Living’, so that no one is lost, travelling on a straight road. These are some of the features that will constitute the area of preparatory and participatory study.
Everything in the world is constantly changing, civilizations rise and fall, political regimes come and go. Old schools of thought are replaced with new schools of thought. Resisting natural process of change is to go against the procedure of regeneration, set by the laws of nature. Those who defy change, fan feeble flames of a dormant simmering fire, blazing to burn the unyielding, in its range and reach. To avert such disasters, we must ensure, to change when necessary. Nothing is fixed. All things must come to an end. The way world was perceived yesterday is not the same today, and what is perceived today, may not be the same tomorrow. The unstoppable wonder of change never ceases to change.
Some people fail to learn to adapt to constantly changing world. Mind is never too old to learn. Human curiosity craves to discover something more, and pine for, what lies yonder, the frontiers of knowledge, a pursuit to find something new. There is no end to human seeking, nor is there a way to know, where their seeking ends. In the endless domain of eternity, its like finding a needle in a haystack or trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle, where whole lot more, of the unsolved riddle is left unanswered. Knowledge is fleeting, and is soon erased by new discoveries. The difficulty to adapt to new environment or to a new way of thinking is the predisposition of mind, which resists change, and sticks to stability, so that it can move in its own familiar and symmetrical patterns easily, created by the mind, which is constantly engaged in adjusting its psychological processes, to keep the mind's comfort zone intact. Human beings are habitual to the ‘typical’ and overlook the ‘beneficial’. As a result, they foolishly resist change. If people look back they can never go far ahead.
Social systems evolve in the manner in which people relate to each other. Social life basically depends on the peaceful co-existence of all the members of the society. Essentially, societies all over the world are built on the foundation of religions. The monopoly of religions in social life has shaped and influenced our societies, even though, the evolution of mankind resulted, from the development of moral principles and reason, but societies in the world evolved from culture and religions. Now, the transformation of religion to spirituality is the next evolutionary step, in the history of mankind. This project will be a catalyst to change, the present state of medieval religions, to a futuristic world of spiritual values.
Religious reforms should be a part of an ongoing process to introduce changes that are relevant to time. When issue of religious reform is discussed, it creates a tussle, tension and turmoil among the caretakers of religions. Once they are asked to make the proposed change, all efforts to bring the desired change end in nothing. Change is the need of time. The time to bring reforms in religions by public consensus has come. We need to create awareness among people, so that they are convinced to accept what is relevant, and dump the irrelevant in the dustbin of history. A well conceived plan to usher religious reforms, before it is implemented is a step in right direction. Or else, changes thrust by 'Sporadic Events' are too often lopsided, ill conceived, and bad for the progress of people, society and nations.
World over, religious extremists execute terrorist acts without fear, killing innocent people. World is terrified and does not know how to come out from this horrible deadlock. All this has happened, because there is a lack of political will, to tackle this problem head-on. The decision-makers and law-makers both are silent spectators. They have failed to keep militant religions in check. Merely regulating laws to deal with religious extremists will not solve the problem. They will mushroom here and there again. State needs to strike at the root cause of the problem, and pull down, the hotbeds of fanatics, institutions and nations breeding them, we cannot single out or blame one religion for this impasse, no religion is free from allegations of sponsoring this deadly menace. All religions are responsible in one way or the other. This criminal conduct of religions is unlawful, and unbecoming of a religion in the eyes of the people, who revere it.
Religion is an ethical tragedy. Its calamity starts from conversions and ends in its own conservation. On way to expand their influence, religious zealots don’t hesitate to kill innocent people, in a brutal bloodbath, perpetuated by religious concepts, to keep things the way the caretakers of religious institutions, and their leaders want it to be. Who has given religions the license to kill? Who has given them the freedom to spread false beliefs, superstitions and fan communal hatred? Are we living in a lawless world like outlaws? Isn't this the foremost responsibility of the State, the lawmakers the decision-makers, and intellectuals of the society, to create a congenial atmosphere, where religions can be judged on its merit, and not on fear psychosis, religion create among people for its survival? When will State intervene?
Religions are intolerant, and least religious, in the sense, they ought to be. The victims of religious atrocities cry out for justice, in vain. World leaders must ensure religious tolerance and pursuit of right religious values. It is the duty, of all national governments in the world, to make this happen. In India religion has no name, it is without a founder, unlike all other religions. It is a nameless entity called Dharma. Hinduism is an ever evolving process of human thought. It does not ordain, to follow any Holy book. Hindu dharma encapsulates, universal laws of nature, and universal spiritual values that promote harmonious co-existence of people with their natural environment. The word Hindu was given by barbaric illiterate Muslim invaders. Is it appropriate for Indians to use a colloquial slur Hindu? Can we use a correct word 'Vaidik' instead of historically inconvenient remark 'Hindu'? Let Vedic scholars decide. Calling Vedic Dharma a Hindu religion is incorrect, like British have an unwritten evolving constitution, and practice the best ethics of democracy in the world. So does Vedic dharma, the only unwritten evolving religion in the world, has this uniqueness, that stands out all alone.
The arrival of religions on the world stage can be traced back to 5000 years ago. Historical and current track record of religions in terms of promoting human values is very poor, indeed. While its track record in killing people is extremely high, which even today, keeps on adding the score dreadfully, with larger numbers, in terms of human deaths. It seems religion and reason don’t blend well. Religions world over, survive on the foundation of fear and faith, not on human values and truth, which religions preach but do not practice. The world has given religions enough time to thrive. Time to reinvent religions has come. Time does not wait. Let the world hasten to replace religions with spirituality.
Taking on one religion, by another religion is important, to evaluate the level of tolerance, the society has reached. All societies in the world are erected on the foundation of religions, and every human being on earth is born with a religion. There is a strong public resentment on this unconventional custom, that takes away the right to choose religion. Once a person is branded with a particular religion at birth, he is brainwashed, his mind conditioned, his conduct proscribed, and his attitude, beliefs and behavior, determined by the priest, mullah and the pundit, and by Holy books of inherited religion. When religion is imposed in formative years of life, it creates a constant struggle in the mind, to retain or attain, what religion tells them to do, thus losing sight of the real purpose of human life, in a life, which is lived once, not twice. World must scrap this unethical slavish convention, of inheriting a religion from birth, as a violation of human rights.
The proposal intends to unmask religions, to reveal its original face, and draw attention of people, on the misuse and mishandling of social issues, by the institutions of religions and fundamentalists. After a lapse of so many years of religious wrongdoings, going back in time almost five thousand years ago, it still continues to do so, without a break, even today. So, it is appropriate to seek religious reforms in 21st century at least. This is a quite reasonable demand. Religious authorities and their leaders, who zealously guard the old school of thought, should consider to concede, to this genuine demand. Religion as an institution has played a very long innings. It is time for religions to pack up, and bid farewell. After all, religions have controlled and exploited the minds of the people too long, with active connivance of State, priest, mullah, pundit, parents, family, school and society. Presenter sees the make-believe syndrome, created by religions, as a debilitating intellectual sickness, that has retarded the rational evolution of human mind.
The preparation to build a religionless world is a futuristic idea, likely to face a fierce resistance, from powerful lobbies who can shred the proposal to pieces, even before, it can assume to achieve, anything worthwhile. Yet, the glimmer of hope, comes from intellectuals, educated, young and elders, who are open to discuss utility of useful suggestions. They are the people who are the catalyst to bring change. Eventually, the acceptance and rejection of the proposal depends on public consensus. It’s not a slogan or call for a revolution. All confrontational tactics are to be avoided strictly, while dealing this issue. However, the weapon of wisdom can be used in public debate to analyze the merits of the proposal, with ponderous gravity to make it a reality. After all, the idea of a religionless world is just a line of thought, floated by the presenter for the people of the world to consider, and decide by consensus, and not to force the idea on them.
The project will not dogmatize a new theology. But, tell people to appreciate spiritual values at a personal level, through self-study and self-exploration as spiritual knowledge is a inner experience that is felt but not explained. Consciousness is a subtle energy felt as a frequency or vibration, something words cannot tell, a connection between a ‘see-er’ and the ‘scene’. We all are one consciousness, but living the life of the mind. Shifting attention on consciousness can transform our whole being into an awareness of oneness. Connection of human consciousness with cosmic consciousness is the ultimate spiritual goal or the union of soul with Godliness. At this point, consciousness transcends body-mind, to reach the realm of ultimate truth. Whereas, religions as we all know is an external experience meant for a mass. Followers of religion are driven by blind faith, false beliefs, dictates and interference of religious institutions, priest, mullah and pundit in personal affairs of their life. If people were to live with dead dogmas, and external promptings of religions, they can never experience, the real essence of spirituality in their life. This is a wrong that must be fixed right now.
Intellectuals and the young may find the proposal interesting. But fundamentalists will clamp it, as a blasphemous act, many may see it, as salacious propaganda, carried by the presenter, who bends truth to suit his needs, to provoke and corrupt the minds of people. The idea of a religionless world will certainly infuriate and inflame the minds of fanatics, as an intimidating proposal. Strong retaliation cannot be ruled out. But, when it comes to decide on matters concerning public consensus, people often doubt the means adopted, to implement the plan, and see failure, even before it starts happening. Let us assume, if objective of the proposal is not achieved by public consensus, then means can change, by perusing the matter through State legislation or by some other suitable option, without changing the goalpost. Where there is a will, there is no dearth of ways and means, to achieve right objectives, for the good of humanity.
In the past, people protested and opposed ‘Old Religions’ and introduced ‘New Religions’. Thus, they failed to replace, the basic fundamental format of the religions they opposed. As a result, people still reel under the stagnant ideology of rigid religions. This proposal proposes to replace all rigid religions, not by recasting old religions in a new replica, or reanimating them in another similar form of religion, but will replace all old religions, with a ‘Religionless Religion’ that will recapture the spirit of the sacred ideals, in a distilled version of universal spiritual values, called ‘Satyadharma’.
Actually every human being born on earth is gifted as a unique person. But religions have led people like a herd, by not treating them, on a one-to-one basis. Therefore, all faith followers, blindly follow religious beliefs, with a herd mentality. Spirituality is the only right way, to know and experience, one's unique nature, and work on it, in a distinctive way, for one's special inner salvation exclusively, relevant for each person, but distinguishable in very different ways. Halt being shepherd by religions as a herd of sheep. Religions create followers. Spirituality self-driven seekers. The faith followers stagnate society, and self-driven spiritual seekers, make the world, a better place to live. Spiritual values don't create seekers with shut minds, but people who flower with compassion and a heart that pours out love. Deeds not faith travel on our journey of life. So, know this fact that 'Religion and Spirituality' are as different as chalk and cheese can be.